Correlations in plant development

inplant development
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Coordination of shoot and root development

Although the structural organization of the vascular plant is comparatively loose, development of the various parts is well coordinated. Control is dependent upon the movement of chemical substances, including both nutrients and hormones.

An example of correlation is the growth of shoot and root. The enlargement of aerial parts is accompanied by increased demands for water, minerals, and mechanical support that are met by coordinated growth of the root system. Several factors apparently are concerned with control, because shoot and root affect each other reciprocally. The root depends on the shoot for organic nutrients, just as the shoot depends on the root for water and inorganic nutrients and the flow of ordinary nutrients must, therefore, play some part. More specific control, however, may be provided by the supply of nutrients required in very small amounts. The root depends on the shoot for certain vitamins, and variation in the supply, reflecting the metabolic state of the aerial parts, may also influence root growth. In addition, hormonal factors affecting cell division pass upward from the root into the stem; although the exact role of the hormones has not yet been established with certainty, they may provide one way by which the root system can influence the activity of the shoot apex.

The control of secondary thickening is another important example of growth correlation. As the size of the shoot system increases, the need for both greater mechanical support and increased transport of water, minerals, and manufactured food is met by an increase in stem girth through the activity of the vascular cambium. Generally, the cambium of trees in temperate zones is most active in the spring, when buds open and shoots extend, creating a demand for nutrients. Cell division begins near the bud in each shoot and then spreads away from it. The terminal bud stimulates the cambium to divide rapidly through the action of two groups of plant hormones: auxins and gibberellins.

The inhibition of lateral buds, another example of correlated growth response, illustrates a reaction opposite to that occurring in the control of cambial activity. Lateral buds are inhibited in general because axillary shoots grow more slowly or not at all, while the terminal bud is active. This so-called apical dominance is responsible for the characteristic single trunk growth seen in many conifers and in herbaceous plants such as the hollyhock. Weaker dominance results in a bushy growth form with repeated branching. The fact that lateral, or axillary, buds become more active when the terminal bud is removed suggests that hormonal control is involved.

The flow of auxin from the shoot tip is, in part, responsible for inhibiting axillary buds. The nutritional status of the plant also plays a role, apical dominance being strongest when mineral supply and light are inadequate. Because axillary buds are released from inhibition when treated with cell-division promoting substances (cytokinins), it has been suggested that these substances are also concerned in regulating axillary-bud activity.

Determination of mature form

After its establishment as an independent plant, the sporophyte passes through a juvenile period before reaching maturity and becoming reproductive. Juvenility may be brief or, as in the case of trees, may extend over several years. The duration is determined partly by internal factors and partly by environmental controls related to the seasons.

Internal control of development

In some ways juvenility is a continuation of developmental trends initiated in the embryo. In many plants, new organs are produced sequentially through early life, each of progressively more mature form. The first leaf of the young fern sporophyte, for example, is small and relatively simple, and the vascular system consists of a few forked strands. As growth proceeds, succeeding new leaves are of increasing complexity, and the shape begins to resemble that typical of the reproductive frond; in addition, vasculation shifts to the mature pattern, often one with a network of veins. Comparable trends occur in flowering plants, in which leaves at successive levels of plant maturity often show a progressive increase in the complexity of lobing or toothing.

Some of the changes associated with the juvenile period can be attributed to the gradual enlargement of the growing point, necessarily small in the embryo; its volume increases progressively with development. This increase in cell number is usually associated with the emergence of a “mature” zonation pattern. The typical internal structure of the shoot apex does not develop until a specific number of leaves form.

Gradual structural change in the growing point, however, does not adequately account for all aspects of juvenility. Sometimes, the transition from juvenile to adult leaf form is not graded but sudden. The juvenile leaves of species of the gymnosperm Chamaecyparis, for example, are needlelike and spreading; the adult leaves are scalelike and lie close to the stem. Among flowering plants, various species of Eucalyptus have juvenile leaves that are ovate and mature leaves that are sickle-shaped.

Such sudden transitions from juvenile to adult form, referred to as phase change, seem to depend not on slow shifts in the apex but on some determinative event or correlated group of events. The two forms are relatively stable and tend to resist change; for example, cultured tissues taken from the juvenile parts of ivy plants maintain a higher rate of cell division, and portions, or cuttings, taken from these parts tend to form roots more readily than those from the adult parts.

The establishment of these relatively stable but not wholly irreversible states is comparable with the determination of shoot and root poles during embryogenesis and, indeed, with the alternation of generations itself. The transmission of differentiated states through cell lineages presumably reflects the action of “switching” devices controlling the expression of different parts of the genetic complement. In this sense, phase change and related phenomena do not differ essentially from those of differentiation and organogenesis in general.

The transition in plants to the reproductive state is an example of a developmental event with some of the characteristics of phase change. Among seed plants, the reproductive structures are transformed shoots—strobili (including cones) of various kinds in the gymnosperms and flowers in angiosperms.

From a developmental point of view, the flower can be regarded as a shoot axis of determinate growth, with the lateral members occupying the sites of leaves differentiating as floral organs—sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils. In the transition to flowering, the stem apex undergoes distinctive changes, the most conspicuous of which is in the shape of the apical region, which is related to the kind of structure to be formed, whether a single flower, as in the tulip, or a cluster of flowers (an inflorescence), as in the lilac. The region of cell division extends over the entire apex, and the RNA content of terminal cells increases. When a single flower forms, lateral primordia emerge at higher and higher levels on the flanks of the apical dome, and the entire apex is absorbed in the process, after which apical growth ceases. When an inflorescence forms, early changes are generally comparable to that for the single flower with one major difference—axillary primordia emerge that either become floral meristems or develop as secondary inflorescence branches. These primordia appear closer to the apex than do those of axillary buds on a vegetative shoot. In grasses, the activation of axillary meristems is the most notable early indication of the passage into flowering.
