15 Peculiar Things That Feel Just A Bit "Off" Upon Inspection

    Something doesn't feel quite right.

    1. This living room that has a giant hole in it:

    Living room with a large, deep sinkhole in the floor, surrounded by sofas and a table

    2. These street signs that show very conflicting directions:

    Road signs indicating no left turn and an arrow pointing right, by a rural grassy area

    3. The position and coloring of the roses on this bedding set:

    A bed with a carved wooden headboard, floral-patterned bedding, and matching pillows is neatly made in a traditional-style bedroom

    4. This pitbull and dachshund mix:

    A short-legged, muscular dog with a light brown coat and white markings standing on dry grass, looking towards the camera

    5. This crumb that is actually a sandwich if you look with a magnifying glass:

    Close-up of a small, sandwich-like snack on a decorative clear plate. The snack has layers of bread, meat, and a yellow topping. A decorative candle is visible

    6. This ice formation that created a creepy looking window peeper:

    A frozen humanoid-like icicle formation drips from a window against a building. Snow covers the ground beneath

    7. The hole in this wall that was patched with a pad:

    Door with damage repaired by taping a sanitary pad over the hole near the hinges

    8. This door handle that actually has a real-life snake on it:

    A large snake is coiled around a door handle, partially covering a keyless entry lock above it

    9. This toe that got loose from its sock:

    A person's foot in a black sock with a hole, revealing their big toe, standing on a wooden floor

    10. And this head that got twisted around on its body:

    A young child in a hooded sweatshirt with a sports logo stands in a stadium, facing away, watching a game. Other spectators are seated nearby

    11. This sea of birds that took up the entire sky:

    A massive flock of birds fills the sky over a busy road, causing a mesmerizing and dense pattern overhead while cars move below

    12. This washing machine full of rubber gloves:

    A washing machine filled with multiple rubber gloves placed in a way that makes it look as if several hands are reaching out

    13. This dog hair that is being sold on Facebook:

    14. This pumpkin that looks more like a Poké Ball than a pumpkin:

    A person holding a uniquely shaped gourd that resembles a toy figure with a helmet and a red top

    15. And this black cat that looks like the shadow of this white cat:

    Two cats, one white and one black, are sitting side by side on a chair in a dimly lit room, both looking in the same direction
    Older woman in a serious expression, wearing a red coat with jewelry, caption reads: "Life is so damn complicated, messy." "#ORGANIZEDCRIME #NBC" logo shown