Chefs Are Sharing The "Normal" Aspects Of Life That Come With Working In Restaurants, And As A Former Line Cook, I Can Confirm They're Spot On

    "I was raised by chefs, and I've always done this for big meals. My confusion came when I realized others don't."

    As a chef, you live in an alternate reality from most people — a reality revolving mostly around a kitchen. With a job that demands dedication, sacrifice, and physical effort, chefs naturally adapt their lives to their work. So when u/drmendez took to Reddit Community r/chefit to ask fellow chefs, "What is something only Chefs do that regular people would never even consider?" chefs eagerly shared the unusual habits and quirks that come with the job.

    1. "Chefs don't have arm hair. I took a year out of working in kitchens... One day, I was walking and holding hands with my wife when she recoiled and said touching my hands and feeling hair on them was weird. 'I'm so used to them being bald from burning the hair off!' she said."

    A forearm covered in sugar and coffee grounds, likely after an exfoliation treatment, is held over a granite countertop

    2. "Drinking out of quart takeout containers. I always have one lying around somewhere."

    Plastic cup with beverage and lime slices, next to a Corona beer box in a kitchen setting

    3. "One noticeable thing is our lack of fear of fire compared to normal people. A stovetop burner won't light? Let me just use my hands and stick a match down there. Whoosh! I'm used to the heat so I don't even flinch, but people watching me flip out and gasp as if I were lucky not to have been hurt."

    A chef in a professional kitchen uses a burner to create a large flame over a skillet. Another pan with tomatoes is visible next to him

    4. "Eating like absolute shit at home when capable of so much more."

    A man with gray hair and a light sweater holds a pan while using a microwave in a kitchen with wooden cabinets

    5. "Sharpening knives is a chef thing if my friends’ homes are any indication."

    Close-up of hands sharpening a kitchen knife on a whetstone placed on a wooden cutting board

    6. "Chefs put cornstarch on their balls for the friction of moving in hot kitchens all day."

    Toilet with a tissue box, air freshener, and a box of Argo corn starch on the tank lid

    7. "It is always amusing to my family that most of the prep and cooking is done the day before... On the day of a family dinner, I just warm up/bake/broil/roast/toss, and serve."

    Three adults, all smiling and engaged in preparing food together in a modern kitchen. They appear to be enjoying making a meal

    8. "All chefs know how to move around in a small space with lots of people."

    Chefs in a busy kitchen prepare and plate food, their movements blurred by activity

    9. "Chefs always communicate when they're behind someone."

    A man in a deli holding a shopping basket, selecting meats from a display counter

    10. "We pick up all objects, irrespective of what they are made of or how hot they are, with a cloth instead of an oven mitt."

    A person is standing in a commercial kitchen, wearing a black shirt, dark-striped apron, and a white towel draped over their back

    11. "As a chef, you'll burn your arm during a rush and not even notice until days later when someone else points it out."

    A woman and a man sit on a couch; the man appears to massage the woman's shoulder as she looks at her back with discomfort

    12. "Chefs are obsessive about the cleanliness of their kitchens at work but have days' worth of dishes in the sink at home. Working 10–12 hours a day, chefs make everything perfect for everyone else, but their personal lives lack. Days off are spent sleeping, gorging at all the other restaurants in town, and making up for the missed calories."

    A kitchen sink full of dirty dishes and utensils, with pots and other kitchen items cluttering the countertop

    13. "Most of us don’t have free time or days off to do anything but also don’t have the money to do anything. People (specifically, my friends and family) can't understand why we stay in the industry despite all the drawbacks."

    A woman wearing a light blue shirt and apron smiles while standing at the entrance of a bakery, with a hanging flower basket nearby

    14. "We call everyone at work by the same title: chef."

    Chefs in a modern kitchen, preparing dishes on plates. A male chef is placing greens on a plate while a female chef places a dish on the counter. Another chef is in the background

    Do you have any chef-y habits to add to this list? Let us know in the comments, or submit them anonymously using this anonymous form.

    Note: Some submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.
