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    This 26-Year-Old Designer Went Viral For Her "Eccentric" And "Weird" Bedroom, And It's So Chaotic That Nearly 25K People Commented With Their Reactions

    "Your room is like a museum I'd pay admission to come see."

    Creative expression is a freedom everybody deserves to exercise, whether through music, writing, clothing, or more. For Myra Magdalen, it's through interior decorating. The 26-year-old captivated the internet when she gave a multi-part tour of her (highly) creative and eccentric home on TikTok. Though her video tours regularly rack up hundreds of thousands of views, one in particular — "part five or six" of her tour, as Myra calls it — has amassed over 12 million views, 1.7 million likes, and 24.7 thousand comments.

    TikTok: @myramagdalen / Via

    In it, Myra (@myramagdalen) showcases her different and definitely distinct decor — including her keyboard walls, ocean-themed bedroom (complete with horse sheets), nail clipper collection, "inside dirt," and recurring pictures of Jimmy Neutron's dad, Hugh. Needless to say, she's left the internet simultaneously disoriented and wonderstruck. One viewer commented, "I'm scared of you but I love you."

    Comments from Myra's TikTok include: "I'm scared of you but I love you," "Your room is like a museum I'd pay admission to come see," and "Is this real or am I having a fever dream? Someone answer quickly"

    Some viewers compared Myra's room to a museum or fever dream; others dubbed it "Jimmy Neutron's dad" core and "Spencer from iCarly" core. Some also praised Myra's aesthetic, with one writing, "You're healing something within my inner child I forgot was broken."

    Comment's from Myra's video include: "You remind me of Spencer from 'iCarly,'" "I cannot with the Jimmy Neutron dad core," and "You're healing something within my inner child that I forgot was broken"

    If you haven't seen the tour, the Alabama native starts in her bathroom, where she has multiple keyboard collections hanging on the wall. One collection includes musical keyboards, while the other includes computer keyboards (and wired computer mouses to match).

    And because one statement wall is never enough, Myra then reveals her office area, which has a wall covered with photos of worms.

    Myra's shows off her worm wall

    TBH, if you're trying to find an overarching theme to Myra's decor, please don't. After her office area, she continues the tour in her ocean-themed bedroom — complete with a DIY seashell headboard, starfish prints, and horse-patterned pillowcases and sheets.

    Myra's is showing her ocean-themed bedroom, which also has her cat, Stevie, lying on the seashell bed

    Naturally, this is followed by her collection of framed nail clipper photos, along with a single-framed photo of Walter White from Breaking Bad.

    The TikToker is showing off her photo frame collection that features photos of nail clippers and Walter White from "Breaking Bad"

    While all of Myra's decor is eccentric, her Hugh-Neutron-themed gumball machine and dirt pit sent viewers into a tizzy. "It's just dirt that I have inside to play with," Myra narrates in her video. "In the middle of it, I have this candy machine that I thrifted. I didn't want to fill it with candy, so I filled it with a bunch of tiny images of Jimmy Neutron's dad."

    Myra's dirt pit is being displayed, alongside her candy machine featuring a photo of Jimmy Neutron's dad, Hugh

    She then demonstrates that if you dig to the bottom of the dirt pit, you’ll find a custom-made liner of (more) photos of Mr. Neutron.

    Myra's digs in the dirt pit and reveals that the bottom has images of Jimmy Neutron's dad

    Now, like many viewers, you may wonder why Myra decorated her room in such a way. To get some answers, I spoke with Myra about her decorating decisions, from her creative process to the inspiration behind her decor. "My creative process is really just making my space as 'me' as it can be," she began. "I like to arrange my things into mini 'art installations' around my room. I don't really know why I started doing this other than that it makes me happy and makes sense to me."

    Myra's duck collection is being displayed

    Given that these curiosity-inducing items are meant to reflect herself in her space, I asked Myra if any of her decor holds sentimental value — particularly the nail clippers, as they're prominently featured in her room. "The nail clipper thing came about because I needed to fill my frames with pictures of something, and they were the first thing that came to mind," she shared. More often than not, Myra likes her decor simply for its look and unexpectedness rather than its sentimentality.

    A nail clipper calendar and a nail clipper carousel is being shown

    As such, she's often inspired by items she comes across at thrift stores, estate sales, and auctions (like the gumball machine). "Walking through an antique shop is like watching a mini runway show in my mind," Myra said. "I have a lot of collections and strange little things that speak to me."

    Myra's different outfits are being shown: a worm outfit, a flip flop outfit, and a lobster outfit

    Because she has a rather unconventional aesthetic, some might describe Myra's style as "bizarre" or "weird." When I asked Myra if such adjectives bothered her, she said she didn't mind and called them "accurate observations" before adding, "My room and style are strange and weird, and that's not lost on me. I don't take insult to comments like that."

    Myra's snail outfit and red onion-inspired outfit is being presented

    Ultimately, whether Myra's room leaves viewers more disoriented or wonderstruck, it's a testament that creative expression doesn't need to fit into any mold or abide by society's definition of normal. As for Myra, she reflected, "Creative expression is everything to me. Being able to decorate my space is a perfect way for me never to forget who I am and to build off my own creativity."

    Myra shows off her nail clipper stickers and her bedside table

    "If I'm ever not sure of who I am, what I like, or what I'm doing, all I have to do is look around me, and there I am — everywhere," she concluded. "Being surrounded by your own art and the things you like is such a gift to yourself."

    Myra is in a blue star-inspired outfit. The next image shows a closer look at her nail clipper carousel

    What is your favorite way to express yourself? Do you have something in your room that some people might find weird? Let me know in the comments!

    For more content, follow Myra on TikTok! 
