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Also known as: CIA
1947 - present
Areas Of Involvement:


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The publication of post-Cold War memoirs by former agents and the release of declassified documents by the United States and Russia have provided a fairly complete account of the CIA’s activities, including both its successes and its failures. CIA data collection and analysis was important for arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union throughout the Cold War and for determining U.S. strategy during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis, when President John F. Kennedy relied on information gathered by the CIA through Soviet double agent Colonel Oleg Penkovsky. During the 1970s and ’80s, CIA agents in the Soviet military and the KGB provided information on the Soviet military-industrial complex. During the Cold War, CIA technical operations included the bugging of the Soviet military’s major communications line in East Germany and the development of reconnaissance aircraft such as the U-2 and spy satellites capable of photographing targets as small as a rocket silo. Aerial reconnaissance—first by plane and then by satellite—provided early warning of the deployment of Soviet missiles in Cuba and the development of new missiles in the Soviet Union.

Among the Directorate of Operations’s covert actions were the ouster of the premier of Iran, Mohammad Mosaddeq, and the restoration of the shah in 1953; the overthrow by military coup of the democratically elected leftist government of Guatemala in the following year; the organization of a “secret army” of Miao (Hmong) tribesmen to monitor the Ho Chi Minh Trail during the Vietnam War; the financial support of military officers plotting against the government of Chilean president Salvador Allende before the military coup there in 1973; and, in the 1980s, the arming and training of mujahideen guerrillas fighting the Soviet-backed government and the Soviet military in the Afghan War and the organizing, arming, and training of the Nicaraguan Contras fighting to overthrow that country’s Sandinista government. (In the early 1960s the CIA briefly considered using illegal drugs to control foreign agents.)

Although many covert actions were highly successful, some were embarrassing failures, such as the abortive Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba by CIA-sponsored Cuban émigrés in 1961 and the faulty intelligence gathering during NATO’s bombing campaign against Yugoslavia in 1999 that led to the destruction of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade. The CIA also was unsuccessful in its multiple attempts to assassinate Cuban leader Fidel Castro in the 1960s through agents recruited within the Cuban government as well as through contacts with organized crime figures (see also Mafia) in the United States. Plots to kill or embarrass Castro included poisoning his cigars, lacing his cigars with a hallucinogen, providing him with exploding cigars, poisoning his wet suit (Castro was an underwater enthusiast), and administering drugs that would cause his beard and eyebrows to fall out.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the CIA changed both its institutional structure and its mission. Whereas more than half its resources before 1990 had been devoted to activities aimed at the Soviet Union, in the post-Cold War era it increasingly targeted nonstate actors such as terrorists and international criminal organizations. It also made significant efforts to collect and analyze information about the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Spy satellites that had been used exclusively for military purposes were sometimes used for other tasks, such as collecting evidence of ecological disasters and human rights abuses.

During the 1990s the CIA supported U.S. military operations in the Balkans and in the Middle East. It also sometimes served as a mediator between the Palestinian Authority and the government of Israel. Following the 2001 September 11 attacks, in which terrorists affiliated with al-Qaeda destroyed the World Trade Center in New York City and part of the Pentagon near Washington, D.C., CIA paramilitary officers in Afghanistan (whose Taliban government had been harbouring al-Qaeda’s leaders) aided the U.S. attack on that country by collecting information and identifying military targets.

The agency also undertook a large-scale “kill or capture” campaign against operatives of al-Qaeda. Although the CIA had been prohibited by Pres. Gerald R. Ford in 1976 from carrying out assassinations, the George W. Bush administration (2001–09) argued that the assassination ban did not apply in wartime (i.e., during the so-called “war on terror”) and thus did not prevent the agency from killing al-Qaeda terrorists who were threatening the United States. The administration of Bush’s successor, Barack Obama, adopted the same view.

