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    These Wine Condoms Mean You'll Never Waste A Half-Finished Bottle Again

    Keep your leftover wine fresh.

    We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales from the links on this page.

    We've all been there: You're halfway into a bottle of wine at home, and you decide to call it a night.

    Introducing: wine condoms. 👀

    Now let's address the obvious question: What makes this product better than simply re-corking your bottle or using a bottle stopper?

    Plus, wine condoms allow you to easily store your half-open bottle on its side.

    Also, they're just brilliant. I mean, let's talk about the packaging for a sec...

    The marketing isn't just on point — the product is actually super legit.

    And over 200 Amazon users have given wine condoms an impressive 4.7-star rating.

    And they're pretty much the perfect gift for any wine lover in your life (including yourself).

    Buy a pack of six on Amazon for $13.97.

    Do your holiday shopping with BuzzFeed. Check out all of our gift guides here!

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.
