Journal articles
Meijers, AJS., Meredith, MP., Shuckburgh, EF., Kent, EC., Munday, DR., Firing, YL., King, B., Smyth, TJ., Leng, MJ., George Nurser, AJ., Hewitt, HT., Povl Abrahamsen, E., Weiss, A., Yang, M., Bell, TG., Alexander Brearley, J., Boland, EJD., Jones, DC., Josey, SA., Owen, RP., Grist, JP., Blaker, AT., Biri, S., Yelland, MJ., Pimm, C., Zhou, S., Harle, J. and Cornes, RC., 2023. Finale: impact of the ORCHESTRA/ENCORE programmes on Southern Ocean heat and carbon understanding. Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci, v. 381
Doi: 10.1098/rsta.2022.0070
Simpson, C., Hosking, J., Mitchell, D., Betts, R. and Shuckburgh, E., 2022. Regional disparities and seasonal differences in climate risk to rice labour
Doi: 10.31223/x5sw3n
Furner, R., Haynes, P., Munday, D., Paige, B., Jones, DC. and Shuckburgh, E., 2022. A sensitivity analysis of a regression model of ocean temperature Environmental Data Science, v. 1
Doi: 10.1017/eds.2022.10
Summers, T., Mackie, E., Ueno, R., Simpson, C., Hosking, S., Suciu, T., Coburn, A. and Shuckburgh, E., 2021. Localised economic impacts from high temperature disruption days under climate change
Doi: 10.31223/x5502q
Simpson, C., Hosking, JS., Mitchell, D., Betts, RA. and Shuckburgh, E., 2021. Regional disparities and seasonal differences in climate risk to rice labour. Environ Res Lett, v. 16
Ben, H., Mackie, E., Parry, I., Shuckburgh, E., Hawker, G. and Jenkins, MG., 2021. Targeting building energy efficiency using thermal infrared earth observation telescopes Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v. 2042
Andersson, TR., Hosking, JS., Pérez-Ortiz, M., Paige, B., Elliott, A., Russell, C., Law, S., Jones, DC., Wilkinson, J., Phillips, T., Byrne, J., Tietsche, S., Sarojini, BB., Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, E., Aksenov, Y., Downie, R. and Shuckburgh, E., 2021. Seasonal Arctic sea ice forecasting with probabilistic deep learning. Nat Commun, v. 12
Jones, DC., Boland, E., Meijers, AJS., Forget, G., Josey, SA., Sallee, JB. and Shuckburgh, E., 2019. Heat Distribution in the Southeast Pacific Is Only Weakly Sensitive to High-Latitude Heat Flux and Wind Stress Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, v. 124
Hosking, JS., Macleod, D., Phillips, T., Holmes, CR., Watson, P., Shuckburgh, EF. and Mitchell, D., 2018. Changes in European wind energy generation potential within a 1.5 °c warmer world Environmental Research Letters, v. 13
Jones, DC., Forget, G., Sinha, B., Josey, SA., Boland, EJD., Meijers, AJS. and Shuckburgh, E., 2018. Local and Remote Influences on the Heat Content of the Labrador Sea: An Adjoint Sensitivity Study Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, v. 123
Mitchell, D., AchutaRao, K., Allen, M., Bethke, I., Beyerle, U., Ciavarella, A., Forster, PM., Fuglestvedt, J., Gillett, N., Haustein, K., Ingram, W., Iversen, T., Kharin, V., Klingaman, N., Massey, N., Fischer, E., Schleussner, CF., Scinocca, J., Seland, Ø., Shiogama, H., Shuckburgh, E., Sparrow, S., Stone, D., Uhe, P., Wallom, D., Wehner, M. and Zaaboul, R., 2017. Half a degree additional warming, prognosis and projected impacts (HAPPI): Background and experimental design Geoscientific Model Development, v. 10
Jones, DC., Meijers, AJS., Shuckburgh, E., Sallï e, JB., Haynes, P., McAufield, EK. and Mazloff, MR., 2016. How does Subantarctic Mode Water ventilate the Southern Hemisphere subtropics? Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, v. 121
Boland, EJD., Shuckburgh, E., Haynes, PH., Ledwell, JR., Messias, MJ. and Watson, AJ., 2015. Estimating a submesoscale diffusivity using a roughness measure applied to a tracer release experiment in the Southern Ocean Journal of Physical Oceanography, v. 45
Zika, JD., Le Sommer, J., Dufour, CO., Molines, JM., Barnier, B., Brasseur, P., Dussin, R., Penduff, T., Iudicone, D., Lenton, A., Madec, G., Mathiot, P., Orr, J., Shuckburgh, E. and Vivier, F., 2013. Vertical eddy fluxes in the Southern Ocean Journal of Physical Oceanography, v. 43
Robison, R. and Shuckburgh, E., 2013. Communicating Climate Science WEATHER, v. 68
Doi: 10.1002/wea.2088
Sallée, JB., Shuckburgh, E., Bruneau, N., Meijers, AJS., Bracegirdle, TJ., Wang, Z. and Roy, T., 2013. Assessment of Southern Ocean water mass circulation and characteristics in CMIP5 models: Historical bias and forcing response Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, v. 118
Sallée, JB., Shuckburgh, E., Bruneau, N., Meijers, AJS., Bracegirdle, TJ. and Wang, Z., 2013. Assessment of Southern Ocean mixed-layer depths in CMIP5 models: Historical bias and forcing response Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, v. 118
