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  • Victory!
    Arbitrary inspection of balikbayan boxes stopped
    Alot of OFW were being affected of the customs to impose tighter rules for balikbayan boxes and will also put additional tax on it. We all know how much corruption is happening in customs right now. We cannot deny it. Add to that they are aggresively telling that they have the rights to open boxes, if something is missing after the inspection we have the rights to report it to the authorities. Who is the authorities they are saying? Even if that happen and we report it we all know that there will be no good output.Read more
    Adrian Lajara
    85,880 Supporters
  • Victory!
    Support for Tenants in Singapore, especially the non essential businesses
    Dear PM Lee and Minister of Law K Shanmugam, We would like to propose: 1) The law to mandate landlords to waive rental for one month for non essential businesses. This is on top of the mandatory property tax rebate which was mandated to be passed down to tenants. 2) Late interest fees on 2 months rental payments  to be waived. Late interest fees will continue to accrue for the other months as per rental contract. Tenants are locked in on rental agreements with landlords. Due to the extended circuit breaker announced, tenants of non essential businesses are forced to close for 2 months. During these two months, most of these non essential business are unable to operate at all and earn zero revenue as a result. Yet, many of the tenants have high rental payments that continue to accumulate. Tenants have been recommended to speak to our landlords but many of us are facing roadblocks as the landlords refused to speak to us or hear our request.The temporary measures bill that was passed allows rental to be suspended for 6 months. However, it was announced on 20 April 2020 that late interest payments and rental payments will accrue depending on the rental contracts. Some of these tenancy contracts charge exorbitant interest rates but we were not able to predict that we will be forced to close for two months. Tenants all wish to operate their businesses at the rented premises and continue to pay rentals in a timely manner. Tenants are already suffering directly from the impact of the dwindling businesses during operation. Landlords, on the other hand, are just tasked to pass on the property tax rebates to tenants, not sharing the burden of the crisis.  I put forward two propositions as above. Firstly, landlords need to share the burden of the crisis just like everyone else. Assuming their unit is currently empty, are they able to rent out their unit to any tenant in such economic circumstances? Secondly, late interest fees on 2 months rental payments which were suspended should be waived  given that zero revenue is earned during the forced closure period.  I quote Law Minister K Shanmugam: ‘In such a situation, you don't talk contract. You talk equity, you talk justice, you talk about what is the right thing to do... The State looks at who can bear the pain more, and it's also sharing of the pain. If you insist on your minutest, every single contractual right at this point, that will suck the life out of the economy. You've got to protect everyone.’Read more
    Tenants Singapore
    7,654 Supporters
  • Victory!
    Free Wilfried Siewe from jail atrocities in Cameroon: Germany's duty!
    EN FR DE We friends would like to introduce the case of Wilfried Siewe, a German engineer of Cameroonian origin, who has been innocently detained since February 18, 2019 in Yaounde, Cameroon. Wilfried was on holidays since February 1, 2019 with his wife and two children ind in the Cameroonian capital. The family was due to return to Germany on February 18, 2019, as Wilfried a Siemens employee was supposed to return to work on February 20, 2019. On the morning of February 18th, 2019, Wilfried went to Nsimalen International airport to register for his return flight. After completing their depature formalities, he decided to stop in town to buy some books as a souvenir to take some final pictures before departing. While taking pictures of the justice building, he was arrested by police officers who made him delete the pictures. Nevertheless, this led to a provisional arrest by the police. He was then taken to a police station where his camera and mobile phone where searched. They found photos and videos of recent legal political demonstrations against the Cameroonian goverment in some European Countries. Some of these photos and the videos were those shared in large number on social netwoks and available to all.  