29 Pictures People Who Went To Private School Can Never, Ever, Ever BEGIN To Understand

    Public school is a way of life.

    Only people who went to public school have experienced...

    1. Teacher's going to extreme measures:

    A hand holding a brick with a calculator attached to it in a classroom setting. Text on the image reads, "My chemistry teacher's solution to people stealing her calculators."

    2. Things just breaking off for no reason:

    A person holds a broken door handle detached from the door lock. The lock mechanism is exposed

    3. Going to bathroom and finding something like this:

    A messy toilet bowl filled with a large quantity of chopped red onions spilled inside and around it. The tweet above reads: "who the FUCK brings a bag of CHOPPED RED ONIONS to school just to throw them in the TOILET I fuckin HATE my school."

    4. Or this:

    Hands are being washed under a running faucet with various dry cereals scattered in the sink

    5. Or this:

    A disabled toilet with a large trash canister tipped over onto the toilet seat. Text above image: "Sh a de @thisdop Follow Public school moment."

    6. The sawdust... so much sawdust:

    A tweet from Bridget (@bridgettttttk) reminiscing about how it was common for kids to randomly throw up in class during grade school

    7. That one kid that was SURE this was the truth:

    Tweet by @notmitchkramer: "Teacher runs late. Me: The kid with the ACDC shirt: 'hey guys if the teacher doesn’t show up in 15 minutes we are legally allowed to leave.'"

    8. Having a STRONG opinion about a water fountain:

    Two water fountains are pictured with text above stating, "Like for Elkay LMA8F8 (left), Share for Elkay EZS8L (right)." CJ (@_Cjboogie_) comments, "Left colder but the right more smooth."

    9. The sheer intensity of Jeopardy review games:

    The image contains a quote saying, "The only thing you need to know about public school is that people go hard as shit during classroom jeopardy review games. There are no friends here."

    10. Teachers making due with whatever supplies the classroom had:

    A hand holds a wilted leaf being used as a bathroom pass in a public school. Text above reads, "public school is having to use the leaf that was stuck to the door as a bathroom pass."

    11. This rumor being like some sort of ancient knowledge every kid needed to know:

    A tweet from the user @stillo__, questioning why middle school kids spread the rumor that Marilyn Manson removed ribs to perform a sexual act on himself

    12. I mean, come on:

    A social media post by mmilhouse reads: "(guy who never went to public school) so cool that Marilyn Manson has all his bones." The post has 16,897 notes. Icons for replying, reposting, and liking are visible

    13. Every textbook looking like it just came out of the tomb of Amenhotep III:

    A stack of worn and damaged history textbooks titled "America: History of Our Nation" is piled on a table

    14. Beautiful works of art everywhere:

    Meme text: "public school is so weird tho because you have this institution with all these potentially brilliant minds," next to a childish drawing of a rocket

    15. I mean, EVERYWHERE:

    A bathroom with sinks and soap dispensers on the wall. Above the sinks, graffiti reads "Just assume you look like shit." Below, a comment says "the school removed the mirror in the bathroom and someone wrote on the wall."

    16. Eating something like this and going directly to gym class:

    Cafeteria food tray with cooked pasta topped haphazardly with cheese slices. Text reads: "On the menu today, macaroni and fuck it."

    17. Or eating something like this:

    A slice of pizza covered in melted cheese with a chocolate milk carton on a black tray. The Twitter handle "@soobier" and the text "american public school lunch core" are displayed above

    18. Or this:

    Disposable tray with nacho chips in a bag, unidentifiable meat, and a yellow liquid. Shared by Brent with the caption, "Chicago public school lunch."

    19. Toilet paper that the word "transparent" does not even begin to describe:

    A person holding a semi-transparent hygienic wipe in a tiled restroom area

    20. Kids falling asleep just about every single place a person can fall asleep locations:

    Person in a classroom resting their head on a pillow placed on a desk. Poster on the wall reads, "Sociology is hard." No text on the person's clothing is visible

    21. That one guy:

    Split image of two cartoon kids running with their arms backward, captioned "Everyone knew that one weird kid in the class that would run down the hallway like this."

    22. And that one girl:

    Tweet from @MoshWithTyler asking if others knew a girl in high school who thought she was a cat and hissed at people. 25.1K retweets, 183.6K likes

    23. And that one kid who always had a pencil like this:

    A small, heavily-used pencil stub rests in the palm of a person's hand

    24. Random screams on the regular:

    "Text conversation about random muffled screams in public schools, someone's disbelief and response with 'Public school.'"

    25. Student elections like this:

    Three posters on a railing: one promotes a student council, a pizza box says "Vote 4 Tony," and another reads "Don't know who to vote for? You now do! #VoteTony."

    26. Hoping and praying you'd show up on this list:

    Tweet by ZADDYWES (@WesDaddy) reminiscing about watching TV for school closure announcements. WXYZ Detroit tweet below: Over 50 schools closed in metro Detroit due to cold temperatures

    27. The power of the bell:

    Text meme from danisnotonfire: "*bell about to ring* *binders are being put away* Teacher: Stop! The class isn’t over! *binders being put away slightly slower*"

    28. Every single test being photocopied to death:

    Visual meme from "The Office" featuring Pam Beesly (played by Jenna Fischer) holding two cell diagrams, with captions saying teachers find them identical

    29. And all the very valuable things we learned there:

    Tweet by Sage Boggs: "I'm glad I learned about parallelograms instead of how to do taxes. It's really come in handy this parallelogram season."