
Keir not

Labour has won the British election. Now it has to seize the moment

A volatile electorate and a strong showing for Reform UK are no reason for caution

NATO at 75

How to Trump-proof America’s alliances

An essential step will be to let Ukraine into NATO

Cloud and dagger

How spies should use technology

Digital tools are transforming spycraft, but won’t replace human agents

Everything in store

As Amazon turns 30, three factors will define its next decade

It will have to deal with trustbusters, catch up on AI and revive its core business

The northern front

Hizbullah poses a grave threat to Israel

But a war right now would be disastrous

The end of the beginning

Central banks are winning the battle against inflation. But the war is just getting started

Politics and protectionism will make life difficult

American politics

Why Biden must withdraw

The president and his party portray themselves as the saviours of democracy. Their actions say otherwise

American politics

Joe Biden should now give way to an alternative candidate

His last and greatest political act would help rescue America from an emergency

Governing America

What to make of Joe Biden’s plans for a second term

His domestic agenda is underwhelming, unrealistic and better than the alternative

Pointers for the plenum

A pivotal moment for China’s Communist Party

Will Xi Jinping keep ignoring good advice at the party’s third plenum?

Can you make this clearer?

LLMs now write lots of science. Good

Easier and more lucid writing will make science faster and better

The centre cannot hold

Macron has done well by France. But he risks throwing it all away

After the election, populists of the right and left could hobble a centrist president