山本由伸、メジャー1勝 初回無死満塁3連続K ソウル悪夢払拭「押し出しは一番嫌。ゾーンにいいボールを」 - スポーツ報知
◆米大リーグ カブス1―4ドジャース(6日・米イリノイ州シカゴ=リグレーフィールド)
この試合の山本のピッチングについて外国人ユーザー、海外メディアの英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1 、 facebook1 instagram1 )
┗ あのカーブはエグい。試合中ずっとカブス打線を翻弄していた。 ヤンキースファン
That breaking ball is nasty. Carved up my cubbies all day
That breaking ball is nasty. Carved up my cubbies all day
┗ 彼はかつてのグレッグ・マダックスのような変化球を投げるね。しかも速球の球速は彼のほうがさらに速い。
He's got movement like Greg Maddox from back in day. But with harder thrown pitches
He's got movement like Greg Maddox from back in day. But with harder thrown pitches
┗ あの高めの速球が一番打ちにくい。目の高さまで97~100マイルのスピードであれば到着するまでの奥行きを判断するのが難しい。ほぼ勘に頼ってタイミングを取るしかない。
That high fast ball is the hardest pitch to hit. Because it's coming at eye level, it's hard to judge the depth perception of the ball while it's coming at you 97-100mph. So the timing is almost guess work.
That high fast ball is the hardest pitch to hit. Because it's coming at eye level, it's hard to judge the depth perception of the ball while it's coming at you 97-100mph. So the timing is almost guess work.
┗ しかも彼の場合はボールが伸び上がってくるから尚更厄介だよね。
and its rising too so it’s just nasty
and its rising too so it’s just nasty
Yoshinobu Yamamoto wins this battle against Seiya Suzuki for his 8th K of the game! pic.twitter.com/sGLf0qHzsc
— MLB (@MLB) April 6, 2024
┗ 山本が先程今シーズン最高クラスの打線を打ち負かした。
Yamamoto just bended over one of the best offense this season
Yamamoto just bended over one of the best offense this season
┗ 今日も絶好調!
Doing great today!!
Doing great today!!
┗ 山本はとにかくこれからも進化し続ける。
Yamamoto only gonna keep improving
Yamamoto only gonna keep improving
┗ やったねヨシ!これからもたくさん勝ってね!
Yay, Yoshi! The of many to come.
Yay, Yoshi! The of many to come.
┗ スタジアムで直接見られて最高だった!素晴らしい登板!
It was awesome seeing you in person! Great work
It was awesome seeing you in person! Great work
┗ おめでとう、そして本当にありがとう!ゴー、ドジャース!
Congratulations and thank you very much!! Go Dodgers!!
Congratulations and thank you very much!! Go Dodgers!!
┗ 由伸にとって歴史的な節目!これからもたくさんの勝利が待っていますように💜。
A momentous milestone for Yoshinobu! Here's to many more victories ahead….💜
A momentous milestone for Yoshinobu! Here's to many more victories ahead….💜
Yoshinobu Yamamoto, Wicked 3 Pitch K Sequence.
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) April 6, 2024
All Yo-Yo Curveballs pic.twitter.com/Lh2C22ewdL
┗ あのカーブはまったくもってえげつない。
That curve is absolutely NASTY 😳
That curve is absolutely NASTY 😳
┗ カーショー以来となる最高のカーブだ、私は軽々しくここまで褒めたりしないよ。
Best curve since Kershaw and I don't say it lightly
Best curve since Kershaw and I don't say it lightly
┗ これは単に素晴らしいボールを3球繰り返しただけではない。どれもボールの出どころを変えて別の球種のように錯覚させていた。
it’s not just a beautiful pitch that he repeated 3 times, he moved the starting location all 3 teams to give the illusion of a different pitch. This is wits and raw skill
it’s not just a beautiful pitch that he repeated 3 times, he moved the starting location all 3 teams to give the illusion of a different pitch. This is wits and raw skill
Yoshinobu Yamamoto's Glove Position Change.
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) April 6, 2024
Korea Game on Left
Cubs Game on Right pic.twitter.com/PBdKov0GIa
┗ 素晴らしいコンテンツ。ありがとうロブ。
Great content, Rob! Thanks
Great content, Rob! Thanks
┗ 以前のは、彼の握りが晒される瞬間がわずかにあって。それが彼を窮地に追いやった原因なのは100%間違いないと思う。ドジャースだったらそれを修正してくれると信じて疑わなかったよ。今の彼ならどれほど圧倒的なピッチングができるのか、皆理解しているよね。
100%. That split second he was exposing his grip was getting him jammed up earlier. I never doubted the Dodgers would correct it.
— ThorOdinson ⚡️⚡️ ⚡️ (@someBKLYNguy) April 7, 2024
Now we all see how devastating he will be. pic.twitter.com/l8nxncI6kB
┗ 彼にあの修正に取り組むように指示した人は、誰であれ大いに称賛に値すると思う。打者に球種を悟らせないようにしたんだね。
Whoever told him to work on that change deserves a lot of credit. Keeps his pitches from giving a tell to the batter
Whoever told him to work on that change deserves a lot of credit. Keeps his pitches from giving a tell to the batter
┗ うん、この修正が彼のコマンドを大きく改善させたのは間違いない。
Yeah this change has definitely made a major improvement in his command.
Yeah this change has definitely made a major improvement in his command.
┗ ドジャースは最高の投手育成システムを持っている。見つけた欠点があったら修正してくれるのだろう。
Dodgers has the best pitching development system, I am sure they will fix any flaws they see.
Dodgers has the best pitching development system, I am sure they will fix any flaws they see.
He just needs to learn how to select the right pitches when he gets to know each hitter. Will avoid high pitch counts.
Remember when they said Yamamoto was gonna be a flop, I giggled.
Maybe next game he can play more than 5 innings
He's getting used to the MLB strike zone.
Yamamoto has all the ingredients of an elite pitcher.
Yoshi is gonna light it up his next few starts…. He’s settling in nicely.
This dude is different. He's gonna win the Cy Young Trophy in his 1st year in the league.
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