He was also accused of taking pictures of public buildings and being in possession of books by Cameroonian politicians. The Cameroonian police accuses Wilfried Siewe to be a dangerous person who has organized political demonstrations against the Cameroonian regime. He was also accused of participating in the riots in the Cameroonian embassy in Berlin which took place on January 26, 2019. However Wilfried was demonstrably in another German City that day. Theses are the reasons for the arrest and charges against Wilfried. He has been detained since February 18, 2019—initially in the Yaounde court police station and since March 1st, 2019 in the Central Kondengui Prison. How can a foreign citizen be arbitrarily arrested simply for taking pictures, owning books sold in public library and for using social medias? Wilfried Siewe has so far gone through two military court cases, the last of which led to a six-month pre-trial detention. Hearings were supposed to be held, one was done so far but because the procesutor was absent, there are no further dates communicated. According to the latest information, it may take months and there is even a possibility of prolonging the pre-trial detention twice for 6 months each. One disturbing aspect of this case is  that the entire file on this case, including copies of his wife and children´s ID had been shared on social media for several weeks. These files reveal very private information about Wilfried Siewe and his family. Sharing those on the web exposes them to serious and continuing identity theft.   The German embassy in Yaounde was informed on the day of the arrest and the Foreign Office in Germany a few days later. The only official feedback from these institutions could be found in the aforementionned file. It does not contain an opinion on the case and no request for release. On May 2nd, 2019, Wielfried was taken from the prison without any prior notice and presented to the magistrate. As a result, his lawyer was not present at the time of the trial before the magistrate. The German embassy in Cameroon and the Federal Foreign Office appear very passive, and not willing to put any pressure on the Cameroonian government-despite the great reputation in the international political scene and its desire for worldwide respect for human rights. The Cameroonian government is actively engaging in brutal human rights violations and abuses by unlawfully detaining individuals and barring fair and timely investigations. A temporary release could have been requested at a minimum, allowing Wilfried to stay at home with his relatives during the time of investgation instead of locking him in a prison. We ask you therefore to sign this petition in order to put pressure on the Foreign Office and the German embassy in Cameroon. Germany has the the duty of protecting the fundemental rights of its citizens, Wilfried does not belong in a prison in Cameroon but with his family in Erlangen (Germany). Thank you and best regards,  Read more
    Layoko Siewe
    76,368 Supporters
  • Victory!
    Stop businessmen intervening in the public school system in Sri Lanka
    A cabinet paper was approved to shift a part of the A/L section of Devi Balika Vidyalaya, Colombo 8 to Udahamulla Sri Wijayarama Vidyalaya. A vast majority of the well-wishers of the school, including past pupils, former principals & teachers as well as parents, are against this proposal. Devi Balika Protection Front represents all of them.  A private organisation Dhammika Preshila Foundation, which belongs to a business tycoon in Sri Lanka has offered to sponsor the project by donating 100mn. However, there are huge concerns: Lack of policy to substantiate the project Absence of a feasibility study report or a project plan  The impracticality of using the private school model in state schools Administration issues of having two separate locations that are 10km apart from each other Businessman directly intervening in decisions on the public schools Private capital penetration to destroy free education in the country It must be noted that the Minister of Education stated in the parliament that this is not a decision backed by a policy reform but is a one-off project to meet the requests of parents who wished to enrol their daughters at Devi. The Secretary to the Governor of the Western Province requested from the Provincial Director of Education, a feasibility study report in a letter dated 18/03/2021. Surprisingly, in a letter dated 19/03/2021 (the very next day) the Governor approved the proposed project without a feasibility report.  There is a special committee for educational reforms but this "pilot" project is rushed even before the committee issue their report of recommendations. We the DBPF, represent not only Devi Balika but also Wijayarama Maha Vidyalaya which is the other affected party of this project. The school currently has very talented students who have won international awards and they are being re-allocated against their wish to other schools to free up the premises to establish the so-called branch of Devi Balika.  As responsible citizens and products of free education, we vehemently condemn this project. We request everyone who has an interest in safeguarding free education in the country to join hands with us to stop businessmen from interfering in the public school system and also to demand policy-driven, well planned educational reforms.  We urge the President, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Education and the first lady to immediately intervene and stop this unlawful act.Read more
    Well-wishers of Devi Balika Vidyalaya, Co 08
    8,083 Supporters

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  • Modern pentathlon without riding!
