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In Christianity, in contrast, there are over 150 officially recognized creeds and confessions. In part this is because the church was from the beginning doctrinally oriented, making the acceptance of a specific kerygma (proclamation) a condition for membership. The faith of the community was expressed in acclamations such as “Jesus is Lord” (e.g., Romans 10:9, I Corinthians 12:3) and in longer, partly stereotyped summaries of essential beliefs (e.g., I Corinthians 15:3 ff.) For the New Testament community, in contrast to some Christian groups in later times, a creedless Christianity was inconceivable.

Fully formed creeds first developed for use in baptismal rites and catechetical instruction. They generally had three sections concerned with God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, but were variable in wording and content and only gradually became standardized.

This process culminated in the West in the Apostles’ Creed, which is now almost universally recognized by Western churches, and is still used in baptismal rites as well as public worship by Roman Catholics and most Protestants. This creed is wholly derived from New Testament affirmations, but the 5th-century legend that the Twelve Apostles were its authors is without foundation. Not until the 8th century is it quoted in its present wording. Its sources, however, are to be found in earlier baptismal creeds, most probably in the Old Roman Symbol, which appears to go back in its essentials to the 2nd century. As is true of other creeds, it is in part intended to exclude heretical views. For example, against gnosticism and Marcionism (dualistic heresies), it emphasizes that God, not an evil demiurge, is the creator of the world, and against docetic views that Jesus was a heavenly being with a phantom body, it insists that he was born of the Virgin Mary and actually suffered and died and was buried.

The Nicene Creed exists in two versions and represents a new type of doctrinal statement. It was first formulated at Nicaea in 325 by the first of the universal, or ecumenical, councils, after Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, and was designed not as a baptismal confession but as a binding standard of orthodox teachings. Its second version has become the most fully ecumenical of Christian creeds, accepted in East and West alike, including the major Protestant bodies. In Eastern churches, it is regularly employed in both baptism and eucharistic worship; in the West, only in the Eucharist, and chiefly by Roman Catholics, Anglicans, and Lutherans.

The first version of this formulary is that promulgated at the Council of Nicaea in 325, but the second version, the “Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed,” which has everywhere become standard and is generally referred to as the Nicene Creed, was affirmed at the Council of Chalcedon (451) as the Nicene “faith of the 150 fathers” (i.e., the Council of Constantinople of ad 381). In 4th- and 5th-century usage, “the Nicene faith” did not refer to the creed of Nicaea as such, but rather to its teaching.

Both versions make the same fundamental affirmations against the Arian heresy that denied the equality of the Father and the Son, asserting that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is homoousios (“of one substance”) with the Father. They are also both derived from Eastern baptismal formulas, though which ones is in dispute.

The Filioque clause, affirming that the Spirit proceeds “from the Son” as well as the Father, was inserted into the text in Spain during the 6th century and gradually spread to all Western churches, but was probably not used in Rome itself until 1014. Eastern Christians continue to reject this addition, though now they do not generally regard it as heretical, especially if it is understood in the sense of “through the Son.”

The Athanasian Creed, also called the Quicumque vult from its initial words, is the last of what in the West are regarded as the three catholic or ecumenical creeds. It has received some slight recognition in the East, but only since the 16th century. While officially accepted in the Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran communions, its liturgical use has greatly declined in recent centuries. In part this is because it is in form more a theological exposition than a creed, and in part because of the damnatory clauses that exclude from salvation all those who do not accept every detail of its teaching. The main themes are the nature of Christ and the Trinity, and these are developed in opposition not only to Arianism but also apparently to later heresies such as Nestorianism and Eutychianism. While its doctrine can in general be attributed to the 4th-century Church Father Athanasius, he was not its author. It probably originated in southern France about 450–500, although there is no scholarly consensus on this point.

Confessions of the Christian faith

Origins and functions of confessions

Official doctrine has chiefly developed during later periods of church history by the formulation of confessions of faith, rather than new creeds. This process did not begin, however, until the 16th-century Reformation. During the Middle Ages, dogmas evolved slowly, almost unconsciously, and then were ratified from time to time by decisions of the church councils, such as the decision on the seven sacraments at the Council of Ferrara-Florence in 1439. The Protestant Reformers, however, were confronted with the need to define and make legitimate their views over against the established system, and thus issued comprehensive manifestos that, much more than the early creeds, were not only catalogues of beliefs but also interpretations and apologies for them. The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches responded with their own confessional statements.

Lutheran confessions

The Augsburg Confession (1530) was the first of these statements, and still remains the most authoritative standard in Lutheran churches. It (as well as the Apology of the Augsburg Confession of 1531) was written by Philipp Melanchthon and approved by Martin Luther, and presents an irenic statement aiming to show that the pope and his allies, not the Reformers, had departed from Scripture and the tradition of the early Fathers. Luther’s Small Catechism also enjoys official status in all Lutheran churches and has been determinative for most Lutheran preaching and instruction. The Formula of Concord (1577) further defined the Lutheran position in reference to controversies both within and outside the ranks. These four writings, together with the Large Catechism (1529), the Schmalkald Articles, and the Treatise were assembled into the Book of Concord (1580), which has official status in many Lutheran churches.
