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Also known as: Roman Catholic Church

From these two papal promulgations of 1950, many observers were ready to conclude that in the second half of the 20th century Roman Catholicism would assume an essentially defensive posture in relation to the modern world. Those who had come to that conclusion were compelled to revise it by the pontificate of John XXIII (reigned 1958–63) and by the Second Vatican Council, commonly referred to as Vatican II. During his brief reign, Pope John issued several important encyclicals. Of special interest is Mater et magistra (“Mother and Teacher”), published on May 15, 1961, which explicitly aligned itself with Rerum novarum of Leo XIII in calling for justice and the common good as the norms of social conduct. Two years later, in Pacem in terris (April 11, 1963; “Peace on Earth”), John addressed himself not only to members of the church but to “all Men of Good Will.” In this encyclical he formulated, more completely than any previous pope had done, a social philosophy of peace among people and between nations.

This spirit of reform and social concern animated Vatican II, which John convoked but did not live to see to its conclusion. The council brought about drastic changes in the life and worship of the church, encouraging the use of the vernacular in the liturgy and greater lay participation everywhere. Perhaps even more historic were its actions regarding those outside the Roman Catholic Church. To Eastern Orthodox and Protestant Christians the council extended the hand of fraternal understanding instead of denouncing them as heretics. To the Jewish community it addressed words of reconciliation and regret for the anti-Semitism of the Christian past. To the world religions it spoke of the church’s admiration for the spiritual values that had been preserved in traditions that did not know the name of Christ. And to all people, believers and unbelievers, the council expressed its respect for the integrity and freedom of humanity and its repudiation of coercion as a means of bringing people to faith. Underlying all this was its Declaration on Religious Freedom (December 7, 1965; Dignitatis humanae), which was based on the philosophy of the dignity of the human person and the right to religious freedom. In its importance for the development of the church, Vatican II will probably rank with the Councils of Nicaea (325), Chalcedon (451), and Trent (1545–63).

Jaroslav Jan Pelikan Michael Frassetto

Aftermath of the council

The legacy of Vatican II remains a divided one. For some Catholics, the promise of far-reaching reform remains unfulfilled; for others, the council went too far, undermining the traditional beauty of church teachings and liturgy. This ambiguity was apparent during the papacy of Paul VI (reigned 1963–78), when many of the reforms of the council were implemented, most notably in the liturgy. The Latin mass was replaced by the vernacular mass, altars were turned around so that the priest faced the congregation, and greater participation by the laity in the celebration of the mass was instituted. Paul improved relations with the Orthodox Church and with non-Christian faiths. In the encyclical Populorum progressio (March 26, 1967; “Development of Peoples”) he called for social justice and denounced the excesses of capitalism, which led conservatives to accuse him of being a Marxist. The encyclical Sacerdotalis caelibatus, issued on June 24, 1967, affirmed clerical celibacy, and Humanae vitae (“Of Human Life”) issued on July 25, 1968, forbade the use of artificial birth control. These controversial encyclicals, which confirmed the church’s more traditional teachings, alienated many Catholics and led some priests to renounce their vows, just as the progressive reforms of the pope and the council also led to the schism in 1988 of the French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and the movement to restore the Latin mass.

The divided legacy of the council continued during the papacy of Pope John Paul II (1978–2005). An active and charismatic figure whose numerous trips abroad covered a greater distance than all previous popes combined, John Paul moved away from the episcopal collegiality stressed at Vatican II in favor of a more centralized papal authority. He opposed admitting women or openly homosexual men to the priesthood. He was criticized for not halting declines in church attendance and in the number of priests as well as for his conservative teachings on sexuality. He promoted controversial conservative groups, including Opus Dei, and advocated stricter adherence to Catholic theology, as indicated by his opposition to the liberal theologian Hans Küng and to liberation theology (a Latin American movement that sought to aid the poor as a religious duty and criticized existing socioeconomic structures). On the other hand, John Paul noted the error of the condemnation of Galileo and the importance of revising theology to accommodate modern science, except those areas in modern science that were deemed to injure or destroy human life (e.g., stem-cell research). Although he was a staunch opponent of communism whose actions have been deemed instrumental to the collapse of the Soviet bloc, he criticized the excesses of Western capitalism. He also instituted a new Code of Canon Law (1983) and canonized an unprecedented number of saints. But his most important activity—fully in the spirit of Vatican II—was his outreach to other faiths, both Christian and non-Christian. These efforts included overtures to Judaism and Islam: John Paul was the first pope to visit the synagogue in Rome, and in 2000 he made a historic pilgrimage to Jerusalem, where, in the spirit of brotherhood, he prayed at the Western Wall, as well as at Al-Aqṣā Mosque.

