Middle East & Africa

Markets amid madness

How trading in war-torn Sudan survives—just

Profiteering from conflict is only part of the story

Not wanted here

Turkey is trying to deport Syrian refugees back to a war zone

Many Turks fear Syrian refugees will change the character of their country

Falling apart

Is Syria’s drug-dealing dictator coming in from the cold?

Bashar al-Assad is less of a pariah, but cannot hold the country together

The Philadelphi story

A narrow corridor in Gaza has become an obstacle to a ceasefire

Binyamin Netanyahu says the presence of Israeli troops is crucial. His generals disagree

No petrol, no peace

If Nigeria cannot end fuel shortages, disaster beckons

A new refinery creates a chance to scrap ruinous petrol subsidies

Shoving a central banker aside

The fall of Libya’s central banker triggers a new struggle

It could help the warlord who controls the country’s east

Chilling prospects

How Africans can stay cool as the climate warms

Air-conditioning is only part of the answer

Israel and Turkey’s war of words

The relationship between Israel and Turkey is at breaking point

But the Turkish president is desperate to avoid a regional war

Beyond Belt and Road

China’s relationship with Africa is growing murkier

A decline in capital flows does not necessarily signal disengagement

Israel’s hostages

The one thing Israelis agree on: rescuing the hostages

Bibi’s failure to do so has prompted huge protests

A kingdom divided

Have Israel’s far-right religious nationalists peaked?

They wield great power but schisms within the movement are deepening

Nigeria parties on the cheap

A Nigerian’s guide to weddings during the cozzie livs

Even the most lavish of partygoers are adjusting to a cost-of-living crisis