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Some genes mask the expression of other genes just as a fully dominant allele masks the expression of its recessive counterpart. A gene that masks the phenotypic effect of another gene is called an epistatic gene; the gene it subordinates is the hypostatic gene. The gene for albinism (lack of pigment) in humans is an epistatic gene. It is not part of the interacting skin-colour genes described above; rather, its dominant allele is necessary for the development of any skin pigment, and its recessive homozygous state results in the albino condition regardless of how many other pigment genes may be present. Albinism thus occurs in some individuals among dark- or intermediate-pigmented peoples as well as among light-pigmented peoples.

The presence of epistatic genes explains much of the variability seen in the expression of such dominantly inherited human diseases as Marfan syndrome and neurofibromatosis. Because of the effects of an epistatic gene, some individuals who inherit a dominant, disease-causing gene show only partial symptoms of the disease; some in fact may show no expression of the disease-causing gene, a condition referred to as nonpenetrance. The individual in whom such a nonpenetrant mutant gene exists will be phenotypically normal but still capable of passing the deleterious gene on to offspring, who may exhibit the full-blown disease.

Examples of epistasis abound in nonhuman organisms. In mice, as in humans, the gene for albinism has two variants: the allele for nonalbino and the allele for albino. The latter allele is unable to synthesize the pigment melanin. Mice, however, have another pair of alleles involved in melanin placement. These are the agouti allele, which produces dark melanization of the hair except for a yellow band at the tip, and the black allele, which produces melanization of the whole hair. If melanin cannot be formed (the situation in the mouse homozygous for the albino gene), neither agouti nor black can be expressed. Hence, homozygosity for the albinism gene is epistatic to the agouti/black alleles and prevents their expression.


The phenomenon of complementation is another form of interaction between nonallelic genes. For example, there are mutant genes that in the homozygous state produce profound deafness in humans. One would expect that the children of two persons with such hereditary deafness would be deaf. This is frequently not the case, because the parents’ deafness is often caused by different genes. Since the mutant genes are not alleles, the child becomes heterozygous for the two genes and hears normally. In other words, the two mutant genes complement each other in the child. Complementation thus becomes a test for allelism. In the case of congenital deafness cited above, if all the children had been deaf, one could assume that the deafness in each of the parents was owing to mutant genes that were alleles. This would be more likely to occur if the parents were genetically related (consanguineous).

Polygenic inheritance

The greatest difficulties of analysis and interpretation are presented by the inheritance of many quantitative or continuously varying traits. Inheritance of this kind produces variations in degree rather than in kind, in contrast to the inheritance of discontinuous traits resulting from single genes of major effect (see above). The yield of milk in different breeds of cattle; the egg-laying capacity in poultry; and the stature, shape of the head, blood pressure, and intelligence in humans range in continuous series from one extreme to the other and are significantly dependent on environmental conditions. Crosses of two varieties differing in such characters usually give F1 hybrids intermediate between the parents. At first sight this situation suggests a blending inheritance through “blood” rather than Mendelian inheritance; in fact, it was probably observations of this kind of inheritance that suggested the folk idea of “blood theory.”

The routine monitoring of blood pressure levels is an important part of assessing an individual's health. Blood pressure provides information about the amount of blood in circulation and about heart function and thus is an important indicator of disease.
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human disease: Heredity and environment

It has, however, been shown that these characters are polygenic—i.e., determined by several or many genes, each taken separately producing only a slight effect on the phenotype, as small as or smaller than that caused by environmental influences on the same characters. That Mendelian segregation does take place with polygenes, as with the genes having major effects (sometimes called oligogenes), is shown by the variation among F2 and further-generation hybrids being usually much greater than that in the F1 generation. By selecting among the segregating progenies the desired variants—for example, individuals with the greatest yield, the best size, or a desirable behaviour—it is possible to produce new breeds or varieties sometimes exceeding the parental forms. Hybridization and selection are consequently potent methods that have been used for improvement of agricultural plants and animals.

Polygenic inheritance also applies to many of the birth defects (congenital malformations) seen in humans. Although expression of the defect itself may be discontinuous (as in clubfoot, for example), susceptibility to the trait is continuously variable and follows the rules of polygenic inheritance. When a developmental threshold produced by a polygenically inherited susceptibility and a variety of environmental factors is exceeded, the birth defect results.

Heredity and environment

Preformism and epigenesis

A notion that was widespread among pioneer biologists in the 18th century was that the fetus, and hence the adult organism that develops from it, is preformed in the sex cells. Some early microscopists even imagined that they saw a tiny homunculus, a diminutive human figure, encased in the human spermatozoon. The development of the individual from the sex cells appeared deceptively simple: it was merely an increase in the size and growth of what was already present in the sex cells. The antithesis of the early preformation theories was theories of epigenesis, which claimed that the sex cells were structureless jelly and contained nothing at all in the way of rudiments of future organisms. The naive early versions of preformation and epigenesis had to be given up when embryologists showed that the embryo develops by a series of complex but orderly and gradual transformations (see animal development). Darwin’s “Provisional Hypothesis of Pangenesis” was distinctly preformistic; Weismann’s theory of determinants in the germ plasm, as well as the early ideas about the relations between genes and traits, also tended toward preformism.

