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House Flags of Brazilian Shipping Companies, S

Last modified: 2020-07-26 by ian macdonald
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See also:

Empresa de Sal e Navegação (Rio de Janeiro)

House Flag of Empresa de Sal e Navegação image by Joseph McMillan

The name means Salt and Navigation Enterprise. The flag was white with a red band from upper hoist to lower fly bearing the initials of the firm in white.
Source: 1909 supplement to German Navy Flaggenbuch (1905)
Joseph McMillan, 11 February 2003

Empresa Salineira de Navegação Fluvial de Delbão Rodrigues e Cia (Piauí)

House Flag of Empresa Salineira de Navegação Fluvial de Delbão Rodrigues image by Jorge Candeias

The first part of the name means something akin to "Saline Enterprise of Fluvial Navigation," where saline means exploitation of salt. Delbão Rodrigues is a personal name. The flag is white with two dark blue triangles in top hoist and bottom hoist, touching each other and going up to half the length, and with a red cross of the Order of Christ vertically centered and shifted to the hoist. A great flag.
Source: Chart of house flags circa 1950 at
Jorge Candeias, 2 June 2002

Santo Antônio de Ocilio Lago (Piauí)

House Flag of Santo Antônio de Ocilio Lago image by Jorge Candeias

The flag is quartered per saltire in white and red, with black letters N, E, S and A occupying the quarters.
Source: Chart of house flags circa 1950 at
Jorge Candeias, 2 June 2002

I would read the letters as ENSA, Empresa de Navegação de Santo Antônio.
Ivan Sache, 3 June 2002


House Flag of SCANBRAS (Brazil) image by Joseph McMillan

Source: Josef Nuesse's website Reedereiflaggen: House Flags of Shipping Companies.

SCANBRAS, evidently a joint venture among Lloyd Brasileiro, Aliança, and Transroll. Nüsse shows two other variants of this flag, one with SCAN and BRAS in black and the other with the letters L and A in black in place of the SCAN and BRAS logos.
Joseph McMillan, 17 June 2001

Scanbras or Scan Bras. This Brazilian company joint service was actually registered in Germany (see two of the flags from the Josef Nüsse site on the page "Scan Bras (German Shipping Company)". The company was born and died in Germany, but its parents [and the money no doubt] were Brazilian.
Neale Rosanoski, 7 May 2009

In 1984 Empresa de Navegacao Allianca SA and Lloyd Brasileiro Patrimonio Nacional, both located in Rio de Janeiro founded SCAN BRAS Joint Service, located according to BHNE in Botafogo. Two vessels ran a circle line Rio d.J.- Santos Pagua to Oslo, and from there to Aarhus Göteborg Malmö Stockholm Helsinki, there and back again. In 1988 Transroll Navegacao SA, located in Rio d.J. joined SCAN BRAS. As Transroll refused the funnel with the initials LB and AL, a new flag and funnel were created, replacing the initials by a black inscription SCAN and BRAS, each placed on a white background upon two black arrows. Another flag was created, with a yellow inscription SCAN and a red inscription BRAS, but according to source this flag had never been used officially. The three companions gained 33.3% of the profit each. Allianca was the main actor and all decisions had been made in Hamburg despite of company location in Botafogo. Transroll and Lloyd Brasileiro played the role of quiet participants.
In 1991 the company was dissolved. Allianca bought bigger container ships and the business was maintained via Hamburg since then.
Source: Klaus-Peter Bühne,
Klaus-Michael Schneider, 9 October 2009

Hans Semper (Amazonas)

House Flag of Hans Semper (Brazil) image by Jorge Candeias

Hans Semper is a name, though not a Portuguese one. German, perhaps? Anyway, the flag has nothing to do with the name, and is just a red star on a white field. Might be coincidental, but these are the major colors of the flag of Amazonas.

Source: Chart of house flags circa 1950 at
Jorge Candeias, 30 June 2002