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    21 Things You Need If You're A Sweaty Mess Of A Human

    The feeling's all too real.

    1. These anti-chafing sweat control bra liners that will help keep the boob sweat under control.

    2. This clinical strength roll-on deodorant, so you won’t have to keep your arms glued to your side or refuse to take your jumper off.

    3. This set and refresh spray, which is a perfect way to fight greasy makeup on a particularly humid day.

    4. These air-purifying bags, which will absorb all the stink from your shoes after your workout.

    5. This hydro grip eye primer to prevent eyeshadow from clumping, smudging and separating across your lid.

    6. This pair of moisture-wicking underwear to replace your stuffy synthetic ones — so you can ~actually~ be comfortable all day long.

    7. This fabric refresher, which will keep your favourite t-shirt fresher for longer, which means you get to avoid doing laundry for at least another day.

    8. This time-marked water bottle, because you've gotta stay on top of hydration when most of it's escaping your body.

    9. This USB desk fan, so you don't have to feel the beads of sweat pooling when you're eatin' ya spicy lunch.

    10. This gel infused mattress topper that's heat regulated, so you won't get super hot while tossing and turning in bed.

    11. This antiperspirant for your hands, so you won't have to worry about sweaty palms the next time you want to hold someone's hand.

    12. This avocado waterproof mascara to keep mascara on your lashes and not running down your face filling the creases under your eyes.

    13. These 100% bamboo pillowcases that absorb moisture, so they're perfect if you're someone who tends to night-sweat.

    14. This sweat headband that will keep you from sweating into your eyeballs on your next run.

    15. This microfibre towel, which is designed to cool your body down in an instant.

    16. This incredibly comfortable t-shirt that'll stay fresh — even in the most compromising situations.

    17. This shoe deodorising spray that will eliminate any anxiety that comes with taking your shoes off in a public place.

    18. These armpit pads that will keep your sweat from staining your shirts on a nerve-wracking first date.

    19. This handy antiperspirant for anyone who has suffered from foot sweat and cringes at the thought of it.

    20. These antiperspirant wipes, which are a lifesaver for anyone with an unusually sweaty anything.

    21. And finally, these sweat-proof socks that will make working out less likely to give you blisters if you're a sufferer of wet feet.

    Us, forever trying to cool TF down.


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