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The mass balance and the temperature variations of a glacier are determined in part by the heat energy received from or lost to the external environment—an exchange that takes place almost entirely at the upper surface. Heat is received from short-wavelength solar radiation, long-wavelength radiation from clouds or water vapour, turbulent transfer from warm air, conduction upward from warmer lower layers, and the heat released by the condensation of dew or hoarfrost or by the freezing of liquid water. Heat is lost by outgoing long-wavelength radiation, turbulent transfer to colder air, the heat required for the evaporation, sublimation, or melting of ice, and conduction downward to lower layers.

In temperate regions, solar radiation is normally the greatest heat source (although much of the incoming radiation is reflected from a snow surface), and most of the heat loss goes to the melting of ice. It is incorrect to think of snow or ice melt as directly related to air temperature; it is the wind structure, the turbulent eddies near the surface, that determines most of the heat transfer from the atmosphere. In polar regions, heat is gained primarily from incoming solar radiation and lost by outgoing long-wavelength radiation, but heat conduction from lower layers and the turbulent transfer of heat to or from the air also are involved.


Why the most climate-resistant glaciers are hiding in plain sight Oct. 1, 2024, 6:12 AM ET (NPR)

Glacier flow

In the accumulation area the mass balance is positive year after year. Here the glacier would become thicker and thicker were it not for the compensating flow of ice away from the area (see video). This flow supplies mass to the ablation zone, compensating for the continual loss of ice there.

Glacier flow is a simple consequence of the weight and creep properties of ice. Subjected to a shear stress over time, ice will undergo creep, or plastic deformation. The rate of plastic deformation under constant shear stress is initially high but tapers off to a steady value. If this steady value, the shear-strain rate, is plotted against the stress for many different values of applied stress, a curved graph will result. The curve illustrates what is known as the flow law or constitutive law of ice: the rate of shear strain is approximately proportional to the cube of the shear stress. Often called the Glen flow law by glaciologists, this constitutive law is the basis for all analyses of the flow of ice sheets and glaciers.

As ice tends to build up in the accumulation area of a glacier, a surface slope toward the ablation zone is developed. This slope and the weight of the ice induce a shear stress throughout the mass. In a case with simple geometry, the shear stress can be given by the following formula: Equation.where τ is the shear stress, ρ the ice density, h the ice thickness, and α the surface slope. Each element of ice deforms according to the magnitude of the shear stress, as determined by (4), at a rate determined by the Glen flow law, stated above. By adding up, or integrating, the shear deformation of each element throughout the glacier thickness, a velocity profile can be produced. It can be given numerical expression as: Equation.where u1 is the surface velocity caused by internal deformation and k1 a constant involving ice properties and geometry. In this simple case, velocity is approximately proportional to the fourth power of the depth (h4). Therefore, if the thickness of a glacier is only slightly altered by changes in the net mass balance, there will be great changes in the rate of flow.

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Water and its Varying Forms

Glaciers that are at the melting temperature at the base may also slide on the bed. Two mechanisms operate to permit sliding over a rough bed. First, small protuberances on the bed cause stress concentrations in the ice, an increased amount of plastic flow, and ice streams around the protuberances. Second, ice on the upstream side of protuberances is subjected to higher pressure, which lowers the melting temperature and causes some of the ice to melt; on the downstream side the converse is true, and meltwater freezes. This process, termed regelation, is controlled by the rate at which heat can be conducted through the bumps. The first process is most efficient with large knobs, and the second process is most efficient with small bumps. Together these two processes produce bed slip. Water-filled cavities may form in the lee of bedrock knobs, further complicating the process. In addition, studies have shown that sliding varies as the basal water pressure or amount changes. Although the process of glacier sliding over bedrock is understood in a general way, none of several detailed theories has been confirmed by field observation. This problem is largely unsolved.

A formula in common use for calculating the sliding speed is: Equation.where u2 is the sliding speed at the base, pi and pa are the ice pressure and water pressure at the base of the ice, and k2 is another constant involving a measure of the roughness of the bed. The total flow of a glacier can thus be given by the sum of equations (5) and (6), u1 and u2. The total sum would be an approximation, because the formulas ignore longitudinal changes in velocity and thickness and other complicating influences, but it has proved to be useful in analyzing situations ranging from small mountain glaciers to huge ice sheets.

