Mechanisms of food ingestion

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Also known as: Protozoa

Protozoans may take food into the cell at a specific point, such as the cytostome (a well-developed feeding groove), at a particular region of the cell surface, or at any random point of entry. In the collared flagellates, or choanoflagellates, for example, the collar and flagellum operate in feeding. The collar, composed of fine pseudopodia, surrounds the flagellum. The beating flagellum creates a water current, causing water to move through the collar. Particles of food in the current are trapped on the collar and are ingested by pseudopodia at its base. The ingested food is then enclosed in a membrane-bound digestive or food vacuole.

Many ciliates are filter feeders, creating water currents with special ciliary structures associated with the cytostome. The synchronized beating of these ciliary structures pushes a stream of water against a membranelle composed of cilia. The membranelle acts as a collecting sieve, where the food particles become trapped in the free spaces between the cilia. Using this mode of feeding, ciliates can shift considerable volumes of water in relation to their size. Tetrahymena, for example, can filter 3,000 to 30,000 times its own volume in one hour.

Other ciliates lack complex oral cilia and gather their food by other means. Nassula has a complex cytostome and cytopharynx supported by a basketlike cytopharyngeal structure composed of microtubules. This species ingests filamentous algae by grasping the filament, bending it like a hairpin, and drawing it into the cytopharynx, where it is broken up into fragments and enclosed in digestive vacuoles. Predatory ciliates such as Didinium nasutum, Lacrymaria olor, and Dileptus anser apprehend their prey with special structures called extrusomes. Among the various types of extrusomes are the toxicysts, which are found in the oral region and release toxins that paralyze the prey.

The suctorians are ciliate predators that usually possess tentacles of two functional types: feeding tentacles and piercing tentacles. The latter trap and immobilize the prey, usually other ciliates that make chance contact with the outstretched tentacles of the suctorian. The cell contents of the prey are transported up through the feeding tentacles into the suctorian, where digestive vacuoles are formed. The transporting mechanism is mediated by a complex array of microtubules within the tentacle. A single suctorian can often feed on several prey at the same time, and frequently the prey are larger than the predator.

Amoebae, all of which lack a cell mouth, or cytostome, also exhibit a diverse array of feeding mechanisms and diet. Some feed on filaments of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)—which are composed of long chains of individual cells—by taking in the entire filament at any point on the cell surface and rolling it up into a coil inside a digestive vacuole. Others, such as the testate amoeba Pontigulasia, pierce single cells in algal filaments and remove the contents. The radiolarians and foraminiferans trap a wide range of prey, including protozoans, algae, and small crustaceans, in their complex pseudopodial networks and then transport the food items along the pseudopodia to the main body of the cell for ingestion. This process gives foraminiferans a distinctive appearance under the light microscope; relatively large grains of food particles are scattered across the reticulate pseudopodia, earning the organisms the name granuloreticulosans.

Parasitic protozoans feed in a variety of ways. Many live in the nutrient-rich medium of the body fluids—e.g., the blood or cells of their host. There they take in energy-rich fluids by pinocytosis, in which small amounts of the medium are pinched off into digestive vacuoles either at a specific site, such as the cytostome in ciliates or the flagellar pocket in trypanosomes, or along the surface of the cell in amoebae. Other parasitic protozoans engulf portions of the host tissue through phagocytosis in much the same way that free-living amoebae feed. Plasmodium, for example, engulfs portions of the red blood cells or liver cells in which they live. The hemoglobin in the cytoplasm of the red blood cell is only partially digested by the parasite. The protein portion of the hemoglobin molecule is degraded to its constituent amino acids, but the iron-containing portion is converted into insoluble iron-containing hemozoin, which remains within the parasite’s endosomes until discarded at the next division. This process removes free hematin from the parasite cytoplasm, where it would otherwise prevent further metabolism within the parasite because it inhibits the actions of succinic dehydrogenase, an enzyme in the tricarboxylic acid cycle.

Food vacuoles

Whatever the mode of heterotrophic nutrition or diet, the food material is enclosed in food vacuoles, which are bounded by cell membrane. Digestive enzymes are poured into the newly formed vacuole from the surrounding cytoplasm. In the ciliate Paramecium, where the process has been researched in detail, the digestive vacuoles initially decrease in size and the enclosed particles aggregate. As digestion proceeds, the vacuole increases in size and the contents become progressively acidic, before gradually becoming alkaline near the end of the process. The products of digestion are then absorbed into the surrounding cytoplasm, and the waste material is ejected from the cell anus, or cytoproct. The length of the digestive cycle varies and depends on the species and the diet.

Paramecium contains a reservoir of membrane-forming material in discoid vesicles for the purpose of producing food vacuoles. The food vacuoles form at the cytopharynx when the cytopharyngeal membrane and the discoid vesicles fuse. At the cytoproct, where the vacuoles are broken down and the waste material of digestion is ejected, the membrane material is retrieved and returned to the cytopharynx. Thus, the pool of digestive vacuole membrane is continuously recycled within the cell.

Food selection

While they seem to lack a sensory system, protozoans are capable of food selection. Many of the filter feeders apparently discriminate solely on the basis of size, dictated by the dimensions of the spaces in the membranelle acting as a sieve. Some filter-feeding ciliates, such as the tintinnids, however, are known to be selective and appear to be able to capture or reject items that arrive at the feeding membranelles in the feeding current. The large ciliate Stentor, for example, takes ciliates in preference to flagellated cells and algae, and discrimination increases as the animal becomes less hungry. Carnivorous species exercise distinct selectivity. Most suctorians feed exclusively on particular ciliate taxa. They are selective feeders and usually do not capture flagellates, amoebae, or their own ciliated swarmers. Evidence suggests that a reaction between chemical compounds on the surface of the prey and the tentacle tip of the suctorian is responsible for feeding selectivity. Amoeboid organisms also display feeding selectivity. Amoeba proteus, for example, selects the flagellate Chilomonas paramecium in preference to Monas punctum, even when the number of Monas in the medium is high. In this case, selection may be based on the digestibility of the prey; the latter is digested in 31/2 hours, the former in 3 to 18 minutes.
