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**Included as one of FlickR's Top 25 images of 2020**


This is a location I've been meaning to do for some time now but for one reason and other just didn't get around to doing it, seeing as we were now allowed to go back to the Lakes again (now revoked again...) few of us finding ourselves free decided to have a ride up here and this place was on the agenda.


Contrary to the weather forecast it decided to pour down at the time we had planned to visit so we got a good soaking walking here and shooting for the first 45 minutes or so until it cleared up and we got sporadic bursts of light.


I really liked this spot which has plenty of possibilities but it isn't the easiest place to walk about or set up, a big thanks to Mike Tonge for bringing his golfing umbrella and holding it over me while it was still raining, a massive help in this location! I just need to find a way to stop my specs from steaming up at the same time now.... !




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Uploaded on November 2, 2020
Taken on October 6, 2020