John Paul’s successor, Benedict XVI (2005–13), adopted his predecessor’s conservative orthodoxy on matters of sexuality, priestly celibacy, and church organization and continued John Paul’s dialogue with Judaism and Islam. He also faced the challenges of a decline in vocations and church attendance and the lasting effects of the scandal of the late 1990s and early 2000s concerning sexual abuse by priests and other religious. In 2013 Benedict resigned, citing health reasons, and he was succeeded by Francis I, who was the first pope from the Western Hemisphere, the first from Latin America (Argentina), and the first from the Jesuit order.

Roman Catholicism outside Europe

The New World: Spanish and Portuguese empires

Colonial period

Europeans first encountered the Western Hemisphere immediately before the Protestant Reformation. The fact of that discovery at that moment in history and the conquest of much of the New World by Roman Catholic powers are of major significance in the religious history of the hemisphere. The only part of the region that would remain non-Catholic was the area of the colonies that later became the United States and Anglophone Canada. Spain and Portugal were in their prime as sea powers in the late 15th and the early 16th century, and they were most responsible for exploring, colonizing, and establishing the Christian faith in the southern two-thirds of the American half of the world.

The chief institutions for spreading Catholicism were the religious orders, including the Franciscans, the Dominicans, the Augustinians, and the Jesuits. Well-trained and self-sacrificing representatives of the orders were able to go wherever Spanish and Portuguese ships went. Indeed, members of the clergy were often included in the expeditions sent to the New World by the rulers of Spain and Portugal, who recognized the obligation to convert the Indigenous population as part of their royal duty. The Spanish imposed Catholicism on the conquered Incas of Peru and Aztecs of Mexico and built churches and religious shrines where Inca and Aztec temples once stood. The new faith was almost immediately adopted by the defeated Aztecs, and, to teach the new converts better, many clergy learned their language. Despite royal patronage, there were occasional clashes between Catholic churchmen and colonizers or traders because of the latter’s mistreatment of the Indigenous population. At times Catholicism was able to temper the inhumanity of the conquerors. Foremost among the humane spokesmen for the Indigenous peoples of the Americas was the Dominican Bartolomé de Las Casas, “the Apostle of the Indians,” whose denunciations of European atrocities against the Native Americans became widely known; he was named bishop of Chiapas (Mexico) in 1543.

From the 16th to the 19th century, European colonists and immigrants from nations other than Spain and Portugal came to Latin America. However, even when these movements were made up of Protestant minorities or when they included Protestant missionaries, they did little to disrupt the generally or nominally Catholic cultures.

After independence

The inevitable reaction against the colonial powers took the form of independence movements and anticlerical revolts. The case of Mexico is illustrative: its rulers repeatedly proscribed Catholic education and promoted anticlerical interests following the country’s break from Spain in 1821. At the same time, the government declared that Mexico was a Catholic country and, thanks to the papal decision to allow the practice, assumed the responsibility (formerly held by the kings of Spain) of nominating bishops to their sees. In 1859 Benito Juárez declared the separation of church and state; a decade later Mexico severed diplomatic relations with the Holy See. In 1917, seven years after the start of the Mexican Revolution, the new government placed further restrictions on the church, and many bishops and clergy were forced into exile in the United States. Increasing persecution in the mid-1920s inspired the Cristero Rebellion (1926–29), in which the peasantry, without the support of the bishops, rose up in defense of the church. Despite the state’s hostility toward the church, the Mexican people remained largely Catholic, though they blended some Indigenous religious values and practices with Catholic forms and were often at odds with their own bishops.

Tensions between church and state in Mexico continued for the next two decades and resulted in renewed persecutions in the 1930s. After World War II, however, relations with the state improved, and the church gained greater freedom. Developments following Vatican II and the meeting of Latin American bishops at Medellín, Colombia, in 1968 were even more dramatic. The Catholic church in Mexico took a more activist role in society, denouncing the government for its brutal suppression of student protests, advocating social justice, and defending the rights of Native Americans and the poor. Theologians and some bishops supported liberation theology and Christian base communities (centers for studying the Bible, discussing social problems, and designing solutions to these problems) were established throughout the country. At the same time, however, more-traditional and conservative forces also became prominent. The controversial religious group Opus Dei assumed an increasingly important role in society, especially among the elite, and new episcopal appointments by Pope John Paul II strengthened conservative elements in the church. Along with the challenge of interpreting the decisions of Vatican II, the Roman Catholic Church in Mexico faced the aggressive proselytism of Protestant Christians, including Pentecostals, whose message had great appeal. The canonization of Juan Diego (the Aztec convert whose vision, according to tradition, of Our Lady of Guadalupe led to the construction of a new church and hastened the conversion of the Indigenous people of Mexico) on July 31, 2002, and the promotion of a Catholic charismatic movement were seen as an attempt to limit the appeal of the Pentecostals and other Protestants.

