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Ecclesiasticus (or Sirach)

There are two deuterocanonical works of the genre known as wisdom literature, one Hebrew and one Greek. The Hebrew work is called Ecclesiasticus, in the Latin Bible and in Greek manuscripts Sophia Iēsou huiou Sirach (the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach); the original Hebrew title was probably Ḥokhmat Yeshuaʿ Ben-Sira, the Wisdom of Ben-Sira. Written in Hebrew about 180–175 bce, it was translated into Greek by the author’s grandson in Egypt. A Syriac translation also was made. Portions (about three-fifths) of the Hebrew text were found in medieval copies in a synagogue of Cairo and a part of the book in a fragment of a scroll from Massada in Palestine (written c. 75 bce). Small Hebrew fragments also were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls; one of them, the Psalms scroll, contains a large part of a poem about wisdom that is a part of the appendix (chapter 51) and that was not written by the author. The Proverbs of Ben-Sira are often quoted in rabbinic literature.

The book is written in the poetical style of the wisdom books of the Old Testament (e.g., Proverbs, Job) and deals with the themes of practical and theoretical morality. The religious and moral position of the author is conservative—he does not believe in the afterlife, but he reflects the contemporary religious positions. He identifies wisdom, the origin of which is divine, with “the Law which Moses commanded,” an idea that became important for later Judaism. He also reflects contemporary debates about freedom of will and determinism, and, though realistic in his basic opinions, he sometimes expresses eschatological hopes of salvation for his people. His piety is ethical, though lacking in asceticism; and he invites his readers to enjoy life, which is short (in this point some Greek influence is palpable, but it is not very deep). At the end of the book the author praises, in chronological order, “the fathers of old,” from the beginning of history to his contemporary, the high priest Simon, whose appearance in the Temple is poetically described. After some verses comes the colophon with the author’s name—the last chapter being an appendix not composed by the author.

The Wisdom of Solomon

The other deuterocanonical wisdom book, the Wisdom of Solomon, was written in Greek, though it purports to have been written by King Solomon himself. The hypothesis that the first half of the book was translated from Hebrew seems to be without foundation and probably came into existence because, in this section, the author imitated in Greek the Old Testament poetical style. The Wisdom of Solomon was probably written in Alexandria (Egypt) in the 1st century bce.

The book has three parts. The first (chapters 1–5) concerns the contrast between pious and righteous Jews and the wicked, sinful, and mundane Jews who persecute the righteous; the lot of the righteous is preferable to the sorrows and final condemnation of the sinners. In the second part (chapters 6–9) Solomon speaks about the essence of wisdom and how he attained it. In the third part (chapters 10–19) the author proves the value of wisdom by telling—not in an exact chronological order—how, in the history of Israel from the beginning until the conquest of Palestine, God exalted Israel and punished the heathens, the Egyptians, and the Canaanites. He also describes the folly of heathenism and its origins in human aberrations.

The author fuses Judaism and Hellenism both in style and in thought. Though he imitates biblical style, he is also influenced by Greek rhetoric. He also freely uses Greek philosophical and other terms and is influenced by Jewish apocalyptic literature. Some close parallels to the Dead Sea sect (at Qumrān), both in eschatology and in anthropology (doctrines about man), can be found in the Wisdom of Solomon.