    German / English / French After the fiasco of the performance of the rider Annika Schleu at the equestrian competition of the modern pentathlon, it became finally obvious that equestrianism should no longer be a part of this competition. Pentathletes are athletes who have to master several disciplines. This requires a great variety and a lot of different training from the athletes. Equestrian sport is a discipline in which the interaction with the partner horse must be in the foreground. However, this is completely out of focus in modern pentathlon. Instead, the horse is degraded to a piece of sports equipment that is drawn by lot and assigned. Here, no consideration is given to the animals. Unknown riders, driven by the ambition to win a medal, swing themselves into the saddle and try by hook or by crook to get the animal to perform. This often happens in complete disregard of the riding teachings, the basis of which is to ride the horse in a healthy manner and for its advancement. The rider has no relation to the horse, it is only the means of transport that has to carry him over the obstacles. It is not really possible to work with the horse as a partner and to respond to the animal in this way. It cannot and must not be that horses are abused in this way in order to win a medal. The discipline of riding must be taken out of the modern pentathlon and replaced by another, more appropriate sport. This is not only in the interest of the horses, but also in the interest of the athletes, who will then no longer be faced with a requirement that they often cannot really meet. Kerstin Gerhardt classical trainer, riderformer teacher for horse traders/breedersRead more
    Kerstin Gerhardt
    189,345 Supporters
    Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole and twelve other residents of Nyatsime, Zimbabwe, have been detained by the Zimbabwean government for months without trial and without bail.  Two more residents were detained later. A petition has been made to His Excellency the President of Zimbabwe on 9 September 2022 to stop the unlawful detention of Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole without bail and without trial, and also more broadly to ensure that the judiciary is not used as a political weapon in which differential treatment is given to those apprehended by the state depending on real or perceived political affiliations and intentions, but that the law is empowered to take its proper course professionally, fairly and without favour so that justice and the rule of law are upheld in Zimbabwe in accordance with the Constitution of Zimbabwe 2013. We, the originators of the petition Dr Ibbo Mandaza - Tony Reeler, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Musa Kika, Phillan Zamchiya, Dr Frances Lovemore and Briggs Bomba, - ask all Zimbabweans and defenders of democracy in the world to sign this petition, which was delivered to the President of Zimbabwe along with the first signatories, in order to stop the illegal incarceration of Job Sikhala and his companions, to put an end to the unjust use of the judiciary as a political weapon and to promote the rule of law and democracy in Zimbabwe.  Here is the petition, below.  Detained Job Sikhala and Gordon Sithole along with 14 others need you to sign this petition, too.   Your Excellency,  We, the undersigned, are citizens and persons who care about Zimbabwe. We petition Your Excellency to bring to your consideration, a most unusual situation obtaining in the arrest and detention of MPs Honourable Job Sikhala and Honourable Godfrey Sithole, and 14 residents of Nyatsime, Chitungwiza following the violence of 14 June 2022 in Nyatsime. Our duty to Zimbabwe constrains us from maintaining silence. The multiple denials of bail these two have endured, multiple times in the Magistrates Court and multiple times in the High Court, makes for an unusual and unprecedented situation. We cannot think of any prosecution in recent times where one has been denied bail for such numerous times, for offences of inciting public violence and obstruction of justice, which Honourable Sikhala is charged with, and inciting public violence, which Honourable Godfrey Sithole is charged with. MPs Job Sikhala and Godfrey Sithole have now spent 85 days in pre-trial incarceration at Chikurubi Maximum Security Prison.  