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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion


Diversity Networks

These pages outline the work of the University of Cambridge in progressing equality through its staff and student networks. They provide information on the networks, their work and getting involved.

The University's diversity plays a key role in sustaining its academic excellence.

The Networks are supported by the University's Equality Champions.

The Equality Champions also have the following areas of specific responsibility:


  • Vacant

Gender Equality

  • Dr Liz Hide, STEMM (Science, Technology, Mathematics and Medicine)
  • Professor Sarah Colvin, AHSSBL (Arts & Humanities)

Race & Inclusion Champions

  • Dr Ali Meghji Sociology
  • Professor Esra Özyürek Divinity  

Disability and Wellbeing Champion

  • Professor Alison Dunning


The Diversity Networks for staff currently include:





Who can join a Diversity Network?

Diversity Networks are open to individuals who work for the University, a College or an associated institution and are members of one of the above protected groups.

Other Diversity Networks include:


What do Diversity Networks do?

Diversity Networks help the University to progress equality by:

  • Providing a regular forum for discussing diversity issues at work or study.
  • Providing networking opportunities.
  • Raising issues in a safe environment.
  • Contributing to policy development and implementation.
  • Organising social events.
  • Arranging events to raise awareness and celebrate diversity.
  • Contributing to staff development activities.

