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Lunar eclipses can yield information about the cooling of the Moon’s soil when the Sun’s radiation is suddenly removed and therefore about the soil’s conductivity of heat and its structure. Infrared and radio-wavelength radiation from the Moon declines in intensity more slowly than does visible light emission during an eclipse because they are emitted from below the surface, and measurements indicate how far the different kinds of radiation penetrate into the lunar soil. Infrared observations show that at many “bright spots” the soil retains its heat much longer than in surrounding areas.

Because of the absence of a lunar atmosphere, the Moon’s solid surface is exposed to the full intensity of ultraviolet and particulate radiation from the Sun, which may give rise to fluorescence in some rock materials. Observations during lunar eclipses have given positive results for this phenomenon, with the appearance of abnormal bright regions in eclipse-obscured parts of the Moon.

Transits of Mercury and Venus

A transit of Mercury or Venus across the face of the Sun, as seen from Earth, occurs at inferior conjunction, when the planet lies between the Sun and Earth. Because the orbits of both planets, like the Moon’s orbit, are inclined to the ecliptic, these planets usually pass above or below the Sun (see above Cycles of eclipses). Also like the Moon’s orbit, each planet’s orbit intersects the ecliptic plane in two points called nodes; if inferior conjunction occurs at a time when the planet is near a node, a transit of the Sun can occur.

For Mercury these times occur around May 8 and November 10. November transits occur at intervals of 7, 13, or 33 years, while May transits occur only at the latter two intervals. On average, Mercury transits the Sun about 13 times per century. In the transit of Mercury that took place on November 15, 1999, the planet just grazed the edge of the Sun. The Transition Region and Coronal Explorer (TRACE) satellite, an Earth-orbiting solar observatory launched in 1998, recorded the event in several wavelengths (see the photo). Mercury’s dark disk measured only about 10 arc seconds in diameter, compared with the Sun’s diameter of 1,922 arc seconds. Recent transits of Mercury occurred on May 7, 2003, and November 8, 2006, and the next will occur on May 9, 2016, November 11, 2019, and November 13, 2032. Observers cannot see Mercury’s tiny disk against the Sun without some form of magnification.

Transits of Venus occur at its nodes in December and June and generally follow a recurrence pattern of 8, 121, 8, and 105 years before starting over. Following the transits of December 9, 1874, and December 6, 1882, the world waited 121 years until June 8, 2004, for the next transit to occur and then 8 years for the next on June 5–6, 2012. The next transits will occur on December 11, 2117, and December 8, 2125. Unlike a transit of Mercury, a transit of Venus can be watched without magnification through a suitable dark filter or as an image projected on a screen through a pinhole lens.

Observing the transits of Venus was of great importance to 18th- and 19th-century astronomers, because careful timings of the events permitted accurate measurement of the distance between Venus and Earth. This distance in turn allowed calculation of the distance between Earth and the Sun, called the astronomical unit, as well as the distances to the Sun of all the other planets. For more-detailed discussions of this topic, see astronomical unit; Venus: Observations from Earth.


The Moon occults all the objects in the sky in a 10°-wide belt centred on the ecliptic within a period of about nine years. Initially, astronomers’ primary goal of observing lunar occultations of stars was to refine the parameters of the Moon’s orbit. With the advent of large telescopes and fast electronics, lunar occultations have found application in measuring stellar angular diameters, detecting dust envelopes around stars, and a variety of other studies.

Lunar occultations are used extensively to determine the angular diameters of cool giant stars such as Antares and Aldebaran. An angular resolution of a few thousandths of an arc second is achievable. As a star becomes occulted, its light is diffracted around the sharp edge of the Moon and produces a characteristic oscillatory signal. From the duration and shape of the signal, astronomers can derive the diameter and effective surface temperature of the star. The event is so fast, lasting only a few milliseconds, that any distortion due to Earth’s atmosphere (twinkling, or scintillation) is eliminated, which is an advantage over the alternative method of optical interferometry. The diameters of some stars determined in this way seem to vary in time, as if the stars are pulsating slowly.

Lunar occultations have also revealed dust shells around stars and helped determine their shape and structure. One class of stars studied this way are the Wolf-Rayet stars—large, massive stars that blow off a thick envelope of material from their surface in a stellar wind as they near the end of their lives. In addition, lunar occultations are useful for discovering binary stars, and systematic surveys of the sky are made for this purpose.

Arguably the most famous application of lunar occultation occurred in 1962, when the British astronomer Cyril Hazard and colleagues used the Parkes radio telescope in Australia to refine measurements of the positions in the sky of catalogued radio sources that were not identified with any known stars or galaxies. To improve the accuracy of the positions, Hazard timed the occultation of the sources by the Moon. One radio source, designated 3C 273, turned out to consist of two sources separated by 19.5 arc seconds. The signal from one component suggested it could be a star, but it had a type of radio spectrum that had never been seen before. The following year the American astronomer Maarten Schmidt identified a 12th-magnitude star at the precise location of this radio source and obtained its spectrum. The spectrum showed that the source was receding at 15 percent of the speed of light and was therefore very distant. Hazard had in fact resolved the location of the first known quasi-stellar radio source, or quasar.

All the major planets and their moons occult stars in their paths, and such occultations can occasionally yield information on planetary atmospheres. For example, variations over time in the atmosphere of Pluto have been inferred from stellar occultations. Sometimes a stellar occultation produces a stunning surprise, as occurred on March 10, 1977, when the planet Uranus was predicted to pass between Earth and a bright star. The event was observed by several teams of astronomers, who hoped to derive an accurate estimate of the diameter of the planet from their data. Unexpectedly, however, the light from the star was briefly obscured several times before and after the disk of Uranus occulted it. It was concluded that the brief changes in the star’s brightness were due to the presence around Uranus of a previously unobserved system of rings, somewhat like the rings of Saturn.

Asteroids, like moons and planets, occult stars as they orbit the Sun. By timing the vanishing and reappearance of a star as an asteroid crosses it from two or more locations on Earth, astronomers can determine the asteroid’s size and shape. In modern times a large community of professional and amateur scientists has cooperated in predicting and observing such occultations. For example, on January 19, 1991, observers at nine locations across the United States timed the occultation of a star by Kleopatra, a main-belt asteroid. The timings determined nine different chords across the asteroid, from which was drawn a rough outline of the asteroid, showing it to have an elongated, cigar shape.
