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Awards for our commitment to sustainability and our reporting

German Sustainability Award for our commitment to sustainability
In the year under review, we were once again honored for our commitment to sustainability and received the 16th German Sustainability Award  for the telecommunications sector. This makes us one of the 100 pioneers of transformation in the German economy and the most sustainable telecommunications company. This award honors business engagement in key areas of transformation in which there is a particular need for action. These areas reflect the Sustainable Development Goals img (SDGs) of the United Nations and the targets of the German government’s sustainability strategy: climate, nature, resources, value chain, and society.

ESG img TRANSPARENCY AWARD: award for transparent reporting
In the year under review, we won the ESG TRANSPARENCY AWARD for our transparent reporting on our progress, initiatives, and projects in the environmental, social, and governance areas. This award honors the transparent presentation of all sustainability measures in the framework of verifiable ESG reporting, as well as the integration of forward-looking sustainability concepts in enterprise strategies.

CSRD img readiness: award for the best climate reporting among DAX 40 companies
In 2023, we were honored with the “Building Public Trust Award” for the third time (after 2017 and 2020) for outstanding, consistent sustainability reporting among DAX 40 companies. The topics of EU taxonomy img, climate goals, and CSRD readiness received special mention.

Second place in the CSR benchmark for best digital sustainability communication
We once again took second place in the NetFederation Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) benchmark in 2023. At 815 points, we were just three points behind the first-place winner and 97 points ahead of third place. The criteria analyzed are assigned to the three categories “Attitude and credibility,” “Reporting and publications,” and “Facts and KPIs.” The NetFed benchmark is an annual study on the current status of digital sustainability communication.

Award for climate protection from CDP
On behalf of investors, the non-governmental organization CDP img regularly evaluates the climate protection activities of listed companies worldwide and compiles an index img of the leading companies, the Climate “A-List”. In this list, Deutsche Telekom is represented for the eighth time in a row for the year 2023.

Gold and Honors ARC Awards for our CR Report
At the ARC Awards 2023, our Corporate Responsibility Report won gold in the category “Interactive Annual Report: CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility Award” and Honors in the category “Cover/Home Page: Corporate Social Responsibility Award.” Creativity, innovation, and the clarity and effectiveness of communication were key criteria mentioned in the decision.


Awards for sustainable products and services

Speedport Smart 4 and Speedhome WLAN img awarded TÜV eco-label
Deutsche Telekom’s Speedport Smart 4 and Speedhome WLAN routers were awarded the certification “Green Product” by TÜV Rheinland. The sustainability properties of the devices have thus been certified by a neutral body. They meet the strict criteria of TÜV and prevailed in all categories. In addition to responsible handling of chemical substances, both products scored points with their resource efficiency with regard to energy, recycling, and durability. TÜV Rheinland also gave favorable ratings to the carbon footprint and compliance with social standards, particularly in production.

The Representative Office in Berlin is certified as a Sustainable Partner
Deutsche Telekom’s Representative Office in Berlin makes event facilities available to internal and external groups/organizations. In the year under review, it was recognized by the VisitBerlin Convention Office as a Sustainable Partner in its top category, “Leader,” for the fifth time running. The Office’s sustainability performance was audited in four categories: governance, risk & compliance; environmental aspects; social aspects; and economic aspects.


Awards for sustainable finance

Best European telco in the S&P assessment
In 2023, we qualified for the renowned sustainability indexes “Dow Jones Sustainability Index img World” (DJSI img World) and “Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe” (DJSI Europe) for the ninth time in a row. DJSI World represents the top 10 percent of the largest 2 500 companies in the S&P Global BMI based on long-term economic, environmental and social criteria. In 2023, we took first place in the European index.

Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index
In the year under review, we were again one of 484 companies selected for the Bloomberg Gender Equality Index (GEI). The GEI measures and evaluates gender-equality performance in a total of five areas: female leadership and talent pipeline; equal pay and gender pay parity; inclusive culture; anti-sexual harassment policies; and pro-women brand.