Bracegirdle, TJ., Shuckburgh, E., Sallee, JB., Wang, Z., Meijers, AJS., Bruneau, N., Phillips, T. and Wilcox, LJ., 2013. Assessment of surface winds over the atlantic, indian, and pacific ocean sectors of the southern ocean in cmip5 models: Historical bias, forcing response, and state dependence Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, v. 118
Roscoe, HK., Feng, W., Chipperfield, MP., Trainic, M. and Shuckburgh, EF., 2012. The existence of the edge region of the Antarctic stratospheric vortex Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, v. 117
Meijers, AJS., Shuckburgh, E., Bruneau, N., Sallee, JB., Bracegirdle, TJ. and Wang, Z., 2012. Representation of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the CMIP5 climate models and future changes under warming scenarios Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, v. 117
Shuckburgh, E., Maze, G., Ferreira, D., Marshall, J., Jones, H. and Hill, C., 2011. Mixed layer lateral eddy fluxes mediated by air-sea interaction Journal of Physical Oceanography, v. 41
Nisbet, RE., Fisher, R., Nimmo, RH., Bendall, DS., Crill, PM., Gallego-Sala, AV., Hornibrook, ER., López-Juez, E., Lowry, D., Nisbet, PB., Shuckburgh, EF., Sriskantharajah, S., Howe, CJ. and Nisbet, EG., 2009. Emission of methane from plants. Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society, v. 276
Nisbet, RER., Fisher, R., Nimmo, RH., Bendall, DS., Crill, PM., Gallego-Sala, AV., Hornibrook, ERC., López-Juez, E., Lowry, D., Nisbet, PBR., Shuckburgh, EF., Sriskantharajah, S., Howe, CJ. and Nisbet, EG., 2009. Emission of methane from plants. Proc Biol Sci, v. 276
Scott, RK., Shuckburgh, EF., Cammas, JP. and Legras, B., 2003. Stretching rates and equivalent length near the tropopause JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, v. 108
Doi: 10.1029/2002JD002988
Baldwin, MP., Thompson, DWJ., Shuckburgh, EF., Norton, WA. and Gillett, NP., 2003. Atmospheric science. Weather from the stratosphere? Science, v. 301
Shuckburgh, E., Norton, W., Iwi, A. and Haynes, P., 2001. Influence of the quasi-biennial oscillation on isentropic transport and mixing in the tropics and subtropics J GEOPHYS RES-ATMOS, v. 106
Lee, AM., Roscoe, HK., Jones, AE., Haynes, PH., Shuckburgh, EF., Morrey, MW. and Pumphrey, HC., 2001. The impact of the mixing properties within the Antarctic stratospheric vortex on ozone loss in spring J GEOPHYS RES-ATMOS, v. 106
Haynes, P. and Shuckburgh, E., 2000. Effective diffusivity as a diagnostic of atmospheric transport 2. Troposphere and lower stratosphere J GEOPHYS RES-ATMOS, v. 105
Haynes, P. and Shuckburgh, E., 2000. Effective diffusivity as a diagnostic of atmospheric transport 1. Stratosphere J GEOPHYS RES-ATMOS, v. 105
Haynes, P. and Shuckburgh, E., 2000. Effective diffusivity as a diagnostic of atmospheric transport 2. Troposphere and lower stratosphere Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, v. 105
McKenna, C., Bracegirdle, T., Shuckburgh, E., Haynes, P. and Joshi, M., Arctic sea-ice loss in different regions leads to contrasting Northern Hemisphere impacts Geophysical Research Letters, v. 44
Summers, T., Mackie, E., Ueno, R., Simpson, C., Hosking, JS., Suciu, T., Coburn, A. and Shuckburgh, E., Localised impacts and economic implications from high temperature disruption days under climate change Climate Resilience and Sustainability,
Illingworth, S., Bell, A., Capstick, S., Corner, A., Forster, P., Leigh, R., Loroño Leturiondo, M., Muller, C., Richardson, H. and Shuckburgh, E., Representing the majority and not the minority: the importance of the individual in communicating climate change Geoscience Communication, v. 1
Jones, DC., Boland, E., Meijers, AJS., Forget, G., Josey, S., Sallee, J-B. and Shuckburgh, E., The sensitivity of Southeast Pacific heat distribution to local and remote changes in ocean properties Journal of Physical Oceanography,
Shuckburgh, E., Zenghelis, D., Agarwala, M., Diaz Anadon, L., Howard-Grenville, J., Penasco, C., Seega, N., Whittington, E., Barford, A., Brayne, C., Sirringhaus, H., Friend, R., Fitzgerald, S., Cebon, D., Ainalis, D., Barlow, C., Mackie, E., Schooling, J., Guthrie, P., Ramage, M., Plummer Braeckman, J., Reiner, D., Epple, C., Reynolds, F., Coomes, D., Griffiths, H., Cordonier Segger, M., Phillips, F., Rands, M., Neilsen, A. and Hayes, J., 2020. A Blueprint for a Green Future - Multidisciplinary report on a green recovery from COVID-19 by the Cambridge Zero Policy Forum
Book chapters
Shuckburgh, E., 2019. ‘Multicultural’ policy: Integrating expertise from a span of disciplines to inform policy
Conference proceedings
Theses / dissertations
McKenna, C., The influence of Arctic sea-ice loss on mid-latitude weather and climate: exploring sensitivities and mechanisms