Heredity has been defined as a process that results in the progeny’s resembling his parents. A further qualification of this definition states that what is inherited is a potential that expresses itself only after interacting with and being modified by environmental factors. In short, all phenotypic expressions have both hereditary and environmental components, the amount of each varying for different traits. Thus, a trait that is primarily hereditary (e.g., skin colour in humans) may be modified by environmental influences (e.g., suntanning). And conversely, a trait sensitive to environmental modifications (e.g., weight in humans) is also genetically conditioned. Organic development is preformistic insofar as a fertilized egg cell contains a genotype that conditions the events that may occur and is epigenetic insofar as a given genotype allows a variety of possible outcomes. These considerations should dispel the reluctance felt by many people to accept the fact that mental as well as physiological and physical traits in humans are genetically conditioned. Genetic conditioning does not mean that heredity is the “dice of destiny.” At least in principle, but not invariably in practice, the development of a trait may be manipulated by changes in the environment.


Although hereditary diseases and malformations are, unfortunately, by no means uncommon in the aggregate, no one of them occurs very frequently. The characteristics by which one person is distinguished from another—such as facial features, stature, shape of the head, skin, eye and hair colours, and voice—are not usually inherited in a clear-cut Mendelian manner, as are some hereditary malformations and diseases. This is not as strange as it may seem. The kinds of gene changes, or mutations, that produce morphological or physiological effects drastic enough to be clearly set apart from the more usual phenotypes are likely to cause diseases or malformations just because they are so drastic.

The variations that occur among healthy persons are, as a general rule, caused by polygenes with individually small effects. The same is true of individual differences among members of various animal and plant species. Even brown-blue eye colour in humans, which in many families behaves as if caused by two forms of a single gene (brown being dominant and blue recessive), is often blurred by minor gene modifiers of the pigmentation. Some apparently blue-eyed persons actually carry the gene for the brown eye colour, but several additional modifier genes decrease the amount of brown pigment in the iris. This type of genetic process can influence susceptibility to many diseases (e.g., diabetes) or birth defects (e.g., cleft lip—with or without cleft palate).

The question geneticists must often attempt to answer is how much of the observed diversity between persons or between individuals of any species is because of hereditary, or genotypic, variations and how much of it is because of environmental influences. Applied to human beings, this is sometimes referred to as the nature-nurture problem. With animals or plants the problem is evidently more easily soluble than it is with people. Two complementary approaches are possible. First, individual organisms or their progenies are raised in environments as uniform as can be provided, with food, temperature, light, humidity, etc., carefully controlled. The differences that persist between such individuals or progenies probably reflect genotypic differences. Second, individuals with similar or identical genotypes are placed in different environments. The phenotypic differences may then be ascribed to environmental induction. Experiments combining both approaches have been carried out on several species of plants that grow naturally at different altitudes, from sea level to the alpine zone of the Sierra Nevada in California. Young yarrow plants (Achillea) were cut into three parts, and the cuttings were replanted in experimental gardens at sea level, at mid-altitude (4,800 feet [1,460 metres]), and at high altitude (10,000 feet [3,050 metres]). It was observed that the plants native at sea level grow best in their native habitat, grow less well at mid-altitudes, and die at high altitudes. On the other hand, the alpine race survives and develops better at the high-altitude transplant station than it does at lower altitudes.

With organisms that cannot survive being cut into pieces and placed in controlled environments, a partitioning of the observed variability into genetic and environmental components may be attempted by other methods. Suppose that in a certain population individuals vary in stature, weight, or some other trait. These characters can be measured in many pairs of parents and in their progenies raised under different environmental conditions. If the variation is owing entirely to environment and not at all to heredity, then the expression of the character in the parents and in the offspring will show no correlation (heritability = zero). On the other hand, if the environment is unimportant and the character is uncomplicated by dominance, then the means of this character in the progenies will be the same as the means of the parents; with differences in the expression in females and in males taken into account, the heritability will equal unity. In reality, most heritabilities are found to lie between zero and one.

It is important to understand clearly the meaning of heritability estimates. They show that, given the range of the environments in which the experimental animals lived, one could predict the average body sizes in the progenies of pigs better than one could predict the average numbers of piglets in a litter. The heritability is, however, not an inherent or unchangeable property of each character. If one could make the environments more uniform, the heritabilities would rise, and with more-diversified environments they would decrease. Similarly, in populations that are more variable genetically, the heritabilities increase, and in genetically uniform ones, they decrease. In humans the situation is even more complex, because the environments of the parents and of their children are in many ways interdependent. Suppose, for example, that one wishes to study the heritability of stature, weight, or susceptibility to tuberculosis. The stature, weight, and liability to contract tuberculosis depend to some extent on the quality of nutrition and generally on the economic well-being of the family. If no allowance is made for this fact, the heritability estimates arrived at may be spurious; such heritabilities have indeed been claimed for such things as administrative, legal, or military talents and for social eminence in general. It is evident that having socially eminent parents makes it easier for the children to achieve such eminence also; biological heredity may have little or nothing to do with this.

A general conclusion from the evidence now available may be stated as follows: diversity in almost any trait—physical, physiological, or behavioural—owes in part to genetic variables and in part to environmental variables. In any array of environments, individuals with more nearly similar genetic endowments are likely to show a greater average resemblance than the carriers of more diverse genetic endowments. It is, however, also true that in different environments the carriers of similar genetic endowments may grow, develop, and behave in different ways.