A complete overview of the indexes in which the Deutsche Telekom T-Share img is listed, in the year under review, is available here.


Awards for our commitment to digital inclusion and digital values

Digital Inclusion Benchmark
Our ambitions and actions for digital participation and inclusion in society were recognized with the award of third place in the Digital Inclusion Benchmark 2023 – improving our ranking by four spots compared to the previous year. In this ranking, the World Benchmark Alliance rates the 200 most influential digital tech companies in the world.

Awards for Teachtoday
In 2023, the Teachtoday initiative once again won two prizes at the Comenius EduMedia Awards, which recognize digital educational media. An international panel of scientists, specialists, and education practitioners examined over 200 different educational media. The Teachtoday portal and the online SCROLLER magazine for kids won the panel over with their outstanding educational and media quality and won prizes in the categories “IT, communication, and media education” and “General multimedia products.”

Awards for our No Hate Speech initiative
With our No Hate Speech initiative, we are working to ensure that people have nothing to worry about as they navigate cyberspace. Via channels such as video and radio spots, workshops and podcasts, we are calling attention to hate speech, social media outrage and cyberbullying, and encouraging people to show “civil courage online” and stand up against such negative trends. We received several awards for this campaign:

  • Awards for “The choir against hate” ad
    Spotlight Festival 2023: Two bronze awards in the category “Social Impact” – both the award from the expert panel and the audience prize
    • In 2023, we won several awards for our ad entitled “The choir against hate.” We wanted to use this ad to show that, together, we can be louder than online hate speech.
    • ADC 2023: Third place in the “Brand Building” category
  • 2023 German Award for Sustainability Projects
    We took first place in the “Campaign” category in the 2023 German Award for Sustainability Projects (Deutscher Award für Nachhaltigkeitsprojekte 2023) with our No Hate Speech initiative. The panel assessed four focus areas: effectiveness/benefits of the project, innovation, relevance to the core business of the company and industry, and timeliness.
  • Brands Award 2023
    Our No Hate speech” initiative also won the 2023 Brands Award (Marken-Award 2023) in the category “Social commitment.” The magazine “absatzwirtschaft” (“marketing”) and the German Federal Association of Marketing Clubs (Bundesverband Marketing Clubs – BVMC) award this prize for excellence in brand management.

Awards for our commitment in the area of diversity

Among the European top 10 in the FT-Statista Diversity Ranking
In 2023, we took tenth place among 850 European companies in the FT-Statista Diversity Ranking and second place among the 146 German companies surveyed. This ranking, compiled by the Financial Times and Statista, is determined based on a survey of employees and three additional indicators: the share of women in management positions, communications made in favor of diversity, and an externally calculated diversity value from a leading provider of data on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Award of the golden PRIDE Champion seal
In the year under review, we were rated in the framework of the PRIDE Champion Audit img and scored 87.56 percent of the total possible points, winning the golden seal. This independent audit procedure focuses on company activities related to the diversity dimension “sexual orientation and gender identity.”

Accolades from BeyondGenderAgenda for our commitment to diversity
In 2023, we took second place in BeyondGenderAgenda’s German Diversity Index img and were also awarded the network’s Loyalty Seal. In addition, Birgit Bohle won the award “CHRO (Chief Human Resources Officer) of the Year” at the German Diversity Awards in recognition of her commitment to diversity at Deutsche Telekom, among other factors.


Sales & service awards

TÜV quality seal for “tested customer satisfaction” in 2023
TÜV Rheinland once again tested customer satisfaction with Deutsche Telekom in the year under review. The organization surveyed customers on the competency, reliability, and friendliness of Deutsche Telekom’s hotline employees, technical customer service, and shop staff. We even topped the individual results from the previous year in every area and – like in previous years – won customers over with our consultation quality across all channels. For these reasons, TÜV Rheinland once again awarded us their seal of approval with the rating “good.”

connect’s Hotline Test: first place for mobile and broadband in 2023
In 2023, our mobile communications hotline was recognized as the best among German network operators for the fifth time running – in the test conducted by the trade magazine connect, we once again won the judging panel over in the five categories of accessibility, waiting time, voice response system, friendliness, and quality of statements. We were ranked “outstanding” for our excellent accessibility and short waiting times and “very good” in the other categories.

The magazine also tested the fixed-network hotlines for existing customers of telecommunications companies in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. The testers rated the communication providers in categories such as accessibility, friendliness, expertise, and solution orientation. Our team could be reached the fastest, with an average time of just 23 seconds, taking first place.

connect’s 2023 mobile network shop test
For many customers, being able to visit to a Telekom Shop and have a personal conversation with an advisor on site is essential. The modern facilities, provision of seating and beverages, excellent hardware placement, high average engagement of employees, and quality of advice together earned us the rating “Very good” in the overall assessment of our shops. Eight shops were even rated “Outstanding” this year. As a result, we were once again crowned the test winner in connect magazine’s shop test in 2023.

CHIP’s 2023 mobile network shop test
The trade magazine CHIP conducted its second annual survey of the customer experience in mobile network shops. We won the top spot, as in the previous year. In particular, CHIP praised our friendliness, willingness to help, and interest in our customers’ concerns.

connect: test winner among network operator service apps in 2023
The MeinMagenta app img took first place in connect magazine’s test of service apps – including in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) for the first time. connect recognized the “outstanding” performance and security of the app. We also use the technical platform for our service app in our international subsidiaries in all European markets, in a total of ten countries.

Servicevalue: the best digital assistance systems 2023
Our chatbot “Frag Magenta” (“Ask Magenta”) took first place in the Servicevalue study. In addition to the overall ranking, “Frag Magenta” was awarded top marks in the categories “problem-solving competence” and “voice navigation.” The ranking also included three additional categories: digital customer service, customer experience and support, and data privacy and ethics.

First place in connect’s customer barometer for both mobile communications and internet provider in 2023
In the year under review, we took first place in connect’s customer barometer in both the mobile communications and internet provider categories. For the mobile communications test, connect magazine and the Fachinstitut für Technikthemen (Specialist Institute for Technology Issues) surveyed over 2 700 private customers of various providers. We were the overall winner, with a rating of 1.6, scoring points in particular in the subcategories answering speed, friendliness, and immediate solutions in first contact, all rated as best by our customers. The internet provider test involved surveying 2 600 customers and we also took first place here with a rating of 1.8.

CHIP’s overall winner in digital services for DSL img and fixed-line network, hosting, mobile communications, and streaming services in 2023
In CHIP’s tests for digital services, we came out on top in four categories in the year under review: DSL & fixed-line network, hosting, mobile communications, and streaming services. For this test, CHIP magazine reviewed the digital services of 286 companies in 20 different industry sectors. We were given the rating “very good” in all four categories and were even the only provider to achieve this rating in the hosting category.

Wirtschaftswoche magazine: first place for the MeinMagenta app
At the start of the year under review, the market research institute Innofact surveyed 2 000 people about their usage behavior of apps and their features. Split into eight categories, users were asked about factors like relevance for everyday use, design, topicality, and continuous further development. Innofact assessed a variety of areas, including tourism, mobility, and banking. Our MeinMagenta app took place in the communications sector.

F.A.Z.: Germany’s best customer advisors
In their study “Germany’s best customer advisors 2023,” the F.A.Z. Institut analyzed around 20 000 companies in a variety of sectors. The rating was derived based on mentions on websites and in forums, blogs, consumer portals, and social media channels. The study examined the price/performance ratio, customer service, price, quality, recommendations, and service. With 100 points, we were the industry leader in the telecommunications sector, setting the benchmark for all other companies in this sector.

2023 “Service King” award from Focus Money
In 2023, we took first place in the telecommunications sector in the customer satisfaction survey of Focus Money magazine for the eighth time in a row. The financial magazine surveyed nearly 300 000 customers. Deutsche Telekom is the leading telecommunications provider throughout Germany.


Awards for our networks

Germany segment
In the last few years, Telekom Deutschland has invested extensively in its fixed and mobile networks. These ongoing investments continue to pay off for customers, as confirmed by our repeated victories in the mobile communication tests by CHIP (Issue 1, 2024), connect (Issue 1, 2024), and COMPUTER BILD (12/2023).

  • CHIP’s mobile communications test
    We won the “Mobile Network Test” of CHIP trade magazine for the thirteenth time in a row in 2023 and were declared the “best network.” In addition, we received the “Best 5G network” (“Bestes 5G-Netz”) logo.
  • connect’s mobile communications test
    We were also the overall winner of the “2023 Mobile Network Test” by connect magazine, with a rating of “outstanding.” This was awarded for the first time in Germany. Testing focused on the performance and reliability of the networks for voice (e.g., call setup time) and data (e.g., downloads and uploads).
  • connect’s fixed-network test
    We also took first place in connect magazine’s fixed-network test in the year under review. Scoring 912 out of 1 000 possible points, we won the rating “very good,” coming out on top in the comparison of nationwide providers. connect introduced a new testing methodology in 2023, focusing on the performance and quality customers actually experience. To do so, the test teams scrutinized fixed-network and internet connections from January to July 2023, evaluating more than 330 million test samples. Four categories were rated: download, upload, latency, and stability. Our network delivered excellent values particular in the areas of actively measured upload data speeds and network latency (delay times).

Europe segment
Hrvatski Telekom in Croatia and Magenta Telekom in Austria won the 2023 Ookla Speedtest Award for their respective countries. Hrvatski Telekom won the awards for the best mobile communications network, fastest mobile communications network, and best mobile coverage in Croatia for the fifth year in a row. Magenta Telekom also won the award for the fastest fixed-network internet in Austria for the second time running.


Awards for our work in training and development

For employers competing to recruit IT and tech specialists, it is vitally important to have an excellent employer brand. Consequently, we continually aim to improve Deutsche Telekom’s attractiveness, on a lasting basis, as an employer for IT/tech talent. In 2023, we again received various awards for our achievements as an employer and training provider. This strengthens our conviction that we are on the right track with our recruiting and employer-brand strategy.

1st place in the NetFed HR Benchmark
We held on to our top spot in the HR Benchmark from NetFed in 2023, which analyzes the HR websites of the 50 largest companies in Germany. Examples of the assessed criteria include: How are insights into the company provided? How well is the subject of “job applications” covered by information and services? How does the company and employer open a dialog with potential candidates on its website?

Germany’s best training organization in 2023
Deutsche Telekom won the Germany seal “Germany’s best training organization in 2023” by Focus Money magazine for the second time in a row. For this rating, DEUTSCHLAND TEST analyzed the country’s 20 000 largest employers. The study is based on four pillars: structural data, apprentice pay, training success, and additional offerings by the companies.

LinkedIn Top Company
For seven years now, LinkedIn has analyzed employers with regard to opportunities for advancement, support for advanced training, and employee development. Commitment to greater diversity and inclusion has also become an increasingly important factor in rating the surveyed companies. In 2023, Deutsche Telekom was ranked in the top 10 LinkedIn Top Companies, showing that our initiatives for an inclusive, vibrant corporate culture and our many offerings for personal and professional development are on the right track.

Leading Employer 2023
In the meta-study “Leading Employers 2023” by the Institute of Research & Data Aggregation, Deutsche Telekom won in all six categories – including “Employee satisfaction” and “Understanding of values.”

Top Employer 2023
T-Systems in Germany received the Top Employer certification from the renowned Top Employer Institute for the first time in the year under review. Companies that are certified as “top employers” put their employees at the center of their business activities and offer them an excellent environment for work and development.

Accolades as an attractive employer
National companies from the Europe segment received a number of awards as attractive employers in the year under review. For example, T-Mobile Austria received the Kurier seal of quality “Favorite Employer 2023,” PwC named Magyar Telekom the most attractive employer in the telecommunications and media industries in Hungary, and T-Mobile Czech Republic also won the prize for top employer in the telecommunications sector.

