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Also known as: math

The scientific revolution had bequeathed to mathematics a major program of research in analysis and mechanics. The period from 1700 to 1800, “the century of analysis,” witnessed the consolidation of the calculus and its extensive application to mechanics. With expansion came specialization as different parts of the subject acquired their own identity: ordinary and partial differential equations, calculus of variations, infinite series, and differential geometry. The applications of analysis were also varied, including the theory of the vibrating string, particle dynamics, the theory of rigid bodies, the mechanics of flexible and elastic media, and the theory of compressible and incompressible fluids. Analysis and mechanics developed in close association, with problems in one giving rise to concepts and techniques in the other, and all the leading mathematicians of the period made important contributions to mechanics.

The close relationship between mathematics and mechanics in the 18th century had roots extending deep into Enlightenment thought. In the organizational chart of knowledge at the beginning of the preliminary discourse to the Encyclopédie, Jean Le Rond d’Alembert distinguished between “pure” mathematics (geometry, arithmetic, algebra, calculus) and “mixed” mathematics (mechanics, geometric astronomy, optics, art of conjecturing). Mathematics generally was classified as a “science of nature” and separated from logic, a “science of man.” The modern disciplinary division between physics and mathematics and the association of the latter with logic had not yet developed.

Mathematical mechanics itself as it was practiced in the 18th century differed in important respects from later physics. The goal of modern physics is to explore the ultimate particulate structure of matter and to arrive at fundamental laws of nature to explain physical phenomena. The character of applied investigation in the 18th century was rather different. The material parts of a given system and their interrelationship were idealized for the purposes of analysis. A material object could be treated as a point-mass (a mathematical point at which it is assumed all the mass of the object is concentrated), as a rigid body, as a continuously deformable medium, and so on. The intent was to obtain a mathematical description of the macroscopic behaviour of the system rather than to ascertain the ultimate physical basis of the phenomena. In this respect the 18th-century viewpoint is closer to modern mathematical engineering than it is to physics.

Mathematical research in the 18th century was coordinated by the Paris, Berlin, and St. Petersburg academies, as well as by several smaller provincial scientific academies and societies. Although England and Scotland were important centres early in the century, with Maclaurin’s death in 1746 the British flame was all but extinguished.

History of analysis

The history of analysis in the 18th century can be followed in the official memoirs of the academies and in independently published expository treatises. In the first decades of the century the calculus was cultivated in an atmosphere of intellectual excitement as mathematicians applied the new methods to a range of problems in the geometry of curves. The brothers Johann and Jakob Bernoulli showed that the shape of a smooth wire along which a particle descends in the least time is the cycloid, a transcendental curve much studied in the previous century. Working in a spirit of keen rivalry, the two brothers arrived at ideas that would later develop into the calculus of variations. In his study of the rectification of the lemniscate, a ribbon-shaped curve discovered by Jakob Bernoulli in 1694, Giulio Carlo Fagnano (1682–1766) introduced ingenious analytic transformations that laid the foundation for the theory of elliptic integrals. Nikolaus I Bernoulli (1687–1759), the nephew of Johann and Jakob, proved the equality of mixed second-order partial derivatives and made important contributions to differential equations by the construction of orthogonal trajectories to families of curves. Pierre Varignon (1654–1722), Johann Bernoulli, and Jakob Hermann (1678–1733) continued to develop analytic dynamics as they adapted Leibniz’s calculus to the inertial mechanics of Newton’s Principia.

Geometric conceptions and problems predominated in the early calculus. This emphasis on the curve as the object of study provided coherence to what was otherwise a disparate collection of analytic techniques. With its continued development, the calculus gradually became removed from its origins in the geometry of curves, and a movement emerged to establish the subject on a purely analytic basis. In a series of textbooks published in the middle of the century, the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler systematically accomplished the separation of the calculus from geometry. In his Introductio in Analysin Infinitorum (1748; Introduction to the Analysis of the Infinite), he made the notion of function the central organizing concept of analysis:

A function of a variable quantity is an analytical expression composed in any way from the variable and from numbers or constant quantities.

