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    Attention, Headache Sufferers: This Essential Oil Stick Will Change Your Damn Life

    Oh, Migrastil, where have you been all my life??!?

    We hope you love the products we recommend! Just so you know, BuzzFeed may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.

    I've been a headache sufferer for years. Some weeks I find myself forgetting what it's like to not have a headache. I get all kinds — sinus, tension, hormonal, I-ate-dinner-too-late — basically every damn kind of headache you can think of. Ibuprofen helps most of the time, but taking too much of that isn't great, either. So a few months ago, I was feeling kind of stuck. But like a superhero bursting into a scene with a heartening crescendo, enter: Migrastil Migraine Stick.

    It's a completely clear oil that doesn't leave your forehead all shiny. You use the simple roll-on applicator to apply a bit to your forehead and temples (don't go too crazy or you may accidentally get some in your eyes), and then apply as much as you want to the back of your neck. Within 30 seconds, you'll start to feel cooling relief.

    And I'm not the only one. People on Amazon love this shit. Here are some more folks whose lives have been blessed by the power of this stick:

    So even if it's not technically ~magic~, I seriously recommend this to anyone who whose life regularly gets interrupted by headaches. You deserve better!

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99.

    Breaking free from our headaches like:

    Find more great headache relief products here.

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