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Also known as: heraldic design

A crest is the object placed on top of the helmet and bound to it by what is known as a “wreath of the colors,” a twist of cloth (part of the mantling) of the two principal colors of the arms. Sometimes, instead of the wreath, the crest will use a coronet or a chapeau (a velvet cap of maintenance lined with ermine). Crests were at first made of leather, later of light wood, and yet later of more valuable materials. They were at first borne in tournaments, and they became general in families in England from the 16th century when the venal heralds of that period persuaded crestless families to acquire the addition for a payment. Today a crest is automatically included in any grant of arms made in England, Scotland, or Ireland.

When horse-drawn carriages were in use, it was the rule to show the whole heraldic insignia on the coach or carriage door. With the advent of motorcars and their smaller door space, the arms were usually omitted and only the crest and motto shown. That development may be the reason for the mistake frequently encountered in which the whole armorial achievement is described as a “crest.” While a coat of arms can exist without a crest, the existence of a crest without a coat of arms is almost an impossibility (the one exception known having been caused by the death of a grantee whose crest had been approved but who still had outstanding when he died a query on a small detail of his arms).

The helmet

On top of the shield is placed the helmet, upon which the crest is fastened by a wreath, coronet, or chapeau. Originally everything in heraldry was strictly utilitarian. As armorial bearings were used with armor, there had to be a helmet. In later centuries rules for the depiction of the helmet were elaborated to show the rank of the bearer; some helmets were displayed in profile and some in full face, with different metals and accoutrements, to indicate status. The shape of the helmet has varied greatly in heraldic representation. While the basic features of heraldry remain unchanged, the modes in which the insignia are shown have been subject to change and to fashion. The barrel-shaped helmet was used in the 13th century. The tournament helmet, especially popular during the period known as “the Decadence,” was of a different type altogether, its shape resembling that of a soup tureen and often drawn at an absurdly small size and with ridiculous proportions, impossible to wear.

The mantling

From the helmet hangs the mantling, or lambrequin. When worn, that was made of linen or other cloth and performed the useful function of shielding the wearer from the sun’s rays; it also served to snare or deflect sword cuts. The mantling, or mantle, is painted with the principal color of the arms, while its lining is of the principal metal. More elaborately styled mantles are used for kings and sovereign princes.

The mantling was one of the components to suffer most from the exaggerated effects of the decadent art of the 17th to 19th centuries, the modest slashing of earlier times being so exaggerated as to make the mantling resemble seaweed. Modern artists have reverted to the elegant and realistic mantling of the classical period.

Crowns and coronets

These are usually emblems of the rank of the bearer. With the abolition of most of the great European monarchies, the study of crowns has become principally of historical and antiquarian interest. The most famous royal crown remaining in use is that of the United Kingdom; it appears in the sovereign’s arms upon the royal helmet and on the crest of the golden lion crowned. Coronets (small crowns specifying the bearer’s rank in the peerage) are emblems of rank that are shown, when depicted, between shield and helmet. In Britain there are different coronets specified for the ranks of baron, viscount, earl, marquess, and duke. On the European continent a much wider use of coronets has prevailed. Among the relics of such usage is the crest coronet, a coronet that supports the crest either instead of the wreath or in addition to it and resting upon it. That is often a ducal coronet, but it does not indicate rank. Another relic is the chapeau, or cap of maintenance, a cap with ermine lining that was once worn on the helmet before the development of mantling and that is sometimes used instead of the wreath to support the crest. In Scotland the chapeau indicates the rank of a feudal baron.


Myths have grown around mottoes—time and again, a phrase or short sentence that began life as an inspiration or exhortation acquired a fantastic explanation. Most of those can be dismissed. Some mottoes are old war cries. Others are puns on the owner’s name or title, such as the Seton war cry of “Set on.” French and Latin are the most popular languages, but Gaelic and Greek also appear.

A motto is not a part of the arms and can be varied in most countries at the owner’s pleasure, though it is included in a modern grant of arms. In Scotland a change of motto requires the approval of the Lord Lyon, the head of the Scottish heralds. More than one motto may be used by the same family, and many mottoes are used by more than one family. In Scottish arms the motto is usually shown above the crest, but in all other countries it appears beneath the shield and always on a scroll.


