• May 8, 2009
  • Press Release
  • 3-1-3, Uchihiranomachi, Chuo-ku
    Osaka, 540-0037, Japan
    Capcom Co., Ltd.
    Haruhiro Tsujimoto, President and COO
    (Code No. 9697 Tokyo – Osaka Stock Exchange)

Consolidated Financial Results of the Year ended March 31, 2009 with the Highest Sales Revenue Over the Past Three Consecutive Terms

  • Forecasting the best net sales, operating income and ordinary income for the next fiscal year –

Capcom Co., Ltd. would like to announce that net sales increased to 91,878 million yen (up 10.6% from the previous year), operating income increased to 14,618 million yen (up 11.4% from the previous year), ordinary income increased to 13,808 million yen (up 12.6% from the previous year), net income increased to 8,063 million yen (up 3.3% from the previous year) in financial results of fiscal year ended March 31, 2009.

Regarding Home Video Games business, “Resident Evil 5” (for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) at the end of this fiscal year became a mega hit with a first shipment of over four million copies worldwide. “Street Fighter IV” (for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) also broke the two million mark. Thanks to those two titles with strong brand names and popularity in overseas markets, sales accelerated in the fourth quarter. In addition, “Monster Hunter Freedom 2G” (for PlayStation Portable), which was released at the end of the previous fiscal year, took the market by storm with solid growth. As a result, Consolidated Financial Results of the Year ended March 31, 2009 record the Highest Sales Revenue over the past three consecutive terms.

As for the forecast for the next fiscal year ending March 31, 2010, net sales will increase to 95,000 million yen, operating income will increase to 15,500 million yen and ordinary income will increase to 14,700 million yen by the steady growth of Home Video Games business and the improvement Contents Expansion, which will be the best record of Capcom Co., Ltd and the highest sales revenue over the past four consecutive terms.

1.Financial Results of the Year ended March 31, 2009 (April 1, 2008 – March 31, 2009)

  Net Sales Operating Income Ordinary Income Net Income
  Million Yen Million Yen Million Yen Million Yen
Year ended Mar. 31, 2009 91,878 14,618 13,808 8,063
Year ended Mar. 31, 2008 83,097 13,121 12,267 7,807

2. Forecast for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2010

  Net Sales Operating Income Ordinary Income Net Income Earnings per Share
of Common Stock
  Million Yen Million Yen Million Yen Million Yen Yen
Year ending Mar.31, 2010 95,000 15,500 14,700 8,500 137.48

3. Status of Each Operational Department

(1) Home Video Games
(Units:Millions of Yen)
  Year ended Mar. 31, 2008 Year ended Mar. 31, 2009 Difference (%)
Net Sales 51,679 62,892 21.7%
Operating Income 11,609 16,392 41.2%
Operating Margin 22.5% 26.1%

a.In this business segment, the flagship title released in the end of this fiscal year, “Resident Evil 5” (for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360), became a mega hit with the first shipment of over four million copies worldwide. In addition, “Street Fighter IV” (for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360), the latest of the popular series that took the game market by storm, performed strongly supported by its familiar brand name and the healthy US and European home video game markets. These two titles served as the sales growth engine overseas.

b.”Monster Hunter Freedom Unite” (for PlayStation Portable), which was released in the end of the previous fiscal year, continued solid growth supported by its overwhelming popularity. The software dominated the portable game market and contributed significantly to the improvement of our business performance. This software won the first prize in Famitsu’s “Top 100 Best Selling Software in 2008” with a shipment of over 2.55 million copies. Famitsu is one of the most authoritative game magazines in Japan.

c.In addition, our lower-priced title, “Monster Hunter Freedom Unite PSP the Best” (for PlayStation Portable), showed strong performance supported by its loyal fans. “Grand Theft Auto IV” (for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360), the latest title of the series and “Mega Man Star Force 3” (for Nintendo DS) also achieved solid growth.

d.The resulting net sales increased to 62,892 million yen (up 21.7 % from the previous year), and operating income increased to 16,392 million yen (up 41.2 % from the previous year).

