This Picture Of A Brazilian Surfer From The Paris Olympics Is 100% The Coolest Picture From The Olympics So Far

    It's giving America's Next Top Model challenge winner.

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    We already have some amazing photos from the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.

    A swimmer with a dark swim cap and goggles, mid-stroke underwater, creating splashes and bubbles around the face

    There's this picture of Simone Biles straight-up flying over the vault:

    Simone Biles performs a vault at the Paris 2024 gymnastics competition, observed by an audience of spectators and photographers

    We have Tom Daley and Noah Williams jumping and dumping:

    Two male divers, mid-dive, performing tuck positions off a diving board with "Paris 2024" and Olympic rings signage in the background

    And my personal favorite is any and every table tennis picture.

    A young man with short hair and glasses intensely focuses while playing table tennis, hitting a ball with a red paddle
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    There's just something so ominous about athletes staring at that little ball.

    Focused athlete in action during a table tennis game, aiming at the ball with intense concentration

    But, alas, I think it's time to pack it up. We've got our best picture of the games, and it was taken during men's surfing in Tahiti.

    A group of people wearing wetsuits swim in the ocean near a boat with a rainbow and lush mountains in the background

    Here it is:

    Man appearing to levitate above the ocean while holding his surfboard, under a cloudy sky

    That's Brazilian Gabriel Medina.

    A surfer mid-air next to his surfboard above a wave, giving a raised thumb gesture with his right hand

    The picture is rightfully going viral:

    This is one of the coolest photos I've ever seen

    📸 Jerome Brouillet/AFP via Getty Images

    — Kendall Baker (@kendallbaker) July 29, 2024
    Jerome Brouillet / AFP via Getty Images/Twitter: @kendallbaker

    This photographer said, "Paris Olympics photographs are already out of this world and we’re only a few days in."

    Paris Olympics photographs are already out of this world and we’re only a few days in

    — Bri Lewerke (@brilewerke) July 29, 2024
    Jerome Brouillet / AFP via Getty Images/Twitter: @brilewerke

    Another person said it "belongs in a museum."

    Holy shit lol. It belongs in a museum

    — Jeff Pleshek (@jeffpleshek) July 30, 2024
    Jerome Brouillet / AFP via Getty Images/Twitter: @jeffpleshek

    And a bunch of people are saying it looks straight out of the movie Arrival.

    Why did I think this was a still from Arrival

    — Trevor Waggoner (@waggstowiches) July 29, 2024
    Jerome Brouillet / AFP via Getty Images/Twitter: @waggstowiches

    Personally, it's giving "walking on water" to me.


    — Stone Cold Jane Austen (@AbbyHiggs) July 30, 2024
    Jerome Brouillet / AFP via Getty Images/Twitter: @AbbyHiggs


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