20 of the Weirdest Subreddits, According to Their Lurkers

‘r/RealBeesFakeTophats. Exactly what it sounds like’
20 of the Weirdest Subreddits, According to Their Lurkers

Reddit is a real double-edged sword, if swords were made of useful home improvement information and weird porn. It’s home to the most knowledgeable experts who can’t be bothered to officially publish their findings, to the point that you have to add “site:reddit.com” to any Google search to get anything coherent these days, as well as the most vile, outrageous and unsettling filth humanity has to offer. It’s enough to bring a freedom-loving tear to the patriotic eye.

That means, by its all-inclusive nature, there’s a subreddit for just about anything you can imagine. If there isn’t, you can make one, and they’ll only remove it if it goes dead or actively breaks laws or something. Enough people have taken that opportunity as a challenge that when users HideHeartSurgeonN1 and oh-my-grodd5 asked r/AskReddit, “What’s the weirdest subreddit?,” the answers were truly beyond our wildest, surrealist dreams.

Ninja9002 6y ago r/eggsinstrangeplaces
5up3rK4m16uru 6y ago r/fatsquirrelhate
GenericSubaruser 6y ago Has anybody said r/sharktits yet?
1banana6bananaz 6y ago Edited 6y ago r/enlightenedbirdmen Theyre weird but love them. SCRAAWWWW!!!
 6y ago r/RealBeesFakeTopHats. Exactly what it sounds like.
X-lem 6y ago r/upvoteexeggutor Basically a ton of pictures of modified Exeggutor's (the Pokemon) neck. It's awesome!
ArkBirdFTW 6y ago Edited 6y ago r/wewantplates People post pictures of food served with unsatisfactory plating.
gamageeknerd . 6y ago r/sbubby Because why not drop acid then photoshop the subway logo
King_Con123 6y ago r/fuckmanny It's a sub dedicated to hating on the little brother from Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
ItsBOOM 6y ago Edited 6y ago r/ModelUSGov. Bunch of people LARPing as politicians will result in some interesting characters.
yoshi314 . 6y ago Edited 6y ago personally it's the r/SubredditSimulator the concept is that bots make up posts, and other bots comment on them. we can only upvote or downvote, training the bots to come up with even better posts. some of them are borderline meta/self-aware (
meoka2368 6y ago r/VXJunkies Basically people roleplaying technobabble. They'll talk about stuff that doesn't exist in a technical way, as well as posting their home made rigs that do technical sounding things that are all made up.
AlexVsPredator 6y ago r/HaveWeMet It's a subreddit of people all pretending they live in the same bizarre town and they post all about what happens there. It's weird and I love it
Dicktremain 6y ago r/stannisthemantis From the mission statement: The goal of this subreddit is to convince the world of the fact that Stannis Baratheon is a gigantic praying mantis in disguise.
CI gaokeai 6y ago A little late to the party but definitely r/bunniesorbuttholes. It's exactly as it sounds. The average post has an ambiguous title, and you don't know until clicking whether or not you'll see a picture of a cute bunny or someone's asshole. Who the hell comes up with these things? Lol
MontanaSD 6y ago Porn should have it's own section of this. r/simps (NSFW) is all vaginas that resemble Homer Simpson's mouth.
-eDgAR- 6y ago Edited 6y ago r/dicklips (NSFW) is probably one of the weirdest subs I've found. For those of you that can't click the link, it's a sub where people Photoshop out the penis when a woman is giving a blowjob but leave a bit of the head and then make her mouth look closed, resulting in a very weird face.
nowontletu66 6y ago Edited 6y ago Well r/catsstandingup is intresting. All pictures is that and every comment is Cat. If you comment anything else you shall be perma banned.
InigOMontoya 6y ago I'm a fan of r/BreadStapledToTrees. Over 100k subscribers, a discord, a Facebook group or something like that, a meta sub, and official merchandise.
asdlpg 6y ago r/Amish like... why?


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