The readiness of the CIA to use lethal force was showcased in 2011 with the assassination of Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda’s leader and the mastermind of the September 11 attacks, by a team of special operations soldiers (Navy SEALs acting under CIA command). In most cases, however, the CIA used missile strikes fired by drones to kill al-Qaeda members. Such drone attacks eventually became frequent.

The CIA’s campaign against al-Qaeda also involved the interrogation and indefinite detention of terrorism suspects. The agency established a network of secret detention sites outside U.S. territory, the so-called “black sites,” where suspected terrorists were subjected to what the agency called “enhanced interrogation techniques” in an effort to extract information regarding al-Qaeda’s membership and operations. The enhanced interrogation techniques, many of which constituted torture under international law, included shackling detainees in stress positions, slamming them against walls, depriving them of sleep for prolonged periods, and waterboarding, a method of controlled, simulated, or interrupted drowning. Other suspects were kidnapped and transported for interrogation to foreign countries whose governments routinely tortured criminal suspects and dissidents; see extraordinary rendition. Still others were eventually held at the Guantánamo Bay detention camp in southeastern Cuba, which was specially constructed starting in 2002 to house captured members of al-Qaeda and other Islamic militants. The black sites were officially closed in 2009, in keeping with an executive order signed by Obama.

Criticism and assessment

The CIA has been criticized for conducting covert actions that are immoral or illegal under international law, for maintaining close ties to human rights abusers and other criminals, for failing to safeguard its own operations, and, from 2001, for kidnapping, torturing, and illegally detaining foreign nationals. In the early days of the Cold War, the CIA and the U.S. military intelligence services smuggled former Nazi intelligence officers out of Europe, and the agency worked with several former Nazis to conduct intelligence operations in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. In the 1980s and ’90s, in an effort to infiltrate foreign terrorist organizations, the CIA recruited foreign officials, particularly in Latin America, who had participated in the murder of civilians. A congressional inquiry led by Senator Robert Torricelli in the mid-1990s eventually resulted in the demotion or forced resignation of a number of CIA personnel. At about the same time, the agency was embarrassed by a series of counterintelligence scandals that included revelations that one of its intelligence officers, Aldrich Ames, had spied for the Soviet and Russian intelligence services for nine years; at least 10 CIA operatives in the Soviet Union had been executed on the basis of information he provided.

The CIA often has been portrayed by its critics as an agency run amok that implements covert operations without the approval of the executive branch of the U.S. government. Contrary to that assertion, however, all covert operations must be officially sanctioned by the executive branch. Once approved by the National Security Council, plans for covert action are presented to the Senate and House committees that oversee CIA operations. The CIA also sought the Bush administration’s specific approval of the enhanced interrogation techniques it used on suspected terrorists; the techniques were declared legal by the Justice Department in secret memos issued in 2002 and 2005.

In 2005 a presidential committee examining intelligence failures preceding the start of the Iraq War (2003–11) released a report that criticized the CIA for inaccurately assessing Iraq’s prewar efforts to produce and acquire weapons of mass destruction.

From 2001, critics of the CIA’s campaign against al-Qaeda argued that many of the activities it encompassed, in particular the use of enhanced interrogation techniques, were unconstitutional or illegal under U.S. and international law. Critics also asserted that torturous interrogation was counterproductive, because it produced generally unreliable information and fueled resentment and hatred of the U.S. in Islamic countries. Others were dismayed by the increased militarization of the CIA, which (in their opinion) blurred the line between warfare and intelligence and potentially reduced the level of transparency and public accountability associated with the use of force in U.S. foreign policy. Those who defended these various practices argued that they were made necessary by the unconventional nature of the war on terror and that they helped save American lives. During his U.S. presidential campaign and after his election as president in 2016, Donald J. Trump criticized the CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies for jointly assessing that Russia had interfered in the 2016 presidential election on Trump’s behalf, a conclusion that Trump rejected as a “hoax.”

Robert W. Pringle The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica