Reinstate Empathy and Anti-Bullying Assembly at Mountain View Middle School

Reinstate Empathy and Anti-Bullying Assembly at Mountain View Middle School

16 April 2024
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Why this petition matters

Started by Trisha Comstock

As a member of the Cumberland Valley School District community, I am deeply saddened by the Cumberland Valley School Board's decision to cancel an assembly scheduled at Mountain View Middle School. The assembly was set to feature accomplished actor and author Maulik Pancholy who would present on empathy, anti-bullying, and the books he authored. This decision was made solely because he is openly gay with one board member stating, "...he is proud of his lifestyle, and I don't think that should be imposed on our students." 

Being LGBTQ+ isn't a dirty little secret to protect our students from. To have someone with Maulik's life experiences would have been inspirational for our students. It is important that we teach our children about diversity and acceptance from an early age. According to a study by GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network), schools that promote LGBTQ+ inclusivity see better academic outcomes and lower rates of bullying.

The cancellation of this assembly sends a harmful message to our students - that being different is something to be ashamed of or hidden away. We must challenge this narrative by reinstating the assembly with Maulik Pancholy.

We call upon the Cumberland Valley School Board to reverse their decision and allow Mr. Pancholy’s presentation on empathy, anti-bullying, and his books at Mountain View Middle School. By doing so, we can show our students that everyone deserves respect regardless of their sexual orientation or identity.

Please sign this petition if you believe in promoting acceptance rather than discrimination within our education system.


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