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GRI Index

Deutsche Telekom’s 2023 CR Report was created in line with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines and in agreement with the option “in accordance” with GRI. So our high demands on transparency are maintained. The reported information relates to the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023.

In the GRI content index img, we refer to content pertaining to general and specific standard disclosures and explain the content when necessary. The standard disclosures are based on the very relevant aspects identified in our materiality process. Selected content from various action areas has been reviewed in this regard; such content is marked in the index with [Inhalt durch PWC geprüft Data reviewed by Deloitte]. The index also contains links and explanations relative to other GRI aspects that are covered in the report.


Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)

There are various standards for CR reporting for companies. Our CR report has been based on reporting in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), in particular, for nearly 20 years. Our annual report has met the European requirements for CR reporting since 2017. We have been making our contribution toward reaching the SDGs img transparent in our reporting since 2017 as well. To satisfy the growing interest of our stakeholders img in comparable sustainability information, we have published an additional index img on the sustainability standards of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) in our CR report since 2021 – with an industry-specific focus on the information and communications technology sector.

In the SASB index, we explain how we satisfy the industry-specific SASB criteria or link to passages in our sustainability communication where we explain how we satisfy them. In addition, we list the SASB criteria at relevant locations within the present report.

We welcome the growing attention being given to sustainability issues, and of course are happy to readily meet growing transparency requirements. At the same time, we are aware of announced efforts to consolidate various relevant standards and frameworks.

SASB-Code   Requirement   Reference
Environmental Footprint of Operations

(1) Total energy consumed, 
(2) percentage gridelectricity, 
(3) percentage renewable energy

Data Privacy
TC-TL-220a.1   Description of policies and practices relating to behavioral advertising and customer privacy  

Number of customers whose information is used for secondary purposes


Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with customer privacy

  All relevant legal procedures and outputs are disclosed in the annual report.

(1) Number of law enforcement requests for customer information,
(2) number of customers whose information was requested,
(3) percentage resulting in disclosure

Data Security

(1) Number of data breaches,
(2) percentage involving personally identifiable information (PII),
(3) number of customers affected


Description of approach to identifying and addressing data security risks, including use of third-party cybersecurity standards

End-of-Life Management of Products

(1) Materials recovered through take back programs, percentage of recovered materials that were 
(2) reused, 
(3) recycled, and 
(4) landfilled

Competitive Behaviour & Open Internet

Total amount of monetary losses as a result of legal proceedings associated with anti-competitive behavior regulation

  All relevant legal procedures and outputs are disclosed in the annual report.

Average actual sustained download speed of
(1) owned and commercially-associated content and
(2) non-associated content


The minimum, normal and maximum download speeds are stated in the product specifications.

TC-TL-520a.3   Description of risks and opportunities associated with net neutrality, paid peering, zero rating, and related practice  
Managing Systemic Risks from Technology Disruptions

(1) System average interruption frequency and
(2) customer average interruption duration


Discussion of systems to provide unimpeded service during service interruptions


Principle Adverse Impacts (PAIs)

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is intended to create more transparency regarding the extent to which financial products are sustainable. We therefore would like to use a table to illustrate for our investors and financial services providers the most important indicators according to the SFDR (Principal Adverse Impacts, PAIs) of their investment decisions or policies on sustainability aspects. This includes environmental, social and employee concerns as well as protecting human rights and fighting corruption and bribery. For the reporting year, we focused on the mandatory indicators for financial institutions in the disclosure of PAIs. In future, we will evaluate the extent to which we can also report other PAIs.

Sustainability Indicator Metric 2023 Omission/Additional information
Mandatory climate and other environment-related indicators
Greenhouse Gas Emission Scope 1 GHG Emissions 4-year trend: Total CO2e emissions (Scopes 1 to 2) in the DT Group  
Scope 2 GHG Emissions (market-based img) 4-year trend: Total CO2e emissions (Scopes 1 to 2) in the DT Group  
Scope 3 GHG Emissions 4-year trend: Total CO2e emissions (Scope 3) in the DT Group  
Total GHG Emissions Total CO2e emissions (Scopes 1 to 3) in the DT Group  
Carbon footprint CO2e emissions  
GHG Intensity (scope 1+2+3) (per revenues) ESG KPI “Carbon Intensity” DT Group

ESG KPI “Energy Intensity” DT Group
Investment in companies active in the fossil fuel sector N/A We are not active in the fossil fuel industry.
Share of non-renewable energy consumption and non-renewable energy production of investee companies from non-renewable energy sources compared to renewable energy sources, expressed as a percentage of total energy sources

Share img non-renewable energy consumption: 7.5%

Share renewable energy consumption: 92.5%

Share renewable electricity: 100%

Energy consumption in MWh per million EUR of revenue ESG KPI “Energy Intensity” DT Group  
Biodiversity Share of investments in investee companies with sites/operations located in or near to biodiversity-sensitive areas where activities of those investee companies negatively affect those areas N/A Due to limited data availability, we are currently unable to publish detailed information about headquarters or operations sites in proximity to such areas, however, biodiversity considerations are always taken into account when investigating new sites.
Water Tons of emissions to water generated We are not aware of any significant emissions to water in our operations.  
Waste Tons of hazardous and radioactive waste generated Waste production (including e-waste)  
Mandatory social and employee and respect for human rights
Social and employee matters Violations of the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the OECD img Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

UN Global Compact – Communication on Progress

We are not aware of any violations of UN Global Compact principles in our operations.
Companies with the UNGC principles or OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises or grievance/complaints handling mechanisms to address violations of the UNGC principles or OECD Guidlines for Multinational Enterprises UN Global Compact – Communication on Progress  
Average unadjusted gender pay gap N/A We do have various programs in place to promote gender equality. This is also externally acknowledged, i.e. in the Bloomberg gender equality report.
Average ratio of female to male board members, expressed as a percentage of all board members Percentage of women in middle and upper management

Percentage of women on the management board

Percentage of women on the Supervisory Boards
Share of investments in investee companies involved in the manufacture or selling of controversial weapons No involvement in controversial weapons.  

Indicators for telecommunications providers from the GSM Association (GSMA)

The indicators outlined by the GSM img Association (GSMA; worldwide association of mobile communications providers) are intended to create a uniform sustainability standard for the telecommunications industry and make comparisons within the industry easier. Ten of the most important KPIs for the industry have been selected within the four categories of environment, digital participation, digital integrity, and supply chain. The KPIs are based on standards such as GRI and SASB, which have long been applied by Deutsche Telekom, too. We welcome GSMA using these sector-specific, established standards and reveal in the following table the extent to which our reporting is already in keeping with these indicators.


KPI imgname GSMA Code GSMA Code Description Reference and additional information
Emissions Science Based Target GSMA-ENV-01 Disclose whether you have set, or committed to set, GHG emissions targets that are in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement to limit global warming to well below 2 C above pre industrial levels and pursue efforts to limit warming to 1.5 C and to achieve net zero emissions before 2050. Our climate targets
Scope 1, 2 and 3 Emissions GSMA-ENV-02 Absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions img (tonnes CO2e) 4-year trend: total CO2e emissions (Scopes 1 to 2) in the DT Group
Absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions (tonnes CO2e) per 1PB data

ESG KPI “Carbon Intensity” DT Group

1.24 tCO2e/PB

Percentage change in absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions since last reporting period

4-year trend: total CO2e emissions (Scopes 1 to 2) in the DT Group

CO2e emissions scope 1&2: -7%  compared to 2022

Absolute Scope 3 emissions img (tonnes CO2e) 4-year trend: total CO2e emissions (Scope 3) in the DT Group
Absolute Scope 3 emissions (tonnes CO2e) per 1PB data

4-year trend: total CO2e emissions (Scope 3) in the DT Group

60.02 tCO2e/PB

Percentage change in absolute Scope 3 emissions since last reporting period

4-year trend: total CO2e emissions (Scope 3) in the DT Group

CO2e emissions scope 3: -11% compared to 2022

Energy Energy Consumption GSMA-ENV-03 Total energy consumed (MWh) Total energy consumption
Total energy consumed (MWh) per 1PB of data.

ESG KPI “Energy Intensity” DT Group

70.14 MWh/PB

Total Network energy consumed (MWh) 12 136 189.93 MWh
Total Network energy consumed (MWh) per 1PB of data 69.53 MWh/PB
Percentage grid renewable ESG KPI “Renewable Energy”
Percentage grid non renewable ESG KPI “Renewable Energy”
Percentage off grid renewable Not relevant for our reporting
Percentage off grid non renewable Not relevant for our reporting
Waste Reduction Materials Repaired or Reused GSMA-ENV-04 Percentage of Network equipment repaired or reused, by units. We currently do not report that KPI
Percentage of Network equipment repaired or reused, by purchase price We currently do not report that KPI
Percentage of Handset and CPE img repaired or reused, by units

Take Back Mobile Devices ESG KPI (including cell phones)

Take Back CPEs ESG KPI (including fixed-line)

We refurbish and repair up to 75% of all returned devices. Compared to the number of sold devices this accounts for about 22% of all devices sold and rented to our customers.

Percentage of Handset and CPE repaired or reused, by purchase price We do not report that KPI img and do not currently believe this to be relevant for our reporting.
Waste Generated GSMA-ENV-05
Total waste generated (tonnes) per 1PB of data

Waste production (including e-waste)

0,5 t/PB

Network waste (tonnes) per 1PB of data We currently do not report that KPI
Handsets and other Customer premises equipment (CPE) waste (tonnes) per 1PB of data We currently do not report that KPI
All other waste (tonnes) per 1PB of data We currently do not report that KPI
Materials Recycled GSMA-ENV-06 Percentage of Network waste (from 1.5b) recycled (units) We currently do not report that KPI
Percentage of purchase price of recycled Network waste We currently do not report that KPI
Percentage of Handsets and CPE waste (from 1.5c) recycled (units) We currently do not report that KPI
Percentage of purchase price of recycled Handsets and CPE waste We currently do not report that KPI
Percentage of all other waste (from 1.5d) recycled (units) We currently do not report that KPI
Percentage of purchase price of all other recycled waste We currently do not report that KPI
Digital Inclusion
Network Coverage Population Covered by Mobile Network GSMA-INC-01 Percentage of population covered by operator’s mobile network.Breakdown by: 3G img, 4G, 5G

Germany segment: progress with network build-out

United States segment: progress with network build-out

Europe segment: progress with network build-out

Rollout of the new 5G mobile generation

Affordability Device and Subscription Affordability GSMA-INC-02 Cost of the most affordable data-enabled phone, as percentage of monthly GDP per capita Due to our involvement in a wide variety of markets, we do not report that KPI and do not currently believe this to be relevant for our reporting. However, with our T phones we allow consumers to access the latest technologies at an affordable price.
Average cost of 1GB of data, as percentage of monthly GDP per capita Due to our involvement in a wide variety of markets, we do not report that KPI and do not currently believe this to be relevant for our reporting.
Digital Skills Digital Skills Programmes GSMA-INC-03 Number of people (excluding employees) that have completed a digital skills training programme, divided by total subscribers

We currently do not report that KPI. However, with our Beneficiaries KPIs we do report on information related to trained individuals.

ESG KPIs: Community Contribution, Reach - Focus Topics, and Beneficiaries – Focus topics

Digital Integrity
Data protection Customer Data Incidents GSMA-INT-01 Number of data breaches, per million subscribers We currently do not report that KPI
Percentage of data breaches involving personally identifiable information (PII) We currently do not report that KPI
Number of customers affected, per million subscribers We currently do not report that KPI
Number of regulatory actions for data protection violations (e.g. marketing related complaints, data breaches, etc), per million subscribers We currently do not report that KPI
Digital Rights Digital Rights Policy GSMA-INT-02 Is there a policy specifically covering Digital rights protection and transparency, Privacy, Freedom of expression, Government mandates to shut down or restrict access, and/or Government requests for data?

Yes, Code of Human Rights

Online Safety Online Safety Measures GSMA-INT-03 Do you have controls or programmes in place to improve online safety for children and other vulnerable groups?

Our approach to protection of minors in the media

Digital participation through media literacy

Digital values

Supply Chain
Sustainable Supply Chain Sustainable Procurement Policy GSMA-SUP-01 Do you have a Sustainable Procurement Policy in place?

No, we don't have a separate policy but sustainability is an integral part of our procurement policy and integrated into our supplier contracts via our Supplier Code of Conduct. Additionally, CO2 emissions play a significant role in our selection of suppliers.

If yes, how many of the following elements does it cover? Our Supplier Code of Conduct covers these elements.
Organizational governance: decision making processes and structures Yes
Human rights Yes
Labour practices Yes
Environment Yes
Fair operating practices Yes
Consumer issues No
Community involvement and development No
Supplier Assessments GSMA-SUP-02 Percentage of suppliers screened against the Sustainable Procurement Policy using company defined and documented assessment procedure, within the previous two years

We do not report on the percentage of our suppliers but on the percentage of our purchase order volume as this more accurately reflects the relevant parts of our supply chain.

ESG KPI “Procurement Volume Without CR Risk”

Percentage of suppliers assessed against the Policy through site visits, within the previous two years

We do not report on the percentage of our suppliers but focus on our strategically most important suppliers that reflect about 80% of our purchase order volume. For our site visits, we do cooperate with other companies in the JAC initiative.

ESG KPI “Procurement Volume Without CR Risk”


UN Global Compact – Communication on Progress

Deutsche Telekom was one of the founding members of UN Global Compact over 20 years ago. Since then, we have communicated our efforts for implementing its ten principles in our annual Communication on Progress (CoP). Our current Communication on Progress and communications from years gone by can be found here.


Principle Adverse Impacts (PAIs)

  • Social and employee matters

German Sustainability Code

The German Sustainability Code has been approved by the Federal Government’s Council for Sustainable Development. Deutsche Telekom was one of the first companies to accede to the Sustainability Code. The German Sustainability Code aims to make companies’ commitments to sustainability transparent and comparable under a binding framework. For the 2023 reporting year, we will not be publishing a declaration of conformity with the German Sustainability Code for the first time, as we are focusing on preparing for future reporting in accordance with the CSRD img. You can find the statements from previous years on the German Sustainability Code website under “Deutsche Telekom AG.”

The German Sustainability Code

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  • Tim Hoettges

    Foreword by Tim Höttges

    Finding solutions

    means finding the courage

    for open dialog, even beyond

    the boundaries of a company.

    Let’s all dare to be

    more transparent!

    Finding solutions means finding the courage for open dialog, even beyond the boundaries of a company. Let’s all dare to be more transparent!

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