The U.S.S.R. from 1953 to 1991

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Also known as: Russia, Sojuz Sovetskich Socialisticeskich Respublik, Sovetsky Soyuz, Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik, U.S.S.R., Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
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Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.)
Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik or Sovetsky Soyuz
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The Khrushchev era

The transition

Stalin died a slow, angry, and painful death on March 5, 1953. He had suffered a stroke after retiring on the night of March 1–2, but this was not perceived until the morning because of his concern for personal security. The top leadership gathered around his bedside, but he could only move his little finger. Beria was delighted at his boss’s coming demise and showed it. This earned him the undying hostility of Svetlana Alliluyeva, Stalin’s daughter. Others in the entourage were more circumspect. They found themselves in a predicament: How were they to choose Stalin’s successor? How were they to ensure that no one acquired his awesome power? This would put their careers, and even lives, at risk. The country was also confused. Even in death Stalin took some with him. During the elaborate state funeral on March 9, some people were crushed to death in their desire to pay their last respects to the dead dictator.

Collective leadership was the only possibility. When the first division of power was agreed to on March 7, the main beneficiaries were Malenkov, who became chairman of the Council of Ministers, or prime minister, and Beria, who stepped up to become first deputy prime minister and also headed the amalgamated Ministry of State Security and Ministry of Internal Affairs. Molotov returned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was also a first deputy prime minister. Bulganin became minister of defense. To calm the population Pravda reported that the new collective leadership would “prevent any kind of disorder or panic.” When Stalin died there was no title that identified the head of the Communist Party. Stalin had given up the title of general secretary of the party in 1934 and was afterward merely described as secretary of the Central Committee Secretariat. Malenkov’s name appeared at the top of the list of secretaries on March 7. Hence he had succeeded Stalin as head of government and party. This nice arrangement broke down within a week: there was too much power concentrated in one pair of hands. The main beneficiary was Khrushchev. His name was placed at the top of the list of five secretaries of the secretariat. Khrushchev was now in charge of the party, although he was not formally made first secretary until September 1953. Malenkov, in choosing to remain prime minister, made a grave mistake, even though Lenin and Stalin had both occupied the office. Khrushchev now had a power base from which to attack Malenkov and win precedence for the party over the government.

The primary goal of the new leadership was to ensure stability in the country while the power struggle at the top got under way. An amnesty freed prisoners from the labour camps but affected only the elite and their families and friends. Those in exile were allowed to return to the city of their choice. Molotov got his wife back, Mikoyan his son, and Lyubov Khrushcheva, Khrushchev’s daughter-in-law, also returned. There was a mood of optimism, and there was a promise to dismantle the worst excesses of the Stalinist legal system. This became known as promoting socialist legality. Malenkov launched the New Course, an economic program that promised higher living standards.

If Malenkov was active, so was Beria. He tried to give the security police a better image and spoke up for national elites playing a more active role in their territories. Khrushchev and others became convinced that Beria was preparing a coup. They managed to win over Malenkov, and Beria was arrested in late June 1953. During his cross-examination he was very keen to spill the beans about his political detractors. His evidence ran to 40 volumes, and he obliged Khrushchev by pouring mud over Malenkov and throwing light on the murky Leningrad Affair (see above). He was forthcoming about his role as Stalin’s procurer and about his own sexual preferences, and he testified to having personally interrogated many prisoners, delighting in inflicting pain. When Beria was executed in December 1953, he had to be gagged to prevent him from revealing more unsavoury information. The party took revenge on Beria’s lieutenants. More than 20 were executed, some of them in 1956. The latter were the last politically motivated killings of the Soviet regime. In 1954 the secret police was reorganized and renamed the KGB (Committee of State Security).

With Beria gone Khrushchev could target Malenkov. He chose agriculture as his policy area. At the September 1953 Central Committee plenum, at which Khrushchev became first secretary of the party, he laid bare the deficiencies of the rural sector. In doing so, he contradicted Malenkov’s assertion at the 19th Party Congress that the grain problem had been solved. Khrushchev painted a gloomy picture but advocated the expansion of the sown area. This became the Virgin and Idle Lands program, which embraced mainly western Siberia and northern Kazakhstan. It was launched officially in March 1954 and was a huge risk, since the new lands were subject to drought. Khrushchev was proposing extensive agriculture, a relatively inexpensive means to increase output, whereas Malenkov favoured intensive agriculture, producing more from the existing area, which involved greater capital investment. Khrushchev was fortunate because there were as many good years as bad ones. But the 1963 harvest failure contributed to his downfall. In other economic matters Khrushchev was a conservative. He supported the dominance of heavy industry and criticized the flow of resources to light and consumer goods industries. Khrushchev also disagreed with Malenkov on nuclear policy. Whereas Malenkov advocated peaceful coexistence, since a nuclear war would destroy the planet, Khrushchev weighed in, at Prague in June 1954, with the old argument that a nuclear war would only wipe out capitalism. He did not explain how an atomic bomb could distinguish between a capitalist and a communist. Malenkov’s policies were his undoing, and he was forced to resign as prime minister in February 1955. Bulganin took over.

With Malenkov out of the way, Khrushchev could indulge in greater innovation. He set out to improve relations with China and Yugoslavia, since these were the responsibility of the Communist Party. His visit to Peking in September 1954 was a chastening affair. It was all give and no take, with Mao Zedong getting almost everything he asked for, although Khrushchev did balk at handing over the People’s Republic of Mongolia (Chinese before 1911). In 1955 he visited Yugoslavia and offered the communist hand of friendship to Marshal Tito. His offer to bring the Yugoslav communists in from the cold was not accepted, since the wily Tito knew that Moscow would also demand recognition of its hegemony. A renewal of relations between the two states was agreed on. Tito persuaded Khrushchev to recognize Yugoslavia’s independence. On both visits Molotov, the foreign minister, was left at home since he opposed the demarches.

Another startling move was the signing of the Austrian peace treaty in May 1955, which was, predictably, opposed by Molotov. Soviet troops left a European country for the first time since 1945; this did not happen again until 1990. Austria became neutral, with the U.S.S.R. as one of the guarantor powers.

Khrushchev met U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower at Geneva in July 1955, and so unfrosty was the atmosphere that people began talking about the “spirit of Geneva.” Khrushchev’s campaign for peace was bearing fruit. The main issue on the agenda at Geneva was Germany. West Germany had just joined NATO, and the Warsaw Pact, an alliance between the U.S.S.R. and its eastern European client states, had come into existence at the same time. On his way home Khrushchev dropped in on Walter Ulbricht, the leader of the German Democratic Republic, in East Berlin and assured him that the achievements of East Germany would be protected. This marked a change in Soviet policy. Previously Moscow had always aimed for a united Germany—a united socialist Germany, of course. (The two-Germany policy lasted until 1990, when Soviet policy reverted to recognizing one German state.) Diplomatic relations were established with Bonn in September 1955. Increased trade was a key Soviet objective. All remaining German prisoners of war returned home as part of the deal.

Better relations with the West did not signal any weakening of the class struggle. Indeed, Khrushchev set off for India, Myanmar (Burma), and Afghanistan to challenge the West there. Soviet arms found their way to the Middle East, with the bulk going to Egypt. Soviet foreign policy was becoming more aggressive. Thus began the espousal of the Arab cause that was to last more than three decades.