Euler’s analytic approach is illustrated by his introduction of the sine and cosine functions. Trigonometry tables had existed since antiquity, and the relations between sines and cosines were commonly used in mathematical astronomy. In the early calculus mathematicians had derived in their study of periodic mechanical phenomena the differential equationEquation.and they were able to interpret its solution geometrically in terms of lines and angles in the circle. Euler was the first to introduce the sine and cosine functions as quantities whose relation to other quantities could be studied independently of any geometric diagram.

Euler’s analytic approach to the calculus received support from his younger contemporary Joseph-Louis Lagrange, who, following Euler’s death in 1783, replaced him as the leader of European mathematics. In 1755 the 19-year-old Lagrange wrote to Euler to announce the discovery of a new algorithm in the calculus of variations, a subject to which Euler had devoted an important treatise 11 years earlier. Euler had used geometric ideas extensively and had emphasized the need for analytic methods. Lagrange’s idea was to introduce the new symbol δ into the calculus and to experiment formally until he had devised an algorithm to obtain the variational equations. Mathematically quite distinct from Euler’s procedure, his method required no reference to the geometric configuration. Euler immediately adopted Lagrange’s idea, and in the next several years the two men systematically revised the subject using the new techniques.

In 1766 Lagrange was invited by the Prussian king, Frederick the Great, to become mathematics director of the Berlin Academy. During the next two decades he wrote important memoirs on nearly all of the major areas of mathematics. In 1788 he published his famous Mécanique analytique, a treatise that used variational ideas to present mechanics from a unified analytic viewpoint. In the preface Lagrange wrote:

One will find no Figures in this Work. The methods that I present require neither constructions nor geometrical or mechanical reasonings, but only algebraic operations, subject to a regular and uniform course. Those who admire Analysis, will with pleasure see Mechanics become a new branch of it, and will be grateful to me for having extended its domain.

Following the death of Frederick the Great, Lagrange traveled to Paris to become a pensionnaire of the Academy of Sciences. With the establishment of the École Polytechnique (French: “Polytechnic School”) in 1794, he was asked to deliver the lectures on mathematics. There was a concern in European mathematics at the time to place the calculus on a sound basis, and Lagrange used the occasion to develop his ideas for an algebraic foundation of the subject. The lectures were published in 1797 under the title Théorie des fonctions analytiques (“Theory of Analytical Functions”), a treatise whose contents were summarized in its longer title, “Containing the Principles of the Differential Calculus Disengaged from All Consideration of Infinitesimals, Vanishing Limits, or Fluxions and Reduced to the Algebraic Analysis of Finite Quantities.” Lagrange published a second treatise on the subject in 1801, a work that appeared in a revised and expanded form in 1806.

The range of subjects presented and the consistency of style distinguished Lagrange’s didactic writings from other contemporary expositions of the calculus. He began with Euler’s notion of a function as an analytic expression composed of variables and constants. He defined the “derived function,” or derivative f′(x) of f(x), to be the coefficient of i in the Taylor expansion of f(x + i). Assuming the general possibility of such expansions, he attempted a rather complete theory of the differential and integral calculus, including extensive applications to geometry and mechanics. Lagrange’s lectures represented the most advanced development of the 18th-century analytic conception of the calculus.

Beginning with Baron Cauchy in the 1820s, later mathematicians used the concept of limit to establish the calculus on an arithmetic basis. The algebraic viewpoint of Euler and Lagrange was rejected. To arrive at a proper historical appreciation of their work, it is necessary to reflect on the meaning of analysis in the 18th century. Since Viète, analysis had referred generally to mathematical methods that employed equations, variables, and constants. With the extensive development of the calculus by Leibniz and his school, analysis became identified with all calculus-related subjects. In addition to this historical association, there was a deeper sense in which analytic methods were fundamental to the new mathematics. An analytic equation implied the existence of a relation that remained valid as the variables changed continuously in magnitude. Analytic algorithms and transformations presupposed a correspondence between local and global change, the basic concern of the calculus. It is this aspect of analysis that fascinated Euler and Lagrange and caused them to see in it the “true metaphysics” of the calculus.

Other developments

During the period 1600–1800 significant advances occurred in the theory of equations, foundations of Euclidean geometry, number theory, projective geometry, and probability theory. These subjects, which became mature branches of mathematics only in the 19th century, never rivaled analysis and mechanics as programs of research.