When this is juxtaposed to the timely and little-resisted granting of bail to high profile politically exposed persons accused of serious corruption, and they being flight risks, questions about the equal treatment of persons before the courts arise. There appear to be targeted differential treatment of those arrested and detained for charges emanating from political circumstances. During their incarceration, Honourable Sikhala and Honourable Sithole have been subjected to leg irons; their lawyers have in some instances been denied access – in once instance prompting a court application; and other concerned individuals have been prevented from visiting them. Honourable Sikhala’s health has deteriorated. While we all noted the political violence that occurred in Nyastime, it is curious that arrest and detention was targeted at members and perceived supporters of the political opposition. No one associated with any other formation was arrested. Among the 14 residents currently in detention are victims of arson who were arrested upon presenting themselves to a police station to report the arson. In the case of Honourable Sikhala, he has been arrested over 60 times, and has never been convicted. He has no record of escaping justice. To then deny him bail on the basis that he has the propensity to offend the law, is curious. This is in spite of the Constitution providing for bail as a right only to be denied in exceptional circumstances. When the actors in the justice system appear to act in ways wholly contrary to their sworn duty and oath to uphold and implement the law without fear or favour, inferences of external hands in work of the judiciary are bound to arise. The offences that Honourable Sikhala, Honourable Sithole and the 14 residents of Nyastime are facing, have not had this kind of treatment visited upon anyone charged of them in recent times. This treatment, we are aware, was commonplace during the times of the liberation struggle. In those days, such kind of arrests and detentions were known to be political, and many including those currently in public office, suffered those and are well aware of their evils. An observer witnessing these developments cannot help but draw parallels. Our belief is that law must maintain its supremacy and moral high ground above politics. The injustice is too visible to ignore, and we would be unfaithful in our devotion to the country if we remain silent.   The law must have moral content, and its enforcement must have humanity. The Constitution of Zimbabwe is moral in both substance and process. The enforcement thereof is robbing the law and legal process that gives it authority, respect, recognition and supremacy. Judicial authority itself derives from the people, per section 162 of the Constitution. Your High Office is charged with the sacrosanct duty per section 90 of the Constitution to ensure that the Constitution and all other laws are faithfully observed, in particular, to ensure protection of the fundamental human rights and freedoms and the rule of law. Of the many rights, liberty and human freedom is a cornerstone right, a right that many Zimbabweans so reverently and fervently fought for. The unusual trajectory that these cases have taken cannot be ignored. These cases, in our view, warrant an inquiry into how the justice system has come to this. The consequences of ignoring this will be too dire for Zimbabwe’s young democracy to bear. The criminal justice system was never created as a platform to silence or punish political dissent or holding of divergent views. When that happens, as is happening to Honourable Sikhala, Honourable Sithole and the 14 residents of Nyatsime, it erodes the value and essence of the criminal justice system and diminishes public confidence and trust in the justice system. That should not be allowed to happen. Where the criminal justice system is weaponized against dissent, there are no victors. The justice system, the accused and the generality of Zimbabweans derive no benefit from this. Should there be cause, by all means the law must take its course. But doing so without cause erodes confidence in the justice system. We expect a resolution to this abuse of law and process.   