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History and development

Modern Greek derives from the Koine via the local varieties that presumably arose during the Byzantine period and is the mother tongue of the inhabitants of Greece and of the Greek population of the island of Cyprus. Before the population exchange in 1923, there were Greek-speaking communities in Turkey (Pontus and Cappadocia). Greek is also the language of the Greek communities outside Greece, as in the United States, Canada, and Australia. There are Greek-speaking enclaves in Calabria (southern Italy) and in Ukraine. Two main varieties of the language may be distinguished: the local dialects, which may differ from one another considerably, and the Standard Modern Greek (Greek: Koini Neoelliniki, “Common Modern Greek”).

Modern Greek alphabet
Greek letters
capital lower case combinations name equivalents approximate pronunciation
*Old-style character.
**Pronounced with a long a.
***Final, ç.
Α α, α* álfa a bother
αι e bed
αï ai life
αυ av/af lava**, waft
αϋ ai life
Β β víta v van
Γ γ ghámma gh before α, ο, ου, ω, and consonants other than γ, ξ, and χ, y before αι, ε, ει, η, ι, οι, υ, υι; n before γ, ξ, and χ wit, yet, sing
γκ initial, g; medial, ng go, finger
Δ δ, ∂* dhélta dh; d between ν and ρ then, wondrous
Ε ε épsilon e bet
ει i even
εï day
ευ ev/ef revel, left
Ζ ζ zíta z zone
Η η íta i fig
ηυ iv/if even, leaf
Θ θ, ϑ* thíta th thin
Ι ι ióta i even
Κ κ káppa k kin, cook
Λ λ lámbdha l lily
Μ μ mi m maim
μπ initial, b; medial, mb bake, ambush
Ν ν ni n not
ντ initial, d; medial, nd dog, fender
ντζ ntz chintz
Ξ ξ xi x ax
Ο ο ómikron o saw
οι i even
οï oi boy
ου u food
Π π pi p pin
Ρ ρ ro r rose
Σ σ*** sígma s sand
Τ τ taf t tie
Υ υ ípsilon i initially and between consonants even
υι i even
Φ ϕ, φ* fi f fifty
Χ χ khi kh German Buch
Ψ ψ psi ps perhaps
Ω ω oméga o bone

Local dialects

Of the local dialects, Tsakonian, spoken in certain mountain villages in eastern Peloponnese, is quite aberrant and shows evidence of descent from the ancient Doric dialect (e.g., it often has an /a/ sound for the early Greek /ā/ that went to /ē/ in Attic, later to /i/). The Asia Minor dialects also display archaic features (e.g., Pontic /e/ for ancient /ē/ in certain words). It is not certain whether southern Italian Greek represents a survival from ancient times or was reimported there during the Byzantine period. Apart from these peripheral varieties, the modern dialects may be grouped for practical purposes as follows:

1. Peloponnesian, differing but slightly from the dialects of the Ionian isles, forms the basis of standard Demotic. It shows very few specifically local innovations in its phonology, although its verb morphology is less conservative than that of the island dialects.

2. Northern dialects, spoken on the mainland north of Attica, in northern Euboea, and on the islands of the northern Aegean, are characterized by their loss of unstressed /i/ and /u/ and the raising of unstressed /e/ and /o/ sounds to /i/ and /u/. Thus, standard kotópulo ‘chicken’ becomes kutóplu, émine ‘he stayed’ becomes émni. They also mark certain first and second person plural past tense verb forms with -an (ímastan ‘we were,’ Athenian ímaste) and use the accusative for indirect object pronouns where the southern dialects have the genitive (na se pó ‘let me tell you,’ standard na su pó).

3. Old Athenian was spoken in Athens itself until 1833, when Athens became the capital of the modern state, and on Aegina until early in the 20th century; a few elderly speakers still remain in Megara and in the Kími district of central Euboea. Its salient feature is the replacement of the Byzantine /ü/ sound (from ancient /ü/, /oi/) by /u/ rather than normal /i/; it changes the /k/ sound before the vowels /e/ and /i/ to /ts/ and fails to contract the vowels /i/ and /e/ to a /y/ sound before vowels (ancient sykéa becomes sutséa ‘fig tree,’ standard sikyá).

4. Cretan softens /k/ to a /č/ sound (as in church), /kh/ to /š/ (as in she) before /i/ and /e/, and /y/ to /ž/ (as the s in pleasure)—e.g., če ‘and,’ šéri ‘hand,’ žéros ‘old man,’ standard ke, khéri, yéros.

5. The southeastern dialects of Cyprus, Rhodes, Chios, and other islands in the area also soften /k/ to /č/, drop voiced fricative consonants between vowels, and retain the ancient final -n (láin ‘oil,’ standard ládhi). They also retain the contrast between long and short consonants (fíla ‘kiss [imperative]’ but fílla ‘leaves’). As is done in Cretan and Old Athenian, they add gh to the suffix -ev- that occurs at the end of many verb stems (dhulévgho ‘I work,’ standard dhulévo).

