
The sports page

What it takes to be a sprinter in the Tour de France

Jasper Philipsen goes very fast. Just don’t expect him to finish near the winners

Colm Tóibín’s new novel

“Long Island” is an entrancing follow-up to “Brooklyn”

Appropriately enough, one of the themes of the sequel is the difficulty of returns

Putin’s delusions, Ukrainians’ pain

A clear-eyed account of Ukraine under siege

Do not underestimate the lunacy of aged dictators, a new book argues

Stringing along

How Kronos became the world’s most innovative string quartet

The group’s 50th anniversary brings new music and new members

Frequent travellers

Why travel guidebooks are not going anywhere

Despite predictions that the internet would kill them

Regional inequality

What ails Britain’s left-behind places?

Two new books offer different views on the country’s troubled towns

World in a dish

The döner kebab has a meaty role in German society

It is a diplomatic tool as well as a tasty, cheap meal

The sports page

In football “golden generations” often fail

All that glitters…

Stage fright

Donald Trump’s return is making Hollywood nervous

News and politics are being left out of the streaming boom

When screens clean the green

Technology has changed money-laundering

This will confound government enforcers for years to come

Who are you calling a Neanderthal?

Theories of pre-history are a mirror on their times

What humans’ perspective on the past says about them

No city of angels

Los Angeles is the capital of film noir

50 years after “Chinatown”, the city is still inspiring new takes on the genre