National awakening and the rise of constitutionalism

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In 1848 the German speakers of Bohemia and Moravia (about one-third of the population) had a distinct advantage over the Czechs. Germans constituted nearly the entirety of the upper classes of the two provinces and prevailed in most towns. There were ostensibly no barriers to social advancement for Czechs of middle-class or peasant origin, but they needed to communicate in German. Imbued with ideas of national emancipation—taken from the French Revolution and the writings of German intellectuals—scholars, writers, clergymen, and schoolmasters of Czech origin began to stir a national consciousness among the common people. Not only the countryside but also the urban communities witnessed an awakening. Habsburg centralism, symbolized by the Austrian chancellor Prince von Metternich, tolerated no political activities but did not hinder cultural activities, such as the printing and distribution of nonpolitical books in Czech, theatrical performances, and social gatherings. The Czechs had their intellectual elite, small in number but devoted to the national cause, and they were shielded by a group of sympathetic aristocrats.

Similar conditions, though on a much reduced scale, existed in the Hungarian counties inhabited by the Slovaks, who lacked not only their own aristocracy but a middle class as well. Up to 1840 the Czech language, regenerated by such eminent linguists as Josef Dobrovský and Josef Jungmann, was used by both Czech and Slovak authors, especially Protestants. But the growing national awareness among the Slovak intellectual elite led to the development of a Slovak literary language for the sake of reaching more Slovaks, including those with no more than an elementary education. The work of Slovak intellectuals such as L’udovít Štúr, a teacher at the Pressburg Lutheran Lyceum who further refined literary Slovak and published a Slovak newspaper (1845), collided sharply with the trend advocated by Hungarian nationalists, who aimed to replace Latin with Hungarian throughout the kingdom. Nonetheless, the Slovak literary language gradually replaced Czech among Slovak authors. Thus, the mounting wave of nationalism among Slovaks as well as Czechs created conditions for the eventual establishment of two closely related but distinct political units.

The Czechs soon looked to the historian František Palacký, who had written a history of the Czech nation, as their political leader. Palacký was assisted by the able journalist Karel Havlíček Borovský and by František Ladislav Rieger, a student of political science and economics. In opposing Metternich’s oppressive regime, the Czechs sought alliance with German liberals. When the Revolutions of 1848 reached Bohemia in March of that year, Czech and German leaders collaborated in their attempt to bring down absolutism through constitutional reform.

Both parties had a vague notion that Bohemia should return to its autonomous status and become a constituent part of the regenerated Habsburg monarchy, but they could not resolve some specific problems of a common political future. The Germans saw advantages in cooperating with their kinsmen in other Habsburg lands and in Germany proper; after all, Austria was the leading power within the German Confederation, the loose political organization that had replaced the Holy Roman Empire. The Czech leaders, however, sensed danger in the German unification schemes debated in the German constituent assembly in Frankfurt and in plans for a modernized but highly centralized Austria. Their primary concern was the diet of Bohemia, and at times they included among their desiderata a general assembly of deputies from Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia to stress a continuity of modern political efforts with the ancient kingdom. Thus, the Czechs pursued two contrasting aims that were not easy to reconcile: the liberal ideal of “natural rights” (see human rights), combined with the conservative aim of preserving the ancient legal prerogatives of the Bohemian crown.

A good deal of vacillation in and after 1848 was caused by the inability of Palacký and others to harmonize the emphasis on historical rights with genuine devotion to the modern principles of Czech nationalism and Slavic solidarity. In late spring 1848 the idea of a newly elected diet for Bohemia was obscured by a loftier project, an assembly of spokesmen of the Slavic peoples from all parts of the Habsburg empire. Yet no matter how sincerely Palacký and other prominent figures professed their loyalty to the ruling house, the first historical Slavic congress in Prague found only hostile reception among the Germans and Hungarians. In May 1848 the Slav delegates were finally dispersed by Austrian troops commanded by Alfred, prince zu Windischgrätz, who also cancelled elections for the provincial diet in response to an abortive uprising in Prague launched by students.

Consequently, the Czech leaders were forced to recognize that the constituent assembly meeting in July 1848 in Vienna was the only representative body before which they could express their aspirations. When the assembly reconvened at the Czech city of Kroměříž (German: Kremsier), they made themselves allies of all factions that attempted to prepare the ground for a constitutional and federal system. Rieger, in particular, rose to the occasion when defending the principle that all power comes from the people.

But the draft of a constitution for the Habsburg monarchy ran counter to ideas prevailing among the advisers of the new Austrian emperor, Francis Joseph (ruled 1848–1916). Early in March 1849 the Kroměříž assembly was dispersed. On Dec. 31, 1851, Francis Joseph abolished the last vestiges of constitutionalism and began to rule as absolute master.

The absolutist regime, headed by the prime minister Alexander Bach, was rigid and tolerated no opposition (the popular Czech journalist Havlícek was arrested and deported, for example). Nevertheless, the regime abolished the robot (compulsory labour service by peasants), returned to the old provincial administration that benefited the smaller nationalities, and promoted the teaching of national languages in public schools, among other reforms. However, Austria’s military defeat in 1859 by Sardinia, aided by France, revealed the weakness of the government. The defeat resulted in the loss of Lombardy, and the Bach government had to resign. In the October Diploma of 1860 and the February Patent of 1861, Francis Joseph declared the end of neoabsolutism and his readiness to adopt a constitution.

National turmoil under the dual monarchy

The regime failed to implement a system acceptable to all the various nationalities, and the Austrian Empire remained in a state of crisis through 1866, when it went to war with Italy and Prussia. After a disastrous defeat by Prussia in the Battle of Königgrätz (now Hradec Králové, Cz.Rep.), Francis Joseph sought a solution that would promise speedy recovery and the stabilization of internal affairs. In 1867 he negotiated a compromise (the Ausgleich) with the unrepentant Hungarians, and the Austrian monarchy was transformed into a dual monarchy—the empire of Austria-Hungary.