Standard Modern Greek

With the establishment of the new Greek state in 1830, the Peloponnesian dialect was adopted as the oral language, and this developed into the Demotic variety. The absence of a written form of Demotic, however, led to the creation of Katharevusa, a “pure,” rather artificially archaizing form that was intended to purge the language of foreign elements and to systematize its morphology (inevitably on the Classical Greek model). This Modern Greek “diglossia” continued well into the 20th century, with specific areas of use for the two varieties; e.g., Demotic became the vehicle for poetry, whereas Katharevusa remained the language of administration.

The diglossia problem was finally resolved in 1976, when Demotic was declared the official language of Greece. Meanwhile, the two varieties had naturally converged, and the emerging Standard Modern Greek language can be well characterized as resulting from the merger of the Demotic variety with Katharevusa features. Thus, in the phonology, some clearly Demotic changes (see below statements [3] and [5]), under Katharevusa influence, either were suppressed or developed alternations or even contrasts. Thus, for the change of i to y before another vowel, is found jimnásio ‘high school’ (instead of the expected Demotic *jimnásyo), the alternants sxolyó and sxolío ‘school,’ or the contrast yós ‘sun’ but iós ‘virus.’ The assimilation of a nasal to a fricative is confined to the morphology; e.g., the verbal form krin-thik-e (third person-passive-singular aorist ‘he was judged’) is kríthike with nasal loss, while in a word such as pénthos ‘mourning’ the nasal is retained. Further, the historical tendency to differentiate gender by declension class (e.g., by restricting the declension -os to masculine) was inhibited, and numerous feminine nouns in -os are reintroduced into the language (e.g., odhós ‘street,’ leofóros ‘avenue’), some in parallel with Demotic alternants, as in jatrós or jatrína ‘doctor (feminine).’

The interaction between Demotic and Katharevusa is even stronger in the vocabulary. A Katharevusa form may be used in parallel with a Demotic form in a specialized role; for example, édhra (from the Ancient Greek word for ‘chair’) means ‘professorial chair,’ while the Demotic karékla remains in use for the article of furniture.

This manner of interaction causes the Greek speaker to experience these differences not as belonging to two different varieties of the language but rather as stylistic variations of one and the same system.

Linguistic characteristics


Modern Greek has five distinct vowel sounds (/i/, /e/, /a/, /o/, /u/) and the glide /y/, most of which are indicated in Greek orthography in more than one way. The consonant sounds are:

List of modern Greek consonant sounds.

Historically, /f th kh/ derive from ancient aspirated consonants, and the voiced fricatives /v dh gh/ from voiced stops /b d g/. Modern /b d g/ usually result from the voicing of /p t k/ after nasals; thus Ancient Greek pente ‘five’ becomes pénde. They also occur at the beginning of words in place of ancient nasal + stop sequences (boró ‘I am able’ from emporó). Other important consonant cluster changes linking Ancient and Modern Greek include:

1. Ancient clusters, whether of stops or of aspirates, become fricative + stop; for example, hepta ‘seven’ becomes eftá, (e)khthes ‘yesterday’ becomes (e)khtés.

2. Double consonants are simplified except in the southeast, thus thalassa ‘sea’ becomes thálasa.

3.Nasals assimilate to the following fricatives; thus nymphē ‘bride’ becomes níffi and then (except in the southeast dialects) nífi.

4. The liquid /l/ may be replaced with /r/ before consonants; for example, adelphos ‘brother’ becomes adherfós.

5. Before a vowel, /i/ and /e/ change to /y/; thus paidia ‘boys’ becomes pedhyá, mēlea ‘apple tree’ becomes milyá. Except for the simplification of double consonants, these historical changes do not hold for words of Katharevusa origin.

With the changes produced in the vocalic system in Koine, the ancient pitch distinction was lost and stress became dynamic (as in English), its place being indicated orthographically by a uniform stress mark; but it remained confined to the three last syllables of a word (the trisyllabic, or window, constraint). Stress placement is largely predictable, depending for nominals on their declensional class marker (e.g., ánthropos ‘man’ versus polítis ‘citizen’ [-o versus -i class]), but for the verb on their tense (e.g., katháriz-a ‘I cleaned’ versus katharíz-o ‘I clean’ [past versus nonpast tense]).

Further stress shift may occur owing to the trisyllabic constraint, as in máthima gives mathímata ‘lesson’ (nominative singular or plural), or as a morphological relic of an earlier long ō-vowel in the genitive plural—e.g., mathímata becomes mathimáton ‘lesson’ (nominative or genitive plural). The addition of clitics (words that are treated in pronunciation as forming a part of a neighbouring word and that are often unaccented or contracted) may provoke further stressing in the host + clitic unit if the trisyllabic constraint is violated, as in máthima: but máthima-mu becomes máthimá mu ‘lesson’ becomes ‘my lesson.’ In some dialects, especially in the north, the tendency to a rhizotonic (stable) stressing extends to the verb, leading either to violations of the trisyllabic constraint or to an additional stress (as in the case of clitics)—e.g., tarázumasti or tarázumásti ‘we are shaken’ (standard tarazómaste).