As Catholics in Mexico responded to the new situation created by Vatican II, they worked out an ever-improving relationship with the state. In the 1970s the Mexican government offered assistance to the church in the construction of the New Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe; the original church, the Old Basilica, had become unsafe because its foundations were sinking. It clearly was in the government’s best interest to adopt a less hostile stance toward the church because an overwhelming majority of Mexicans considered themselves Roman Catholic. The strength of Catholicism was demonstrated by the huge crowds that greeted John Paul II on each of his visits to Mexico starting in 1979. In 1992 Mexico and the Holy See resumed diplomatic relations, and anticlerical laws still on the books, such as those proscribing the Jesuits and denying priests the right to vote, were repealed. The end of official anticlericalism encouraged some priests to speak out in favor of the poor and the Native Americans; among them was Samuel Ruiz, bishop of Chiapas, who was accused of inciting the peasant rebellion of the Zapatista National Liberation Army in 1994 but acted as a mediator between the rebels and the government.

The history of the church in the rest of postcolonial Latin America was in many ways similar to its history in Mexico. By the middle of the 20th century, Latin American Catholicism remained strong but had endured periods of government hostility and increasing secularism. During the 1960s the cosmopolitan influences of Vatican II, the self-generated renewal of the church, and a new, socially responsible leadership contributed to the development of a more radical form of Catholicism. Inspired by the episcopal conference of 1968, which proclaimed its advocacy of the poor, the church in Latin America endorsed the vernacular mass and taught that sin was a matter of personal actions and unjust social structures.

Liberation theology was widely supported throughout Latin America, and Christian base communities, which expanded the role of the laity in the church, assumed an influential place in church and society. Committed to drastic social reform and associated in some countries with programs of violent revolution, liberation theology was exemplified by Dom Hélder Câmara of Recife, Brazil, and by Camillo Torres, a priest killed in his role as a Colombian guerrilla. In some Latin American countries, even clergy who preached nonviolence were persecuted and killed by the military because they were perceived as sympathetic to leftist guerrillas. In El Salvador, for example, Archbishop Oscar Romero was assassinated in 1980 while celebrating mass, and three American nuns were raped and murdered later that year; in 1989 the military killed six Jesuit priests.

During the papacy of John Paul II, the church hierarchy in Latin America gradually became more conservative, a result of the pope’s appointments to the church hierarchy as well as his directive that priests refrain from involvement in secular political activity. The renewed conservatism in the church reinforced the long-standing gap between official and popular Catholicism in Latin America. As in Mexico, Roman Catholicism was challenged by Protestant missionaries and the growing minority of converts to non-Catholic Christian churches. However, the election of Argentine archbishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio to the papacy in 2013 sparked hope that he could shepherd the faithful in Latin America back to the Catholic Church. Indeed, the papacy of Francis (Bergoglio’s papal name) became known for its outreach to many parts of the globe that had been neglected or overlooked by the popes of the 20th century.

Spanish and French missions in North America

While the colonies that would become the United States were being settled under the influence of British and continental Protestantism, Spanish Catholics had already established missions in Florida and elsewhere. Franciscans accompanied settlers and soldiers to New Mexico in 1598 and to Texas in 1690. In 1687 the Jesuit Eusebio Francisco Kino began work in Arizona, establishing a mission near Tucson that became a center for mission stations. Jesuits from Baja California were on the verge of moving into Alta California when their order was suppressed. In 1769 the Spanish Franciscan Junípero Serra founded a mission in San Diego, the first of 21 stations that would stretch up the California coast. Spanish missionary efforts came to an end in the early 19th century, and their record was one of mixed success at best. The missionaries in North America never received the full support of the Spanish government as had their counterparts in the south, the heart of the Spanish American empire. The missionaries also failed to learn the languages of the Native American population and, therefore, were unable to convert the Indigenous peoples. Spanish efforts in the American West and Southwest did, however, lay the foundation for the eventual development of an organized church governed by an episcopal hierarchy.

To the east of Texas, the French Catholics settled in Louisiana by 1718. Similarly, to the north, French explorers, traders, and conquerors settled much of eastern Canada and brought with them a Catholic church that has remained dominant there up to the present. French missionaries also penetrated the Great Lakes region and the Mississippi valley, but few traces of their efforts remained after English-speaking settlers arrived in the North American interior late in the 18th century.
