
Jan 2015
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  • melw4891e45b2's avatar

    melw4891e45b2 commented on What's The Weirdest Story You Can Share Of How Two Partners Met Each Other

    Senior year of college, I had just gotten out of the hospital from a stomach flu gone rogue. I didn’t have a place to go so my friend let me chill on his couch. I looked like death, no makeup, skin and bones etc. his roommate id never met walked down the stairs saw me and ended up… 


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  • melw4891e45b2's avatar

    melw4891e45b2 commented on Show Us The Best Halloween Costume You've Ever Had

    ❄️The cold never bothered me anyway❄️ A college student at Syracuse (located in the snowiest city in America) of course I was obligated to be Queen Elsa. This is my own take as “Melsa” (my name is Mel).


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  • melw4891e45b2's avatar

    melw4891e45b2 commented on Show Us The Best Halloween Costume You've Ever Had

    I turned myself into Eve. All leaves were hand sewn and I spent two days making this instead of studying. I never did find my Adam that night.


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  • melw4891e45b2's avatar

    melw4891e45b2 commented on Show Us The Best Halloween Costume You've Ever Had

    I made myself a bubble bath freshman year of college. This was a great costume except for the fact all my “bubbles” aka balloons didn’t last more than hour in a college Halloween party.


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  • melw4891e45b2's avatar

    melw4891e45b2 commented on Show Us The Best Halloween Costume You've Ever Had

    Last year I was broke and spent $5 to make myself the game of operation. My friend was a nurse and carried around tongs. All the pieces I made were removable velcro so anytime someone took one off I’d say Buzzz.


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  • melw4891e45b2's avatar

    melw4891e45b2 commented on Show Us The Crazy Outfits You Wore As A Kid

    Someone how my parents thought it would be totally ok for me to have cornrows as a pasty white girl for my dance recital. The dance was to the song “yellow polka dot bikini”


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  • melw4891e45b2's avatar

    melw4891e45b2 commented on Show Us The Crazy Outfits You Wore As A Kid

    I wanted to be Snow White so badly as a kid I insisted on wearing this for school portraits in first grade.


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  • melw4891e45b2's avatar

    melw4891e45b2 commented on Show Us The Crazy Outfits You Wore As A Kid

    I used to wear the clothes that came to match my look alike doll to school, here I am with purple leopard print overalls for picture day.


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  • melw4891e45b2's avatar

    melw4891e45b2 commented on Show Us The Crazy Outfits You Wore As A Kid

    I was obsessed with colonial times when I was a kid and so my mom and I would sewn colonial style dresses that I actually would wear to school on the daily, I even wore a bonnet sometimes.


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  • melw4891e45b2's avatar

    melw4891e45b2 commented on Can You Represent Your Anxiety Visually?

    I have an extreme phone phobia Ive been in therapy for it for awhile and it’s only gotten worse as I’ve grown into adulthood. I haven’t listened to voicemail in 6years or picked up a call from someone I wasn’t very close with. I will periodically on occasion have other people listen… 


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