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Romanesque and Gothic

inconstruction inThe history of construction
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Also known as: building construction

The disappearance of Roman power in western Europe during the 5th century led to a decline in building technology. Brickmaking became rare and was not revived until the 14th century. Pozzolanic concrete disappeared entirely, and it would not be until the 19th century that man-made cements would equal it. The use of domes and vaults in stone construction was also lost. Building technics fell to Iron Age levels, exemplified by log construction, packed clay walls, mud brick, and wattle and daub.

Advanced building technologies were developing in China in this same period, during the Sui (581–618) and T’ang (618–907) dynasties. In the 3rd century bce the completion of the Great Wall, about 6,400 kilometres (4,000 miles) in length and following a sinuous path along the contours of rugged terrain, had demonstrated remarkable achievements in masonry technology, logistics, and surveying methods. The An-Chi Bridge, built about 610 ce in Hopei province, had a stone arch with a span of 37.5 metres (123 feet), that far exceeded the spans of the arches of the Roman bridge at Alcántara. Extensive work was also done in the development of heavy timber framing (primarily for temples), and stone tower pagodas up to 60 metres (200 feet) high were built; fired brick was also widely used. These elements of Chinese building technology set a high standard of quality that would be maintained until the 19th century.

Stone construction

Beginning in the 9th century, there were the first stirrings of the revival of stone construction in Europe. The Palatine Chapel of Charlemagne at Aachen (consecrated 805), with its octagonal segmented dome spanning 14.5 metres (47 feet), is an early example of this trend. But the Romanesque style, building “in the Roman manner” with stone arches, vaults, and domes to span interior spaces, did not really begin until the later part of the 11th century. Vaults reappeared in such structures as the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Spain (begun 1078) and Saint Sernin at Toulouse (begun 1080). The cross vault raised on columns was seen again at Speyer Cathedral (1030–65, reconstructed c. 1082–1137) and Durham Cathedral (1093–1133), and the domes of St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice (late 11th century) and the cathedral of Saint-Front in Périgueux (1120–1150) marked the recovery of the complete range of Roman structural forms.

All these buildings were built by the Roman Catholic Church, which had spread its influence throughout western Europe in this period. One contemporary chronicler wrote that the earth seemed to be “clothing itself with a white robe of churches,” white because they were new and built of stone. From 1050 to 1350 more stone was quarried in France alone than in the whole history of ancient Egypt—enough to build 80 cathedrals, 500 large churches, and tens of thousands of parish churches. The great building campaign of medieval times has been called the “cathedral crusade,” an equally impassioned counterpart of the great military adventures to recover the Holy Land.

This vast undertaking required many masons, who worked as free craftsmen, organizing themselves into societies or guilds. They oversaw the quarrying of stone, supervised the process of apprenticeship by which new members were trained, and did all the cutting and placing of stone at the building site. The basic tools of the medieval masons were little changed from those of Egypt, but they had large saws driven by waterwheels to cut stone as well as considerable machinery for raising and moving materials. Their knowledge of technics was a closely held secret; it included the rules of proportion for overall planning and for determining the safe dimensions of structural members. One extant sketchbook of drawings, from the master mason Villard de Honnecourt, shows a keen sense of observation, a love of mechanical devices, and above all the notion of geometric form that underlay the work, but it gives only tantalizing bits of information about actual construction. Jean Mignot, one of the master masons of Milan Cathedral, summed up their approach with the phrase ars sine scientia nihil est, “art without science is nothing”; that is, skill in building derived from practical experience (ars) must be tempered and guided by precise principles (scientia), which were seen as being embodied in the theorems of geometry, the only science of medieval times. But with these limited means the masons were able to realize great achievements.

James Paine and Robert Adam: Kedleston Hall
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Western architecture: Building materials

Romanesque masons had two patrons, church and state. The state built mostly for military purposes, and Roman stonework, once recovered, was adequate for castles and fortifications. But the church had other interests that propelled the development of stone construction in new and daring directions. St. Augustine had written that light is the most direct manifestation of God. It was this idea that led the search for ways to introduce more and more light into churches, opening ever larger windows in the walls until a new kind of diaphanous stone skeleton evolved.

The Roman-inspired circular cross vaults and arches in stone were heavy and needed heavy walls and piers to receive their thrusts; the windows they offered were small. Medieval masons found that there was a more efficient form for the arch than the Classical circle. This form is a catenary curve—that is, one formed by a chain when it hangs under its own weight. But the masons’ belief in geometry and the perfection of circular forms led them to approximate the catenary shape with two circular segments that met in a point at the top, the so-called Gothic arch. Such arches could be made thinner since they more efficiently channeled the compressive forces that flowed through them and allowed larger openings in the walls.

The heavy piers that took the lateral thrust of the roof vaults were soon hollowed out into half arches or flying buttresses, which allowed even more light to enter the nave. To absorb the forces flowing down through the stone frame, massive foundations were required; often the volume of stone below ground was greater than that above. To further lighten the loads, the vaults themselves were made thinner by introducing ribs at the intersections of their curved surfaces, called groins. The ribs were built with supporting formwork or centring made of timber; close cooperation was needed between the carpenters and the masons. The curved surfaces of stones between the ribs were probably laid with little formwork, using only mortar; brick vaults are still built this way in the Middle East. The mortar was used not only for adhesion as a construction device but also later to check for tension cracks, which were signs of possible failure; the mortar thus served as a means of quality control to help keep the structure in compression.

The naves of cathedrals were made higher to gather more light; Amiens Cathedral (begun 1220) was 42 metres (140 feet) high, and finally in 1347 Beauvais Cathedral reached the maximum height of 48 metres (157 feet), but its vaults soon collapsed and had to be rebuilt. The spans of the naves of Gothic churches remained fairly small, about 13 to 16 metres (45 to 55 feet); only a few late examples have longer spans, the greatest being 23 metres (74 feet) at Gerona Cathedral (completed 1458).

After the enthusiasm of the cathedral crusade ebbed in the 14th century and the basic fabric of most cathedrals was completed, a new element appeared to further test the skill of masons and carpenters: the spire. The spire was more a symbol of local pride than a part of the theological quest for more light, but it raised interesting technical problems. At Salisbury Cathedral the spire was built over the crossing of the nave and transept, which had not been designed to accommodate it; the tall crossing piers began to buckle under the added weight. Strainer arches had to be added between the piers to brace them against buckling; this was apparently the first time that stone columns were slender and heavily loaded enough to be observed to bend or buckle—later, such action would be a major concern in the design of metal columns. Salisbury’s spire is an ingenious composite structure of stone cladding laid over a timber frame and tied together at the base with iron bands to resist spreading; it rose to a total height of 123 metres (404 feet) when it was finished in 1362. Strasbourg Cathedral added a 144-metre (475-foot) spire in 1439, and the upper limit was reached at Beauvais Cathedral in 1569 when its 157-metre (516-foot) spire was completed; the Beauvais spire collapsed in 1573 and was never rebuilt, a last sad epilogue to the cathedral crusade.
