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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


Academic and Teaching staff

Professor James Keeler
Head of Department
Professor of Chemistry

01223 336341
Professor of Biological Chemistry / Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research

Professor of Theoretical Chemistry

01223 762877
Professor of Theoretical Chemistry

01223 336373
University Associate Professor

01223 763096
Professor of Molecular Informatics

01223 762983
Teaching Professor of Chemistry

01223 336335 (shared)
Professor of Functional Materials

01223 336697
University Associate Professor

01223 763981
Royal Society University Research Fellow

01223 336384 (shared)
Professor of Biological and Biomedical Chemistry

01223 336483
01223 763934 (shared)
University Assistant Professor

01223 336403
University Assistant Professor

01223 336368
Yusuf Hamied 1702 Professor of Chemistry

01223 336318
Professor of Statistical Mechanics

01223 763865
Professor of Chemical and Molecular Biology

01223 762011
36357 (shared)
Professor of Physical & Computational Surface Chemistry

01223 336502
Professor of Physical Chemistry and Biophysics

01223 336344
Teaching Professor of Chemistry / Head of Graduate Education

01223 336388
Royal Society University Research Fellow

01223 336697
Teaching Fellow

01223 763067
Director of Teaching and Outreach

01223 336416
Professor of Supramolecular & Polymer Chemistry / Director of the Melville Laboratory for Polymer Synthesis

01223 331797
34372 (shared)

01223 763816 (shared)
Royal Society University Research Fellow

Professor of Chemistry & Chemical Biology / EPSRC Established Career Research Fellow

01223 336498
College Lecturer

01223 336532 (shared)
01223 763991 (shared)
Professor of Chemistry and Bio-materials

01223 761490 (shared)
Assistant Professor of Chemical Biology

01223 336537
University Associate Professor

01223 762010
01223 763122 (shared)
Teaching Professor of Chemistry

01223 336320
Professor of Inorganic Chemistry

01223 763122 (shared)
University Assistant Professor

01223 336426

Senior research and support staff

Senior Research Associate (X-Ray Crystallography)

01223 336352
Knowledge Transfer Facilitator

01223 746896
Senior NMR Specialist

01223 336397 (shared)
Departmental Administrator: Academic Secretary

01223 336068
Senior Technical Officer (Mass Spectrometry)

01223 336387
Safety Officer

01223 763936
Head of Operations and Estates

01223 336453