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Zenless Zone Zero Agent Specialties and Attributes explained

Plus, Attribute Anomalies.

zenless zone zero Von Lycaon, Billy Kid, Anby Demara and Hoshimi Miyabi
Image credit: Eurogamer/HoYoverse

Agent Attributes and Specialties in Zenless Zone Zero are crucial parts of the characters you choose to be on your team. They sort of act like traits where they determine the fighting style, types of damage and weapons they can use in fights.

As with other things found in Zenless Zone Zero, there are multiple layers to Attributes that are worth learning about if you want to deal huge and powerful attacks against enemies that want to stop you.

Without further ado, we're here to explain Agent Specialties and Attributes in Zenless Zone Zero. Plus, we explain what Attribute Anomalies and Distortions are.

On this page:

What are Agent Specialties?

zenless zone zero billy kid face profile
Billy's speciality is 'Attack'. | Image credit: HoYoverse

All Agents have their own specialty and , currently, there are five specialties:

  • Attack - Agents are great at damaging enemies, can quickly build up damage through direct attacks which can end fights as quickly as they begin.
  • Support - Agents can buff others in their teams (and friends) to boost their efficiency. Also, they can enhance and aid teammates.
  • Stun - Agents can quickly build up Daze to put enemies into the Stunned state and have strong control abilities.
  • Defense - Agents can use effective counterattacks and tank incoming attacks from enemies, they also have a strong survivability no matter what's thrown at them.
  • Anomaly - Agents can apply debuffs, accumulate Anomaly Build Up while weakening enemies and deal significant damage with Attribute Anomalies.

You can check an Agent's specialty by entering your Agent menu then selecting the 'Basic Info' tab of the specific Agent you want to know about. Their specialty will be to the right of their level and to the right of the Attribute listing:

zenless zone zero koleda belobog agent menu attribute and speciality highlighted
So, here you can see Koleda's is Stun. | Image credit: Eurogamer/HoYoverse

Here are all of the currently available Agents and their specialties:

Specialty Agents
  • Piper Wheel
  • Grace Howard
  • Alexandrina Sebastiane
  • Nicole Demara
  • Luciana de Montefio (Lucy)
  • Soukaku
  • Anton Ivanov
  • Corin Wickes
  • Nekomiya Mana
  • Soldier 11
  • Billy Kid
  • Zhu Yuan
  • Ellen Joe
  • Koleda Belobog
  • Anby Demara
  • Von Lycaon
  • Ben Bigger
zenless zone zero grace howard agent menu anomaly highlighted
Image credit: Eurogamer/HoYoverse

What are Agent Attributes?

zenless zone zero nicole demara face profile
Nicole's attribute is 'Ether'. | Image credit: HoYoverse

Every Agent in Zenless Zone Zero has their own Attribute and this decides what kind of damage they deal.

Currently, there are five Attribute types:

  • Ether
  • Electric
  • Ice
  • Physical
  • Fire

You can check an Agent's Attribute in the 'Basic Stats' portion of the Agent menu, it'll be listed to the right of the Agent's specialty.

zenless zone zero koleda belobog agent menu attribute and speciality highlighted
Here, you can see that Koleda's is 'Fire'. | Image credit: Eurogamer/HoYoverse

Here are the the currently available Agents and their Attributes:

Attribute Agents
  • Luciana de Montefio (Lucy)
  • Koleda Belobog
  • Ben Bigger
  • Soldier 11
  • Soukaku
  • Von Lycaon
  • Ellen Joe
  • Anton Ivanov
  • Anby Demara
  • Alexandrina Sebastiane
  • Grace Howard
  • Nicole Demara
  • Zhu Yuan
  • Corin Wickes
  • Nekomiya Mana
  • Billy Kid
  • Piper Wheel

As they fight, your character will deal Attribute Damage and in turn this will create Anomaly Buildup. When a character reaches a specific point with the Anomaly Buildup the enemy you're fighting will be inflicted with the same damage as your characters attribute.

zenless zone zero von agent menu ice attribute highlighted
Image credit: Eurogamer/HoYoverse

Here's a list of the Attribute Anomaly effects:

  • Fire Anomaly - Deal Fire Damage to enemies to accumulate Fire Anomaly Buildup, this in turn triggers the Burn effect which deals continuous Fire Damage for a short period of time. Also, using Burn on enemies that are weak to fire can interrupt them.
  • Ice Anomaly - Deal Ice Damage to enemies to accumulate Ice Attribute Anomaly, this in turn triggers both the Frostbite and Freeze effects. Frostbite increases the Critical Damage taken by a target for a period of time. Freeze immobilizes enemies which stops them for a short space of time, and when Freeze ends the Shatter effect is triggered which deals Ice Damage and interrupts enemies.
  • Electric Anomaly - Deal Electric Damage to accumulate Electric Anomaly Buildup, this then triggers the Shock effect. This then causes an enemy to randomly suffer extra Electric Damage when attacked for a short period of time. Using Shock on enemies that are weak to Electric can interrupt them.
  • Ether Anomaly - Deal Ether Damage to accumulate Ether Anomaly Buildup, this then triggers the Corruption effect. Anyone caught in the Corruption effect take extra Ether Damage periodically. Also, using Corruption on enemies weak to Ether can interrupt them.
  • Physical Anomaly - Deal Physical Damage to enemies to accumulate Physical Anomaly Buildup, this then triggers the Flinch and Assault effects. Flinch increases the Daze an enemy takes for a short amount of time and Assault interrupts the enemy while dealing large amounts of Physical Damage.

Agent Attribute Anomaly Training

If you want to learn how to use your chosen Agent's talents to their maximum effect, then you can take part in Agent Attribute Anomaly Training sessions through the VR set at Random Play.

You'll then get placed in an arena where you'll face multiple enemies while using your Agent's Attribute Anomaly, allowing you to get used to all of the tricsk you can pull with it and to learn exactly when it's most effective to use them.

zenless zone zero random play vr training anomaly attribute training session highlighted
Image credit: Eurogamer/HoYoverse

That's it for now! We hope you enjoy Zenless Zone Zero.

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