These are the figures on either side of the shield of arms and are borne (in English heraldry) by peers and by other bearers of orders of the highest class, such as Knights of the Garter, of the Thistle, and of St. Patrick and by Knights Grand Cross. In former times supporters were used more widely, and a few English families still claim the right. In Scotland their use is much more frequent, being allowed, for example, to the heirs of feudal barons who were liable to be called to Parliament before 1592 and to the chiefs of clans and old families.

The compartment

The ground or foundation on which the supporters stand is called the compartment. In Scotland it is usually a rock or piece of ground and is often strewn with some heraldic object. In England the compartment ought to be shown in the same way, and today it often is, with the scroll of the motto beneath it; but in the debased heraldic art of the 18th and 19th centuries the supporters were generally shown as standing on a piece of ironwork or on the scroll.

The achievement

The term achievement, properly armorial achievement, means the whole display showing shield, helmet, crest, mantling, wreath, and, if appropriate, additaments such as a motto and supporters. In addition, an achievement may include representations of various knightly orders or companionships of knightly orders to which the owner of the arms is entitled. For example, Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, British field marshal and World War II military leader, could show the symbol of the Order of the Garter around his shield; persons with lesser distinctions such as the Distinguished Service Order, the Military Cross, and the Order of the British Empire may have the decorations shown pendent from their shields. As distinctions of that kind are not hereditary, on the death of the bearer the successor to the arms must not use representations that show those honors.

The badge

The badge is older than the heraldic system. Such a symbol identifying a person, a body, or an impersonal idea can be found from ancient times. The eagle of Rome was one of the state’s symbols and was the special device of the legions. Many such symbols bring to mind the country they represent; e.g., winged bulls with human faces at once recall Assyria. On Trajan’s Column in Rome, devices sometimes bear resemblance to later heraldic designs. On Etruscan vases are seen what reasonably could be described as demi-boars or bulls’ heads caboshed (facing the viewer and cut off behind the ears). Nearer to heraldic times, the planta genista, or broom plant, which gave its name to the Plantagenet dynasty of England (1154–1485), was a badge of the counts of Anjou before that family had armorial bearings. With the growth of heraldry, badges naturally assumed an heraldic character. They could be varied at the will of the holder, who often had more than one. Badges persist to the present and sometimes accompany grants of arms.

Commonly seen examples of heraldic badges today are those identifying property or institutions of the British government and those worn by Scottish clansmen. The former are usually royal badges many centuries old and include the portcullis, now used by both houses of Parliament, the broad arrow stamped on items of government property, and the crowned harp of the Royal Ulster Constabulary. Scotsmen take the crest from the achievement of their chief and encircle it with a strap and buckle, on which is blazoned the chief’s motto or the clan war cry, to form a badge worn on the bonnet or plaid.

Banners and standards

Arms in the Middle Ages were often displayed on fork-tailed pennons attached to lances. If the forked ends were cut away, the resulting flag was similar in shape to a small banner. Especially valorous conduct could be recognized in that way, and the knight thus distinguished was known as a knight banneret. The banner bears its owner’s arms as if it were a square shield, and today most jurisdictions allow anyone who possesses arms to have a heraldic flag in that form. Those can sometimes be seen in Great Britain flying over a house. No banner is mentioned in the grant of arms made to U.S. President Kennedy, but in due course an armorial banner was made for the occasion when his brother Sen. Robert Kennedy carried it to the top of a mountain in Yukon named Mount Kennedy by the Canadian government in memory of the president. The banner bore the Kennedy arms. The maker of the banner added a long white streamer on which he placed a badge based on the Kennedy crest.

On the standard, the principal colors of the arms are shown with the owner’s badge or badges, and in the hoist (the part next to the staff) is shown either the owner’s national cross or the owner’s arms.

Occasionally are seen square flags bearing a full achievement. Those are heraldic flags, but they are not banners or standards. The flag popularly known as the British Royal Standard is really the Royal Banner, and, if it is to be called a standard, then technically it is a square standard. The Royal Standard is a very long, narrow flag whose minimum length of eight yards is laid down by statute. Queen Elizabeth II did not have a royal standard.

In England flags are often seen flying above churches. When those show the flag of St. George (England’s patron saint), white with a red cross, they may carry on a canton the arms of the diocese in which the church is situated. Heraldic flags also fly in some countries in continental Europe in a similar manner. With the disestablishment of heraldic offices in most European countries, contemporary flags became for the most part nonheraldic.
