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Fejer County (Hungary)

Fejér megye

Last modified: 2023-06-03 by zachary harden
Keywords: hungary | fejer | saint stephen | crown | cloud |
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image by Mello Luchtenberg, 1 April 2001

See also:

Municipalities (108 settlements, including 13 towns and 2 cities):

Cities (not part of the county):


Other municipalities in FOTW:


Ratio: 1:2 . Adopted: after 1991 and always hoisted vertically
The arms of A-H county of Fejér (Weisenburg , granted around 1650) are still used even if now the county has much larger area.
Željko Heimer - from FAME

A very informative page about the flag and the Coat of Arms of the county and its history (now only in Hungarian) - <>. Some informations from the page:
The first mention of Fejér County is from 1009. The counties were administrative divisions in the 11-13th centuries (Royal Counties). The counties became communities of the nobles from the 13th century. (Noble Counties) The first information about a noble county is from 1232 (Zala County). To the 16th century the counties hadn't got symbols. They use their sheriff's seal. (sheriff means alispán in Hungarian, the administrative leader of the community of the county). The first used Coat of Arms is from 1490. This Coat of Arms was used by Hunyad County (today Hunedoara County, Rumania) In 1498 King Vladislas II gave a CoA  to Somogy County. In 1550 the LXII Law decreed " Every counties have to have seal (...)
In 1550 Zala, Zemplén, Nyitra and Hont counties got Coat of Arms. King Leopold I gave the Coat of Arms to Fejér County in 1694. The original script: "Sigillum Comitatus Albensis" King Ferdinand V. renewed the Coat of Arms in 1837. The script: "Fejér vármegye petsétje"
The CoA of Fejér County - Description of the Coat of Arms:
On the green field before the blue sky is the kneeling Saint Stephen with the Holy Crown, sword and sceptre on a red pillow on his arms. King Saint Stephen makes an offer of Hungary to the Blessed Virgin - who is in a beaming cloud - holding in her arm a little Jesus Christ. Under the pillow with the Holy crown there is the Coat of Arms of Hungary. Version from 1837 at <>.
The flag of Fejér County:
The first mention of the flag is from 1747. This flag was together with the representatives of the county in 1790 (when the Holy Crown returned to Buda from Vienna), in 1809 (battle with Napoleon), 1867 (coronation of Francis-Joseph I), 1896 (the Millenium of the Conquest), 1916 (coronation of Charles IV), 1938 (Millenium of the death of Saint Stephen). In 1949 the communist government prohibited the municipalities from using their symbols. On 13th March 1992 the county renewed the old Coat of Arms (script: Fejér megye) and the old flag.
István Molnár, 20 January 2001

The Hungarian flag bulettin Zaszlovilag in number 1 of 1995 on page 7 there is the flag and Coat of Arms shown, but unfortunately, the description does not refer to the outer ring at all, and the images are not conclusive (at least in my copy it is not clear if there is line along letter J and M in the inscription). My only other source are stamps issued by Hungarian post in 1997, but these show the Fejer Coat of Arms entirely without the outer ring with inscription.
According to images in Zaszlovilag, there are four stars in the outer ring. Also, even if that is probably hard to say in this size of the image, those stars are six-pointed (say: inscribed circle is 1/3 of the outer circle), each with two points pointing perpendicularly to the radius of the Coat of Arms connecting the center of the star . Also, probably also not visible due to the scale, the A in word VARMEGYE should have acute accent.
Željko Heimer, 31 March 2001

According to <>, the General Assembly of Fejér county would like to make new symbols of the county.
Left the original Coat of Arms , right the Proposed New "Logo" .
I think the new flag proposal is white with the new "Logo".
István Molnár, 27 November 2003

Flag in Use

image by István Molnár, 27 August 2001

Flying flag at the Conquest Statue, Opusztaszer NHP. Ratio: 3:1. The width of the Coat of Arms is the 1/3 of the width of the flag. The Coat of Arms is on the 1/3 of the flag's height.
István Molnár, 27 August 2001

Millenium Flag

image by István Molnár, 27 Febuary 2003

Fejér County Millenium flag - swallowtailed.
István Molnár, 27 Febuary 2003

Coat of Arms

image by Mello Luchtenberg, 1 April 2001

Proposed New "Logo"

image from <>
