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Dr Dijana Matak-Vinkovic, Dr Roberto Canales and Asha Boodhun would like to welcome you to the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry Mass Spectrometry section. The section currently has ten mass spectrometers ranging from simple single quad systems to the latest ion mobility qtof.

Although the section is primarily set up to run departmental work, we also carry out work for other internal/external university departments and external companies.  Fees for the work we carry out are listed within the site (internal users and external users).

Dijana, Roberto and Asha are located in rooms B101, B100/104, G49a and G50 with offices in B102 (Dijana), Roberto and Asha in G50.

We currently provide analysis of proteins and protein complexes in their native state, proteins in complex with small molecules, denatured proteins, peptides, DNA, RNA and have the ability to carry out ion mobility and HDX (hydrogen-deuterium exchange) experiments. We also analyse small molecules via direct infusion or from LCMS. The ionisation techniques are electrospray (ESI), nanospray (nanoESI), MALDI and ASAP. Please see the instrument pages for more details or feel free to contact one of the team to discuss your requirements, as we are here to help!

Contact details

  Email Telephone
Dr Dijana Matak-Vinkovic (Senior Technical Officer) (3)36365
Asha Boodhun (Senior Research Laboratory Technician) (7)67792
Dr Roberto Canales (Senior Chief Research Laboratory Specialist)


Mass Spec Global Email  


Mass Spectrometry lab details

  Telephone Room
Synapt/Xevo (3)36387 B101
Orbitrap/Vion (3)69301 B100/104
SQD2 with UPLC   G49a
Agilent LC-TOF/TQD/GCMS (7)67792 G50
UltrafleXtreme MALDI TofTof (3)69301

