Feminist theories of agency

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Judith Butler
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Both feminist social and political philosophy and feminist ethics presuppose a theory of women’s agency—i.e., an account of their capacity for individualized choice and action. The question of women’s agency was salient for feminist philosophers because women’s identities took shape in settings that were in some respects inimical to their interests. A prime motivation for all feminist scholarship was the knowledge that institutions and practices throughout human history have subordinated women—albeit in different ways and to different degrees at different times and in different places. Because children assimilate cultural norms and form interpersonal bonds long before they are able to assess the desirability of these life-shaping influences, it is to be expected that many women will be predisposed to accept a subordinate social position. Thus, when opponents of feminist principles and initiatives pointed out that most women willingly comply with prevailing feminine norms, feminist philosophers replied that women might well choose to live differently were it not for the omnipresence of traditional heterosexual role models and media representations, not to mention the disadvantages of nonconformity. The problem of women’s agency was thus inextricable from the theme of voice. What was at issue was how to discern when women are speaking in their own voices and doing what they really want to do.

There was considerable consensus among feminist philosophers regarding the criteria that a feminist theory of agency must satisfy, but there was also heated controversy about which theory best meets those criteria. At a minimum, a feminist theory of agency must explain how it is possible for women in male-dominated societies to live in ways that reflect their genuine needs and concerns, and it must explain how it is possible for women to develop critiques of sexist social and political institutions and to mount active resistance. Moreover, it must accomplish both of those tasks without pretending that people are capable of stepping outside their own socially determined viewpoints to attain a God-like perspective.

Building on the consciousness-raising model of the 1970s, Nancy Hartsock held that women discover their own values and gain authentic agency only through acts of solidarity with feminist protesters and dissenters. Sandra Bartky pointed to the usefulness of discovering contradictions within the gender norms imposed upon women—e.g., women are supposed to dedicate themselves to being beautiful and attractive to men but then are derided for being narcissistic. Such conflicts, they held, provide a basis for questioning prevailing notions of the proper role of women in society and the home.

Another approach invoked narration to account for agency. Hilde Lindemann urged that individuals articulate their sense of themselves by telling stories. Since the narrative form opens up the possibility of reinterpreting past events as well as of devising different continuations of a story in progress, it enables women to mobilize creative powers and thereby to reshape their lives. For example, by identifying some customary behaviours in the workplace as “sexual harassment,” women workers validated the anger and humiliation they felt, which in turn enabled them to envisage ways of combating those discriminatory practices.

Finally, an approach to agency that complemented those views focused on the epistemological question of how individuals can distinguish desires, values, and the like that are truly their own from those that they have merely absorbed from their social environments. The proposed solution was that agency requires a well-developed repertoire of skills in self-discovery, self-definition, and self-direction. By using those skills, individuals may identify beliefs, desires, projects, and so forth that promote their own flourishing as well as that of others and disavow beliefs, desires, and projects that they deem unfair and detrimental.

Feminist epistemology and philosophy of science

The assumptions about the nature of persons that anchored feminist agency theory also informed feminist epistemology and philosophy of science. In Western culture, women often have been represented as essentially unknowable by men, in large part because men have been seen as rational and women as irrational. According to feminist philosophers, whatever cognitive deficits women may continue to have can be attributed to the fact that in the past women were rarely educated or encouraged to engage in intellectual pursuits. Even today girls in Western countries sometimes are discouraged from studying mathematics and science, in some cases directly and in others through the sexist attitudes and expectations of teachers or parents.

Amplifying this point, the feminist philosophers Sandra Harding, Lorraine Code, and Helen Longino noted that “communities of knowers”—those recognized as experts in some field of inquiry—were remarkably homogeneous, not only with respect to sex but also with respect to race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Most such knowers, in other words, were white, Western, heterosexual men. To account for this fact, feminist epistemologists contended that the standards for judging who deserves credibility and authority as an expert are social constructions that help to reinforce the political and economic status quo. Moreover, because so many people’s experience, reasoning, and testimony are discounted, feminist epistemologists are skeptical that science and the philosophy of science are as objective as they purport to be. Because vetting knowledge claims involves gaining a consensus among peer researchers as well as checking such claims against data, some feminist epistemologists concluded that the agents of knowledge acquisition are best understood not as individual experts but as communities of inquirers. Arguing, moreover, that knowledge cannot be value-free and that it always reflects the interests of the knower, those philosophers maintained that the only way to approximate the ideal of objectivity is to welcome diverse voices into the epistemic community. Today, as feminist historians of philosophy continue to unearth more and more work by forgotten female philosophers, it is becoming increasingly clear that the epistemic community was never quite as exclusive as Western philosophy and science imagined.

Diana T. Meyers