Employer Branding Award 2023 for Magenta Telekom
In another win for the Europe segment, our Austrian national company Magenta Telekom won the special prize in gold in the category “Digital HR” at the Employer Branding Awards 2023. This prize is awarded for outstanding performance in the area of human resources. Magenta Telekom won the prize for its onboarding journey. The onboarding process helps employees find their way around during their first 100 days at the company.


Awards for the US segment

Disability:IN 2023 Disability Equality Index
Disability:IN Disability Equality Index img evaluates disability inclusion in the workplace. For the seventh year in a row, T-Mobile US received a 100 percent score from the Disability Equality Index Survey.

JUST Companies Rankings 2023: ranked #31 among America’s MOST Just Companies  
JUST Capital ranked T-Mobile US #31 on its 2024 Rankings of America’s Most JUST Companies in recognition of its ongoing progress and commitment to driving responsible business practices and positive environmental and social impact.

2023/2024 Human Rights Campaign Foundation Corporate Equality Index
In recognition as one of the best places to work for LGBTQ+ Equality, T-Mobile US received a score of 100 percent on the 2023/2024 Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index.

America’s Climate Leaders 2023
T-Mobile landed number 1 out of 400 companies on USA Today’s first-ever America’s Climate Leaders list, a reflection of the commitment to reducing its environmental footprint.

CDP img Climate Change Assessment
T-Mobile US continued to score at the Leadership Level by CDP, earning an A- in 2023 for climate change reporting.


Awards for the Systems Solutions segment

2023 European Code of Conduct Award
T-Systems won the Code of Conduct Award by the European Commission for its data center in Biere. An independent panel recognized 120 companies whose data centers demonstrated a significant reduction of energy consumption in 2023. T-Systems was among the six winners with the most energy-efficient data centers in Europe. Factors such as the PUE img (power-use effectiveness) value of the data centers, best practices, and energy-efficient methods were taken into account in identifying the winners.

Platinum prize for T-Systems data centers
T-Systems won the platinum prize for its data centers at the “Readers’ Choice IT Awards” for the second year in a row. This award is presented by the trade portal BigData-Insider in a variety of categories, to companies that excel in the IT domain through innovation, progressive strategies, or extraordinary market understanding. More than 70 000 users voted for T-Systems as first place in the category “Green Co-Location.” You can find out more about energy efficiency at Systems Solutions segment here.

Leading provider of sustainable IT services in Europe
PAC, a European market analysis and consulting firm in the software an IT sector, rated T-Systems as “best-in-class” in eight different categories. In the framework of its study, PAC rated the sustainability performance of 26 different telecommunications providers. T-Systems succeeded – especially thanks to its consulting subsidiary Detecon – in positioning itself as a leading provider of sustainable IT services in Europe, scoring points in the category “Sustainability Consulting” with its high-level competence and market presence. PAC emphasized the company’s IT operations (infrastructure) and sustainability services that are well integrated in its overall portfolio as particular strengths of T-Systems.

T-Systems also earned top spots in the sustainability and ESG img service benchmark of the market research and consulting firm Information Services Group (ISG): it was recognized as a “leader” in Europe in the categories “Technology Solutions and Implementation Services – IT” and “Technology Solutions and Implementation Services – Operational Technology.” Together with its subsidiary Detecon, T-Systems was also named as a market leader in IT services throughout Europe in the category “Strategy and Enablement.” T-Systems also received the rating “Product Challenger” in the category “Data Platforms and Managed Services.” This study marked the first time ISG published a benchmark for sustainable services.

Industry Award for fuel conservation app
The IST World Congress gave the Industry Award to the “Low Carbon Mobility Management” fuel conservation app img, which had already been certified under the #GreenMagenta label. The app was certified in 2022 and satisfies the ISO-23795-1 standard for low-carbon fleet management, navigation, and smart, environmentally friendly traffic systems. The app can be used by vehicle operators worldwide and helps to protect the environment by reducing CO2 emissions. More information about our commitments in the area of mobility is available here.

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  • Tim Hoettges

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