Other studies have suggested that many glaciers and ice sheets do not slide on a rigid bed but “ride” on a deforming layer of water-charged sediment. This phenomenon is difficult to analyze because the sediment layer may thicken or thin, and thus its properties may change, depending on the history of deformation. In fact, the process may lead to an unsteady, almost chaotic, behaviour over time. Some ice streams in West Antarctica seem to have exhibited such unsteady behaviour.

Response of glaciers to climatic change

The relationship of glaciers and ice sheets to fluctuations in climate is sequential. The general climatic or meteorological environment determines the local mass and heat-exchange processes at the glacier surface, and these in turn determine the net mass balance of the glacier. Changes in the net mass balance produce a dynamic response—that is, changes in the rate of ice flow. The dynamic response causes an advance or retreat of the terminus, which may produce lasting evidence of the change in the glacier margin. If the local climate changes toward increased winter snowfall rates, the net mass balance becomes more positive, which is equivalent to an increase in ice thickness. The rate of glacier flow depends on thickness, so that a slight increase in thickness produces a larger increase in ice flow. This local increase in thickness and flow propagates down-glacier, taking some finite amount of time. When the change arrives at the terminus, it causes the margin of the glacier to extend farther downstream. The result is known as a glacier fluctuation—in this case an advance—and it incorporates the sum of all the changes that have taken place up-glacier during the time it took them to propagate to the terminus.

The process, however, cannot be traced backward with assurance. A glacier advance can, perhaps, be related to a period of positive mass balances, but to ascertain the meteorological cause is difficult because either increased snowfall or decreased melting can produce a positive mass balance.

The dynamic response of glaciers to changes in mass balance can be calculated several ways. Although the complete, three-dimensional equations for glacier flow are difficult to solve for changes in time, the effect of a small change or perturbation in climate can be analyzed readily. Such an analysis involves the theory of kinematic waves, which are akin to small pulses in one-dimensional flow systems such as floods in rivers or automobiles on a crowded roadway. The length of time it takes the glacier to respond in its full length to a change in the surface mass balance is approximately given as the ratio of ice thickness to (negative) mass balance at the terminus. The time scale for mountain glaciers is typically on the order of 10 to 100 years—although for thick glaciers or those with low ablation rates it can be much longer. Ice sheets normally have time scales several orders of magnitude longer.

Glaciers and sea level

Sea level is currently rising at about 1.8 millimetres (0.07 inch) per year. Between 0.3 and 0.7 millimetres (0.01 to 0.03 inch) per year has been attributed to thermal expansion of ocean water, and most of the remainder is thought to be caused by the melting of glaciers and ice sheets on land. There is concern that the rate in sea-level rise may increase markedly in the future owing to global warming. Unfortunately, the state of the mass balance of the ice on the Earth is poorly known, so the exact contributions of the different ice masses to rising sea level is difficult to analyze. The mountain (small) glaciers of the world are thought to be contributing 0.2 to 0.4 millimetres (0.01 to 0.02 inch) per year to the rise. Yet the Greenland Ice Sheet is thought to be close to balance, the status of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is uncertain, and, although the floating ice shelves and glaciers may be in a state of negative balance, the melting of floating ice should not cause sea level to rise, and the grounded portions of the ice sheets seem to be growing. Thus, the cause of sea-level rise is still not well understood.

With global warming, the melting of mountain glaciers will certainly increase, although this process is limited: the total volume of small glaciers is equivalent to only about 0.6 metre (2 feet) of sea-level rise. Melting of the marginal areas of the Greenland Ice Sheet will likely occur under global warming conditions, and this will be accompanied by the drawing down of the inland ice and increased calving of icebergs; yet these effects may be counterbalanced to some extent by increased snow precipitation on the inland ice. The Antarctic Ice Sheet, on the other hand, may actually serve as a buffer to rising sea level: increased melting of the marginal areas will probably be exceeded by increased snow accumulation due to the warmer air (which holds more moisture) and decreased sea ice (bringing moisture closer to the ice sheet). Modeling studies that predict sea-level rise up to the time of the doubling of greenhouse gas concentrations (i.e., concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and certain other gases) about the year 2050 suggest a modest rise of about 0.3 metre (1 foot).
