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How Strong Is Your CV / Resume?

Get a FREE, Confidential Review from a CV / Resume Expert

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How it works

Show us what you're working with. Upload your resume to be reviewed — it’s an easy drag and drop.

What to expect from your resume review

We review your resume comprehensively so you get all the information you need. Feedback topics include:



“The initial impact the resume has when it looks so well done gives a whole different impression.”

J. Michael Williams - Translator, 2 years


What does the ATS see?

75% of job applications are rejected before they are seen by human eyes.

Before your resume reaches the hands of a hiring manager, it often must satisfy an ATS — applicant tracking system. An ATS is a type of software used by recruiters and employers to collect, sort, scan, and rank the job applications they receive for open positions. If a resume is not written with an ATS in mind, a qualified candidate can be easily passed over.

Upload your resume for free and find out what an applicant tracking system will think. Your dream job could depend on it.



"I wrote my own resume and it just wasn't going anywhere. I didn't know what was wrong."


A resume with “pow!”

After returning to school to complete her degree, Leslie had to tie her recent work experience back to her prior industry. Her resume was also crammed and difficult for hiring managers to scan. We helped Leslie tell her career story in a cohesive way that got attention.

We identified skills from her recent work experience that were transferable to her target job.

Leslie’s resume now has a professional work summary and core competencies at the top, calling out her career goals and top qualifications.

Leslie’s resume, giving it the clean, polished look that recruiters and employers want.

“I got the draft back and opened it up and said, ‘Wow!’ It had a pow. Within 30 days, I had two solid offers on the table and one pending.”  - Leslie

Don't leave your next opportunity to chance!

We have helped over one million job-seekers change careers — and we want to help you, too. Getting a second opinion on your resume might make the difference between getting the job and getting rejected.