People Are Revealing The Creepy Or Downright Bizarre Discoveries They Made In A Friend's Home, And Several Shocked Me

    "I used his kitchen tongs to pick everything up, threw them into bags, and hid them away. I take every opportunity to make a few jokes whenever we're hanging out alone, but he refuses to acknowledge what happened that day."

    If you've never been inside your friend's house, how much do you really know them? Recently, redditor u/HoodTrue asked Reddit community members what the most bizarre things they saw or found in their friend's house were, and it turns out that sometimes you don't actually know your friends as you thought. Here are some of the most WTF, questionable things people have seen in others' homes:

    1. "I love all animals; I used to work at a pet clinic. One of my coworkers invited me over to the apartment she shared with her boyfriend. Well, her boyfriend had a large eight-foot python that roamed free. Everything was cool until I was advised to move because the python seemed to be 'stalking me.'"

    A python slithers on a soft surface with creases; image posted on a social platform by a user

    2. "I had a friend in high school who was a notorious stoner and constantly smelled like pot. He'd look up all kinds of information on hydroponics equipment and grow lights on the school computers. Whenever we asked him about it, he would always say, "It's for my tomatoes, man!" Sure, it's totally for your "tomatoes." I had never been to his house before, but after I graduated, he finally invited us over for a party. His entire house was completely spotless from top to bottom. He then asked us, "Oh, wanna see my tomatoes?" and led us into the garage. He turned on the light, and sure as shit, this dude had an entire hydroponics and grow light setup for growing actual tomatoes. Turns out his hobby was growing the biggest tomatoes I have ever seen."


    3. "My friend collected his finger and toenail clippings in a jar for several years. He never mentioned it to me, but I spotted the jar in his room. When I questioned him about it, he said his nail clippings were part of him, so he didn't want to throw them away."

    Display case filled with fingernail clippings, presented on a Reddit post

    4. "I once went to a coworker's house after a team event. We were looking for a place to continue partying after the bar closed. The entire team, including supervisors, went. My coworker was very prim and proper at work, and everyone assumed she was extremely 'vanilla.' When we got to her apartment, it was decked out as a BDSM dungeon. There wasn't just one room — it was the entire apartment. Turns out, she was heavily into BDSM and had a side hustle hosting sex parties. She only kept her office job as a cover story during the day."


    5. "I went to visit a friend one July and admired a beautiful plant she had in the corner of the room. It was her dead Christmas tree."

    Person looking at a large indoor plant where a Christmas tree once stood

    6. "A former coworker of mine had collected an entire place setting of Nazi items: plates, cups, silverware, the lot. The goofy thing was it was just a single setting. His explanation for it was that he'd lost family in the Holocaust and during the war. To him, the Nazis being dead and gone while he could still eat off their places was the ultimate revenge. My coworker was a different dude, for sure."


    7. "I was installing the internet for this guy with at least 10 cats living in a two-bedroom apartment. Instead of having a litterbox, he'd dump litter onto the floor of the entryway closet, and the cats would do their business there. The smell entering the apartment was truly offensive."

    Five cats congregated on a doorstep, with a comment about their cuteness

    8. "A friend of mine ended up in the hospital and called me panicking because his parents were on the way to take care of him until he was back on his feet. He needed me to swing by his house and clean up before they got there. He was crying and hyperventilating, begging me not to judge him and not to tell anyone about what I would find. He refused to tell me what he needed to be cleaned up. I arrived at his house a few hours before his parents arrived. I walked into the living room and, set up on a folding table, was the largest collection of anal toys I'd ever seen. They were lined up in neat rows, surrounded by rags and cleaning solutions. Needless to say, I laughed so hard I tweaked my back; it was the last thing I imagined him being into. I used his kitchen tongs to pick everything up, threw them into bags, and hid them away. I take every opportunity to slip in a few butt jokes whenever we're hanging out alone, but he refuses to acknowledge what happened that day."