(2) Arcade operations
(Units:Millions of Yen)
  Year ended Mar. 31, 2008 Year ended Mar. 31, 2009 Difference (%)
Net Sales 13,406 13,509 0.8%
Operating Income 753 224 -70.2%
Operating Margin 5.6% 1.7%

a.Within this prolonged softening market, we tried to reach a new user base including women and families while holding on to existing customers. Organizing various events, offering special discount days, and renovating arcades are just a few examples of such efforts.

b.Under the influence of this sluggish market, existing arcades struggled with a decreased number of visitors. This was due partially to the lack of sales-inducing games, and to the fact that the difference between home video games and arcade games has become negligible.

c.We opened two new facilities in Aichi Prefecture, followed by a total of six arcades in Akita, Shiga, Shimane, and Nara Prefectures. As for low-productive facilities, we closed down eight such arcades through our “scrap & build” strategy.

d.The number of “Plaza Capcom” as of the end of this fiscal year totals 40 after these efforts.

e.The resulting net sales increased to 13,509 million yen (up 0.8 % from the previous year), thanks to the contribution from newly opened facilities and from those that opened in the previous fiscal year. However, the operating income decreased to 224 million yen (down 70.2 % from the previous year) due to the market stagnation and the increased expense in opening new facilities.

(3) Arcade Games Sales
(Units:Millions of Yen)
  Year ended Mar. 31, 2008 Year ended Mar. 31, 2009 Difference (%)
Net Sales 6,538 8,023 22.7%
Operating Income 1,182 1,758 48.7%
Operating Margin 18.1% 21.9%
Note1. The Sales of each business segment in the above are those to the customers only. 2. The sales of each business segment below are inclusive of inter-segment ones.

a.Whereas arcade operators were not reinvesting in their businesses due to the weakening demand in the market, we released the video game machine, “Street Fighter IV”, with the aim of taking full advantage of the synergistic effects from our home video game software. “Street Fighter IV” won first prize in the video board category in “AOU 2008 Amusement Expo” by All Nippon Amusement Machine Operator’s Union. In addition, we introduced a powerful new video game machine through the collaboration with another company at the end of this fiscal year. Such aggressive action turned our sales performance around, and we were able to achieve satisfactory results even under the current market environment.

b. The resulting net sales increased to 8,031 million yen (up 22.2 % from the previous year), and operating income increased to 1,758 million yen (up 48.8 % from the previous year).

(4) Contents Expansion
(Units:Millions of Yen)
  Year ended Mar. 31, 2008 Year ended Mar. 31, 2009 Difference (%)
Net Sales 8,525 4,628 -45.7%
Operating Income 2,633 -230 -108.7%
Operating Margin 30.9% -5.0%

a.Overall performance of this business segment remained weak though we have been trying to apply the synergy from our popular software into the area of game distribution for mobile phones. One of the main reasons for this unfavorable performance was that demand ended for “Ace Attorney”, which had been leading sales in this business segment. No other leading software was available to increase sales.

b.As for the Pachislo machine business, which has been in a downturn market, “Resident Evil” showed healthy growth, while the highly anticipated “Chun-Li Ni Makase China” struggled. In addition, the worsening business environment as well as limited product lineups placed us in a difficult situation.

c.The resulting net sales decreased to 4,628 million yen (down 45.7 % from the previous year), and operating loss was 230 million yen (operation income in the previous year was 2,633 million yen).

(5) Other Businesses
(Units:Millions of Yen)
  Year ended Mar. 31, 2008 Year ended Mar. 31, 2009 Difference (%)
Net Sales 2,947 2,824 -4.2%
Operating Income 468 1,053 125.0 %
Operating Margin 15.9% 37.3%

The net sales from other businesses, mainly character-related licensing royalties, decreased to 2,824 million yen (down 4.2 % from the previous year), and operating income increased to 1,053 million yen (up 125.0% from the previous year).