Signed: Ibbo MandazaTony ReelerSimba MakoniTsitsi DangarembwaFrances LovemorePhilani ZamchiyaDzikamai BereBriggs BombaMusa KikaAdebayo Olukoshi (Nigeria) Ahmed Rajab (Global Pan African Movement)Alexander RuseroAmbassador Bruce Wharton (USA)Ambassador Michelle Gavin (USA)Ambassador William Bellamy (USA)Anastacia Lynne MudonhiArthur MutambaraAuxilia KwiriraiBaroness ChalkerBaroness Hoey of Lylehill and RathlinBatsirai JambwaBrian KagoroBrian MakwararaBrian RaftoupoulosBriggs BombaBrooks Marmon (USA)Bruce GrobbelaarByron BlackCaleb DenguCharles Ngwerume Cheryl Grills (Global Pan African Movement)Chipo ChungChirikure ChirikureChitauro Shambamuto Chofamba SitholeDan NgwenyaDaves GuzhaDavid J MpofuDavid Johnson (Caribbean) Dominic BenhuraDudu ManhengaDzingai MutumbukaEldred MasunungureElinor SisuluEmily Renard (USA)Frances LovemoreGamu MurerwaGeoff NyarotaGerrard Marshall Gladys Kudzaishe HlatywayoGlobal Governance Africa: Chris Maroleng (SA)Gorden MoyoGrace Dembetembe Hasu PatelHelge Rønning (Norway)Henry OlongaHope MasikeHopewell ChingonoIbbo MandazaJackie Nelson Jameson TimbaJestina MukokoJethro Mpofu Judith ToddJustice EbrahimKenneth Mufuka Kubi Chaza-IndiLeslie ChirongaLord Alton of LiverpoolLord HaywardLord McNallyLord OatesLord Purvis of TweedLord St John of BletsoLuke TamborinyokaLysias SibandaMandivavarira TaruvingaMarcia Cannon Marcyline Mubika CannonMargaret DongoMaud Blair Maureen KademaungaMavis Jackson Antoine Max JamelaMbita ChitalaMudiwa MundawararaMusa KikaMutumwa MawereNamatai KwekwezaNancy Mini Napoleon Abdulai (Global Pan African Movement)Naran KalaNeo SimutanyiNick ChouhanNick PriceNicole Wilett (USA)Nivard VazNorman NyazemaOnalena Selolwan (Botswana)Owen Sichone (Zambia) Pastor Brian NyamadzawoPatricia Rodney (Caribbean)Pedzisai RuhanyaPeter NdoroPfepferere MudamboPhilian ZamchiyaPriscilla Ann D’AlmeidaProf. George Chovuchovu (SA)Raymond Suttner (SA)Rejoice NgwenyaRene MushayahamaReward Mushayabasa Richard Goss Ross Harvey (SA)Ruth Ndoro-SladeSam Shakong (SA)Shingirai MushaweduShonhe ToendepiSimba ChikanzaSimba MakoniSimblisios ChihambakweSir Peter Bottomley MPSolomon GuramatunhuSophie Mokoena (SA)Strive MasiyiwaSybeth MusengeziTapiwa Maswela Tatenda TaibuTendai Dumbutshena Tendai MbofanaTendayi MundawararaTeresa Beyns The Earl of SandwichThemba DhlodhloThemba NdebeleThomas MapfumoTodd Moss (USA)Tony ReelerTrevor NcubeTsitsi DangarembgaWilliam NyembaYemi KaterereYvonne Maponga Zandile Hodgson  Read more
    Tsitsi Dangarembga
    63,095 Supporters
  • Petition for the Return of the Rosetta Stone and the Dendera Zodiac to Egypt
    Zahi Hawass has worked tirelessly since 2002 to repatriate artifacts that have been stolen from Egypt. His intention has never been to bring back legitimately-acquired Egyptian objects currently housed in museums around the world, but to return recently looted artifacts, and make sure that museums stop the unethical practice of purchasing stolen objects. In honor of the upcoming opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum at Giza, Dr. Hawass is circulating this petition.   In the years before the founding of the antiquities service in the 19th century, while Egypt was under the control of the French and the British, the country was plundered and many of its antiquities were illegally exported. As a first step toward the decolonialization of foreign museums, we are requesting the return of two of the iconic objects that were pillaged from Egypt during the late 18th and early 19th centuries: the Rosetta Stone, currently in the British Museum; and the Zodiac of Dendera, currently in the Louvre.    The Rosetta Stone was removed from its original findspot in 1799 by the occupying French army, and seized in 1801 by the British, who took it to England in 1802. Egypt never had a say in the matter. In this day and age, with the whole world talking about the decolonization of Western museums, it seems absurd that the British Museum would continue to hold on to such a blatant symbol of its colonial past. The Rosetta Stone, the key to the decipherment of hieroglyphs, is an icon of our Egyptian identity, and it should be returned.    The Zodiac was ripped from its position in the ceiling of a chapel in the Temple of Dendera by the French in the 1820s, and has been in the Louvre since 1922. It is a unique and important artifact, and its removal from Egypt was completely unethical. Like the Rosetta Stone, it is an Egyptian icon, and should be brought back to its rightful home.   Returning these two iconic artifacts to Egypt would be an important acknowledgement of the commitment of Western museums to decolonizing their collections and making reparations for the past. They would be prominently displayed in the new Grand Egyptian Museum, scheduled to be opened in 2023.   We are calling on the international community to demand the repatriation of these objects. We need to show that the world knows that these objects belong in Egypt. The signatories of this petition support the abovementioned requests for repatriation.   -----------------------------------------------------------   عمل زاهي حواس بلا كلل منذ عام ٢٠٠٢ من أجل إعادة القطع الأثرية التي سُرقت من مصر. لم يكن نيته أبداً إعادة القطع الأثرية التي خرجت من مصر بطريقة شرعية والموجودة حالياً في المتاحف حول العالم، ولكن إعادة القطع الأثرية المنهوبة من مصر والتأكد من توقف المتاحف عن الممارسات غير الشرعية المتمثلة في شراء الأثار المسروقة. وتكريماً للإفتتاح المرتقب للمتحف المصري الكبير بالجيزة، يقوم الدكتور زاهي حواس بنشر هذا الخطاب.   في السنوات التي سبقت تأسيس مصلحة الأثار المصرية في القرن التاسع عشر، عندما كانت مصر تحت سيطرة الفرنسيين والبريطانيين، تعرضت البلاد للنهب وتم للأسف تصدير أثارها بشكل غير قانوني. وكخطوة أولى نحو إنهاء الممارسات الإستعمارية للمتاحف الأجنبية، نطلب إعادة إثنتين من القطع الأثرية الفريدة التي نهبت من مصر خلال أواخر القرن الثامن عشر وأوائل القرن التاسع عشر وهما حجر رشيد الموجود حالياً في المتحف البريطاني؛ وزودياك دندرة الموجود حالياً في متحف اللوفر.   قام الجيش الفرنسي المحتل بنقل حجر رشيد من مكان إكتشافه الأصلى عام ١٧٩٩، واستولى عليه البريطانيون عام ١٨٠١، الذين قاموا بنقله الى إنجلترا عام ١٨٠٢. ولم يكن لمصر رأي في هذا الأمر. ونحن في يومنا هذا وفي هذا العصر، ومع حديث العالم بأسره عن ضرورة إنهاء المتاحف الغربية للممارسات الإستعمارية، فليس من المقبول أن يستمر المتحف البريطاني في التمسك بحجر رشيد رمزا صارخاً لماضيه الإستعماري. إن حجر رشيد وهو مفتاح فك رموز اللغة المصرية القديمة، هو رمز مهم لهويتنا المصرية ويجب إعادته.   تم إنتزاع زودياك دنرة، ذلك الحجر المنقوش بالأبراج السماوية من سقف مقصورة صغيرة في معبد دندرة من قبل الفرنسيين في عشرينات القرن التاسع عشر، وهو حالياً موجود في متحف اللوفر منذ عام ١٩٢٢. إنها قطعة أثرية مصرية فريدة ومهمة، وإزالتها من موضعها الأصلي أمر غير أخلاقي مثله مثل حجر رشيد وهو أيضاً رمزا من رموز الحضارة المصرية وعليه يجب إعادته سليماً الى مكانه الصحيح.   إن إعادة هاتين القطعتين الأثريتين الى مصر هو بمثابة إعتراف مهم بالتزام المتاحف الغربية بإنهاء شكل من أشكال الإستعمار من مقتنياتها وتقديم تعويضات عن هذا الماضي الإستعماري. حيث سيتم عرض القطعتين الأثريتين حال عودتهما الى مصر بشكل واضح في المتحف المصري الكبير والمقرر إفتتاحه في عام ٢٠٢٣.   إننا ندعو المجتمع الدولي للمطالبة بإعادة هذه القطع الأثرية. ونحن بحاجة أن يعرف العالم أنها تنتمي الى مصر. ويؤيد الموقعون على هذة الوثيقة طلب عودة القطعتين الأثريتين الى موطنهما الأصلي مصر.  Read more
    Dr Zahi Hawass
    232,161 Supporters
  • SA Government Cripples Blind People’s Access To Braille Books! #EndTheBookFamine
    Less than 0.5% of published works are available in accessible formats like braille, and the majority are published by non-profit organisations, like Blind SA - meaning that the blind and visually impaired in South Africa are currently suffering a book famine.  The dark irony is that this suffering is currently being created by the South African government who have dragged their feet, despite a Constitutional Court order, to ratify an international treaty which would make the production and international transfer of specially-adapted books for people who are blind or visually impaired easier! The government initially blamed its refusal to ratify the Marrakesh Treaty (“Treaty”) on South Africa’s copyright laws, which prohibited books from being published in braille, or other formats accessible to persons who are visually impaired, without the author or publisher’s permission. In September 2022, the Constitutional Court handed down judgment providing an exception to that provision in the Copyright Act - meaning that the government was free to ratify the Treaty.  It has been almost a year since the Constitutional Court judgment, and still the South African government has shown no sign of moving towards ratification, thereby CHOOSING to leave persons who are blind and visually impaired in South Africa in the dark (in more ways than one). Enough is enough! We have done all that we can from a legal perspective to push the government to do right by persons who are blind and visually impaired in South Africa, so now is the time to show the government the might of people power by demanding that it signs and ratifies the Marrakesh Treaty, and finally gives persons who are blind and visually impaired in South Africa braille and other books in accessible formats! #EndTheBookFamine #SignTheMarrakeshTreatyNow #10YearsTooLate Please sign and share this petition to help us demand what is owed to a consistently marginalised group of South African society.  This petition will be handed over to the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, the Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development, the Presidency and the Department of International Relations and Cooperation in Pretoria on 27 June 2023 - on the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Marrakesh Treaty in Morocco.Read more
    Blind SA
    10,524 Supporters

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