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“defense power”
March 16, 1935 - August 20, 1946
Areas Of Involvement:

The Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, would settle the matter of operational organization within the Wehrmacht. The Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH; Army High Command) became the de facto theatre command for the war in the East, while the OKW managed the war in German-occupied western Europe and North Africa. Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch headed the OKH until December 1941, when Hitler forced his resignation and took personal command of the Russian front until the end of the war.

Hitler’s contribution to the war in the West was to order the construction of an impregnable “Atlantic Wall” that would stretch from northern Norway to the Pyrenees. Consumed by the Russian campaign, Hitler paid little attention to the progress of this directive, even after Oberbefehlshaber West (OBW; Commander in Chief West) Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt complained about the inadequacy of German defenses in France. Although Rundstedt theoretically had oversight of all German units in the West, he was hampered by the byzantine and inefficient command structure of the OKW. As Keitel had learned years earlier, naval and air units remained within the exclusive purview of those branches. In addition, both Panzer Group West commander Gen. Leo Geyr von Schweppenburg and Army Group B commander Field Marshal Erwin Rommel reported directly to Hitler while remaining technically subordinate to Rundstedt. This jumble of commands would significantly hinder the German response to the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944.

War crimes and the myth of the “clean Wehrmacht”

By the end of the war, more than 17 million troops had served in the Wehrmacht, and the Allies formally disbanded the organization on August 20, 1946. The army accounted for the overwhelming majority of that total (13 million), followed by the air force (3 million) and the navy (1.5 million). In addition, as many as 1 million men, some of them foreign conscripts and auxiliaries, served in the Waffen-SS. Because the Wehrmacht was a conscript force and because so many German men of military age had served in it, there was an almost immediate effort to distance the Wehrmacht from the Holocaust and other crimes of the Nazi regime. The “clean Wehrmacht” narrative held that the typical Wehrmacht soldier, airman, or sailor was no different than his counterpart in the Allied forces; he fought for his country with honour and patriotism, untainted by the scourge of Nazism. This claim went largely unchallenged by the Western Allies, as the West German military became a necessary component of the Western defense structure in Cold War-era Europe. Moreover, while the SS and Gestapo were labeled “criminal organizations” at the Nürnberg trials, the Wehrmacht and the OKW were not. Keitel, Göring, and Raeder were individually tried and found guilty of war crimes, but the judges of the International Military Tribunal ruled that their guilt did not extend to the organizations that they led or to the men who served under them. The rehabilitation of the Wehrmacht was made complete by no less a figure than former Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower, who, during a trip to West Germany in January 1951, declared:

I have come to know that there is a real difference between the regular German soldier and officer and Hitler and his criminal group. For my part, I do not believe that the German soldier as such has lost his honor. The fact that certain individuals committed in war dishonorable and despicable acts reflects on the individuals concerned and not on the great majority of German soldiers and officers.

The postwar German political establishment went a step further by courting favour with the Hilfsgemeinschaft auf Gegenseitigkeit der Angehörigen der ehemaligen Waffen-SS (HIAG; “Mutual Help Association for Former Members of the Waffen-SS”), a social organization of Waffen-SS veterans. The HIAG wielded outsize influence in the decades after the war, and prominent politicians from both the left and the right worked to weave the Waffen-SS into the “clean Wehrmacht” legend. Prominent in this effort was HIAG spokesperson Kurt “Panzer” Meyer, a Waffen-SS tank commander who had been found guilty of war crimes for his role in the Normandy Massacres. The HIAG would achieve some success in its primary goal—winning military pensions for many Waffen-SS troopers—and it would retain significant political power into the 1980s.

A 1995–99 art exhibition titled “Vernichtungskrieg. Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941 bis 1944” (“War of Annihilation: Crimes of the Wehrmacht 1941–44”) triggered a massive reappraisal of the role of the Wehrmacht in World War II. The controversial exhibit toured 33 cities in Germany and Austria and was viewed by more than 800,000 people. The Wehrmachtsausstellung (“Wehrmacht exhibit”) was criticized because of the historical inaccuracy of some of the 1,400 photographs it featured, protests and riots routinely greeted its arrival, and a neo-Nazi group bombed it during its stop in Saarbrücken. The debate even reached the halls of the Bundestag, where members recounted their interactions with the Wehrmacht or their experiences as members of it. The scholarly shortcomings of the first exhibition were addressed in a second one, which debuted in 2001.

The following year, the “clean Wehrmacht” myth would be effectively dispelled with the publication of Wolfram Wette’s Die Wehrmacht: Feindbilder, Vernichtungskrieg, Legenden (2002; Eng trans. The Wehrmacht: History, Myth, Reality, 2006). Wette’s work detailed the Wehrmacht offensives on the Eastern Front, which he characterized as nothing less than a campaign of extermination against Bolsheviks, Jews, and Slavs. The upper echelons of Wehrmacht commanders were not dragged unwillingly along with Hitler’s racist agenda but were, in fact, fully complicit with it. By the early 21st century, the myth of the “clean Wehrmacht” had been shunted from the mainstream of popular consciousness in Germany.

Michael Ray