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Sveti Juraj na Bregu, Croatia

Međimurje County

Last modified: 2023-04-29 by rob raeside
Keywords: sveti juraj na bregu | st. george (white) | dragon (green) |
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[Municipality flag] image by Željko Heimer, 15 April 2023

See also:

Presentation of Sveti Juraj na Bregu

Sveti Juraj na Bregu has some 5,500 inhabitants, the seat of the municipality being the village of Lopatinec, with less then 900 inhabitants. The attribute "na Bregu" (on the Hill) is for differenciation from Sv. Juraj u Trnju, a nearby village in the municipality of Donji Kraljevec.

Željko Heimer, 9 May 2004

Flag of Sveti Juraj na Bregu

The flag of Sveti Juraj na Bregu (photo of the Assembly Hall, Međimurje, 29 April 2003) is in proportions 1:2, light blue with the coat of arms, bordered yellow, in the middle.

Decision Odluka o osnivanju i imenovanju Komisije za raspisivanje i provođenje natječaja za idejno rješenje zastave i grba Općine Sveti Juraj na Bregu, adopted on 4 October 1994 by the Municipality Assembly and published on 31 December 1994 in the County official gazette Službeni glasnik Županije Međimurske, No. 6, prescribes the establishment of the Commission to issue and conduct a public contest for the design of the municipal symbols. The Commission, headed by the Mayor, Miran Zanjko, included Zdravko Moharić, Vladimir Novak, Dragutin Turk and Ivan Kolmanić.

Željko Heimer, 6 October 2011


Tomislav Šipek, 15 April 2023

Coat of arms of Sveti Juraj na Bregu

[Municipality coat of arms] image by Željko Heimer, 15 April 2023

The coat of arms pictures in a blue shield St. George slaying the dragon standing on a green hill.

Željko Heimer, 9 May 2004

Flag and arms from September 1995

[Municipality flag]   [Municipality flag] images by Željko Heimer, 15 April 2023

The flag is blue and in the center of the flag there is the coat of arms of the Municipality bordered by a golden ribbon.

The shield is divided into four fields. The upper half of the shield is divided into two fields vertically, namely the blue field in the upper left corner and the white (silver) field in the upper right corner. The lower half of the shield is also divided into two fields along the vertical of the shield, in the lower left corner is a white (silver) field, and in the lower right corner is a blue field. On the blue field in the left upper part of the shield there is a yellow (golden) star with ten wavy arms. On a white (silver) field in the upper right part of the shield, a horseman in the armor of a medieval Knight stabbing a dragon under the horse's feet is drawn. WHITE (SILVER) - PURITY BLUE - ETERNITY YELLOW (GOLD) - HEAVENLY BEGINNING RED - FIRENESS The star in the blue field has ten arms as an association, in ten places in the municipality of Sveti Juraj na Breg. The arms are wavy in order to evoke the hilly side of the upper Međimurje. A knight on a horse stabbing a dragon under the horse's hooves vividly depicts the fight of Saint George with the dragon.

Tomislav Šipek, 15 April 2023

Flag and arms from March 1995

[Municipality flag]   [Municipality flag] images by Željko Heimer, 15 April 2023

In the flag, the arrangement of the fields remained the same as in the coat of arms. In the upper right corner is a blue field with one gold star. The symbol of a dragon pierced by a red spear is placed in the lower right field, on silver. The ratio of the length and width of the flag is 2:1.

In the upper right corner of the shield is a blue field with one golden star. In the upper left corner of the shield, on silver, is a red dragon pierced by a red spear. The lower right corner of the shield is made of silver and without symbols. There is also no symbol in the lower left corner of the shield, on the blue field.

Tomislav Šipek, 15 April 2023
