Eight New Research Networks

Seven Research Units and one Centre for Advanced Studies established

Topics covered by the newly established groups include road vehicle automation and transformations in the labour market, while total funding will amount to approximately €39 million for the first funding period.

Health and Safety at Work

DFG Senate Commission publishes English version of current recommendations

Schmuckbild: Ständige Senatskommission zur Prüfung gesundheitsschädlicher Arbeitsstoffe

The Permanent Senate Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area of the DFG has now published the English version of its latest research-based recommendations on the risk assessment of substances used at the workplace.

High-Level Meeting on Research Security in Washington

The DFG and the German Embassy organise Transatlantic Exchange

Die Teilnehmenden des Transatlantischen Austauschs posieren gemeinsam für ein Gruppenbild.

German and US-American experts met in the US capital to discuss the topic of research security. Another topic was how the centre for research security recently established in the USA could be a role model for research in Germany and Europe.

DFG - German Research Foundation
