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1. 気づいた?この「違和感」に

Person doing a seated yoga pose on rocks by the ocean with waves in the background

2. 本能が「ここには近づくな」と言っている気がする

A dimly lit hallway filled with various standing mannequins of different sizes, all arranged closely together. Light source from the end of the hallway


A black dog stands alone in a long, empty concrete hallway with peeling paint on the walls

4. そう、なんとなく怖いのだ

A hallway with vintage floral wallpaper covering the walls and ceiling, featuring several doors and a framed picture on the left side. No people are present

5. その違和感に気づくと…

A lemon with a single cartoonish blue eye and red markings is placed on a shelf next to a plant

6. ゾクゾクが止まらないだろ?

Person with a backpack exploring a graffitied, overgrown tunnel entrance; right image shows the dimly lit, rocky interior of the tunnel

7. ただの蜂の巣なんだけどさ

Close-up of flesh with bees crawling over it. The comb is partially damaged, revealing the inner structure

8. ただの猫なんだけどさ

A cat with its face covered in white flour, captioned "My cat sneezed into a bowl of flour ???" and "What comes to your mind when you first saw her??"

9. なんとな〜く怖いのよ

Two images showing a dark, halo-shaped object in the cloudy sky, one with a blue glow in the background

10. 違和感を感じるのよ

A stuffed toy dragon with a large open mouth sits in a dentist's chair with a toothbrush in its mouth

11. 「仲間になろうよ!」だって……