In Hungary the dominant Hungarians systematically suppressed Slovak ethnic identity. This was achieved primarily through a policy of Magyarization, which made the Hungarian language paramount in administration, education, and business. In the Austrian half of the empire, Germans remained the strongest single group, followed by Czechs, Poles, and other nationalities. The dual system passed through successive crises but survived and remained in existence until 1918.

Like other nationalities, the Czechs resumed political activities after the promulgation of the October Diploma of 1860. Palacký was recognized as a dominant figure, but the actual leadership passed into Rieger’s hands. Palacký’s ideal scenario was to reconcile the conflicting principles of Czech nationalism and historical continuity (the so-called Bohemian historical rights) in a forward-looking federal scheme. The more practical politician Rieger, who found support among some Bohemian aristocrats, decided to emphasize the historical rights while maintaining loyalty to the Habsburg monarchy. However, Rieger’s progressive opponents exploited his alliance with the conservative aristocracy. Meanwhile, differentiation within the National Party (the main Czech political party) began in 1863 and continued more rapidly after 1867.

Irrespective of ideological orientation, the Czechs opposed the dual monarchy. After the promulgation of a new liberal constitution in December 1867, the Czech politicians led by Rieger set out to obtain privileges similar to those that the Hungarians now enjoyed. Following negotiations with Vienna in 1871, the Czechs agreed to a constitutional program called the Fundamental Articles, which proposed giving Bohemia a status equal to that of Hungary. The articles predictably encountered not only an angry Hungarian opposition but also heavy pressure from Austria’s other provinces, and they were never implemented.

The Czechs did not abandon the idea of the restitution of the kingdom of Bohemia to its former rank, similar to that of Hungary, but its chances of realization declined with the consolidation of the dual monarchy. Moreover, Francis Joseph showed no intention of going to Prague to be crowned with the ancient crown of St. Wenceslas—one of the Czechs’ historical demands. After 1871 the Czech political leadership was confronted with a dilemma: whether to boycott the Reichsrat (the imperial parliament in Vienna, to which Austria’s provinces sent deputies) and the Bohemian diet or to join the government majority for concessions in education and economic life. Rieger decided to institute the boycott.

In 1874 the National Party split; the progressive wing (commonly called the Young Czechs), which was gaining popularity among the urban middle class and well-to-do peasants, advocated ending the parliamentary boycott. Meanwhile, Rieger found it increasingly difficult to defend his boycott policy as well as the alliance with the big landowners; they brought no tangible results and obstructed the flow of progressive ideas. Once the Young Czech deputies insisted on the dissolution of the boycott, they were applauded by their supporters—including Tomáš Masaryk, the future first president of Czechoslovakia—to whom progress in education, emancipation from clerical influences, and improvement of living standards were more vital than the continued emphasis on unforfeited historical rights. The so-called Old Czechs lost ground in the 1880s and suffered a total defeat in the parliamentary election of 1891.

The most determined opponents of the Bohemians’ schemes were the representatives of the German-speaking population of Bohemia and Moravia, later known as the Sudeten Germans. An 1879 alliance between Austria-Hungary and the recently founded German Empire increased their sense of belonging to one of Europe’s dominant cultures, but they viewed with alarm Czech economic competition, particularly the migration of Czech workers into German-speaking districts, as well as other gains made by Czechs during the late 19th century. In 1880 the government of the Austrian prime minister Eduard, count von Taaffe, made Czech a language of administration in Bohemia and Moravia. Two years later the German-language university in Prague (Charles University) was split into two institutions, with the Czech university assuming the prime position. Finally, reforms of the franchise gave the Czechs a majority in the Bohemian diet. Growing disquiet among the German-speaking politicians, especially those from Bohemia, exploded in 1897 when the Austrian prime minister Kasimir Felix, count von Badeni—in order to win Czech votes to renew the compromise with Hungary—agreed to make Czech equal to German as the internal language of administration in Bohemia and Moravia. This meant that all German civil servants would henceforth have to be bilingual. Badeni encountered such a vigorous opposition, organized by German nationalists, that he lost the emperor’s confidence. He resigned, and his successor recognized the futility of trying to adjust the outdated laws in favour of the Czechs.

The changing social and economic stratification also sped the decline of the Young Czechs. Mass political parties, such as the Agrarians and the Social Democrats, arrived on the scene; these groups appealed to the peasant and working-class voters, who enjoyed voting rights after the introduction of universal manhood suffrage in 1906. Yet instead of helping to consolidate the parliament, as many had hoped, universal suffrage increased divisions and made it increasingly difficult for prime ministers to form a solid majority bloc. Thus, from the election in 1907 to the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the Vienna parliament could easily be bypassed by the imperial court and by the ministries of foreign affairs and war, over which Francis Joseph exercised strong control.

During this period, in the Hungarian portion of the empire, the Slovaks continued to experience ever-increasing Magyarization. By the end of the 19th century no Slovak secondary schools remained. Linguistic oppression also extended to religion: in 1907 at Černová (now Stará Černová, Slvk.), some 15 Slovak demonstrators demanding that a new church be consecrated by the Slovak nationalist priest Andrej Hlinka were shot by police. In politics, only the Social Democrats and the nationalistic Slovak People’s Party, led by Hlinka, took interest in the Slovak people. Certain Slovak intellectuals associated with the periodical Hlas chose a pro-Czech orientation in their search for political allies. The percentage of Slovaks in the region declined steadily. Many, in search of work, migrated to other parts of the empire. By World War I about half a million Slovaks had emigrated abroad, mostly to the United States.
