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15 Indian Beauty Secrets The Whole World Should Know

Courtesy the best beauty secret-keepers: moms.

We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to share some beauty secrets passed down to them by their Indian mothers. Here’s what they said:

1. Get rid of annoying facial and body hair, permanently, with gram flour.

2. Say bye to dandruff with oil and lemon juice.

3. Remove your tan with honey and lemon.

For those who don't like tanned skin, mix the juice of one lemon with a teaspoon of honey and apply on your face. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse. The bleaching properties of lemon will remove the tan while the honey moisturises.

For a more intense mask that also uses gram flour and milk, look here.

– Afrah Najeeb via Facebook.

4. Or with some raw potato juice.

Cut a raw potato in half. Use a fork and scrape it till you see some liquid on its surface. Now rub the potato on your face for a minute and rinse with water.

– Afrah Najeeb via Facebook.

5. Use henna for a subtle burgundy glow to your hair.

6. Change your hair parting to keep it from thinning.

7. Coconut oil can solve any problem.

8. So can aloe vera.

9. Put Fuller’s Earth on pimples to dry 'em right out.

10. Get a flawless glow using gram flour and yoghurt.

11. Egg yolk is also a pore vanisher.

For those who can stand the smell, separate the yolk from the white and apply it on your face. Wait till it dries and wash it off with water. Your skin will be tight and your pores, almost invisible.

– Swapna Shansomething via Facebook.

12. Dried orange peels make a nourishing mask.

13. Green bean flour is a great substitute for soap.

14. Turmeric gets rid of dark spots and lightens underarms.

15. Most importantly, "Be confident, and your skin will glow. That's what she told me my whole life."

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