    9. "My hubby and I moved into a new home in Florida years ago. The next-door neighbor was a recluse; no one EVER saw her. Our first Thanksgiving in the neighborhood, I decided to see what the deal was with her, so I loaded up on a basket of homemade blueberry muffins and knocked on her door. She was a sweet, 90-year-old lady who warmly thanked me and invited me in. Her house was dark, neat, and quiet...until I walked down the hall. In one side room, a large computer and six huge monitors were running. Turns out, she was a computer programming genius. She traded stocks from all over the world and closely monitored overseas markets. It was wild. I stayed for tea and found out she'd graduated from UCLA back in the '60s as one of the first female programmers. I also discovered she knew our Wi-Fi password; she advised me to make it stronger and to change it from time to time. She died four years later, but I'll never forget her."

    Vintage computer setup with multiple old monitors and CPUs on tables in a room

    10. "I dated this girl on and off during senior year. We were hanging out at her house in the living room, and I was sitting on the floor with my back against the couch. I set my hand down, and it kind of went under the couch and grazed something hard. I figured it was a dog toy and reached to retrieve it. My hand was wrapped around the grip of an AR-15. Apparently, her dad had over 100 guns of various kinds all over the house."


    11. "I walked into a house for a dogsitting gig meet-and-greet. The lady greeted me at the door and was super nice. We walked into the kitchen, and I noticed a baseball cap with a dinosaur skull on it. I thought they probably just liked dinosaurs. Nah. The house tour revealed a floor-to-ceiling cave bear skeleton in their living room, a fireplace covered in fish fossil tiles they'd dug out of a riverbed, a triceratops horn, and a closet full of common fossils they gave out to houseguests before they left. I got some trilobite and plant fossils. Now I'm going on a paleontological dig with them."

    Photo of a varied fossil and mineral collection displayed on a table

    12. "A Girl Scout troop leader had a house full of taxidermy. Her husband was quite the hunter and shot most of it himself. Now, don't get me wrong — this was in Colorado, so the occasional taxidermy was fine. But I'd never seen it on every available inch of every wall."


    13. "My wife and I were invited to lunch at her coworker's home. She was a lovely, quiet, and demure elementary school teacher, and we both really liked her. When we got there, we saw that every room in her home had aquariums with snakes. Dozens and dozens of snakes. I'm not squeamish, but my wife REALLY doesn't like snakes."

    Snake resting in an aquarium with decor, viewed through a Reddit post on a computer screen

    14. "I locked myself out of my place once, so my neighbor invited me in for coffee. There were pictures of his ex everywhere, and I'm not kidding. He had mugs and pillows with her face on them, and several framed photos of her were in every room. They'd broken up a year ago."


    15. "I was seeing the most beautiful woman you could imagine. At this point, we had gone on a handful of dates, and I was headed over to pick her up from her house so our kids five-year-olds could have a playdate. My son needed to pee, so we went inside her house. The place was musty, with fruit flies everywhere, but it didn't look like a complete disaster. I was standing at the door, and my son came out of the bathroom crying. I asked what was wrong, and he said, 'The potty is gross.' I told him it was okay and just to hurry up. But the look on his face told me that something was actually wrong. I followed him into the bathroom to ensure that everything was fine. When I turned the corner and saw the bathroom, I about puked right there."

    Person distressed by significant mold growth on toilet after a two-week absence

    16. "At my uncle and his girlfriend's 100-year-old house, there were two large penises in the dining room. Apparently, she went to Mexico and collected a couple of 'penis sculptures' that were basically just very large dildos, then propped them up high on shelves in the dining room. One was wooden; the other was dark blue glass. My husband and I shared a look when we saw them, and my uncle's girlfriend said, 'What? What do YOU collect?' I don't even know how we replied to that. The whole time at their house was just one weird ass fever dream."


    17. Last but not least: "I worked with a really nice person with whom I hung out several times over the course of a few years. She got engaged, so she and her fiancé moved into a new house. I visited her new place, and she told me about her proposal. Her fiancé had proposed with the ring atop one of those sad-looking clown figurines. I thought she was joking, but when it became clear that she wasn't, I questioned if that was romantic. I'm not scared of clowns, but I don't love them. To me, a clown proposal would've been super creepy, but apparently, she was over the moon about it. She said, 'Wait, do you not know that I collect clowns?' I had not known."

    Assorted vintage dolls displayed together, featuring various outfits and expressions

    Personally, the second I see a python slithering freely about, I'm out. What strange and WTF thing have you seen at your friend's house that made you question the friendship? Let me know in the comments, or you can anonymously submit using this form!
